View Full Version : Best drugs for depression?

02-25-2014, 07:13 PM
Depression, bi-polar, or just normal? Yesterday I felt great and excited about the future and thinking that things were taking a turn for the greater. Today I've felt depressed and mentally absent and spent the day with suicideal thoughts and questioning if anything matters. Some of it I'd like to think is circumstantial. I am working in construction and its physically demanding and I ask myself, is this just my life forever? What is the point? But I also have thoughts that maybe I should move somewhere else and do something different, but fear that I will still end up feeling the same, because in retrospect, I have done that many times. Apologies for ranting. Drug recommendations that will help me cope, anyone?

02-25-2014, 07:34 PM
Well, after reading thousands of posts,..about drugs and the different types, and names,...
It seems that for some (a few) Prozac is good for depression if it is mild..
Also, (for more than a few) Zoloft has proven to be successful in treating both depression and anxiety..
And, (for more than a few) Lexapro has been a blessing to others in treating depression/anxiety/and even phobias..
Some have also had successes with Remeron but that isn't prescribed as frequently as the others are..A couple here seem to be succeeding with it...

For a physically draining job, demanding, I would probably shoot for with Zoloft or Lexapro...Lexapro being my first choice..and crossing into depress/anxiety/phobia/bipolar


Enduronman... :)

02-25-2014, 08:30 PM
It's so hard to know - everyone responds differently. I don't respond to SSRIs or anything similar, except with bad side effects. I do okay on Wellbutrin (only the name brand, not the generic), and just upped my dose today (was on a low dose - 150 mg). The Wellbutrin is more of a stimulant (which may be of benefit to you), and it helps get me motivated and also helps with the obsessive thoughts. I'm up and down too, just like you described - never diagnosed with bipolar disorder - just easily affected by everything (sensitive). Best wishes...

02-26-2014, 12:01 AM
I find with medications and therapy it's trial and error... Not all therapy and not all meds will work the same on everyone.
There is one cure med.

02-26-2014, 12:06 AM
I find with medications and therapy it's trial and error... Not all therapy and not all meds will work the same on everyone.
There is one cure med.

Pretty much this, sadly.

02-26-2014, 12:07 AM
Not the most encouraging of things to hear, but the right drug is out there for most people. You just have to trial and error a little first. Most people start with SSRIs, as they're often easiest to tolerate.

02-26-2014, 12:11 AM
And it does sound like some classic depression. Sorry. Should have written everything in one post, but I was distracted by some weird noise outside.

02-26-2014, 10:41 AM
I find with medications and therapy it's trial and error... Not all therapy and not all meds will work the same on everyone.
There is one cure med.

so true! my daughter suffers with epilepsy and we have yet to find something that helps her, so frustrating. Just keep trying!

02-28-2014, 01:36 PM
Depression, bi-polar, or just normal? Yesterday I felt great and excited about the future and thinking that things were taking a turn for the greater. Today I've felt depressed and mentally absent and spent the day with suicideal thoughts and questioning if anything matters. Some of it I'd like to think is circumstantial. I am working in construction and its physically demanding and I ask myself, is this just my life forever? What is the point? But I also have thoughts that maybe I should move somewhere else and do something different, but fear that I will still end up feeling the same, because in retrospect, I have done that many times. Apologies for ranting. Drug recommendations that will help me cope, anyone?

Have you been diagnosed with depression? You might have Pure O paired with DP/DR. Do the suicidal thoughts worry you/put you in distress? When you have thoughts of suicide, do you avoid dangerous objects or situations that go in accordance with your suicidal thoughts? Pure O can make the urge feel extremely real, and make you worry so much that in the moment you cant feel happy - but it's actually just a high state of anxiety. Asking things like if anything matters is usually the existentialist mindset that takes place during DP/DR which more often than not will accompany Pure O as well as other major anxiety disorders.

I'm just saying this because I've asked myself questions like that, as well as worried sick about suicidal thoughts but it turned out I had DP/DR,Pure O and hypochondria related to mental health. I kept researching about depression and bi-polar because they seemed to fit the bill best, but I was wrong and I found that out when I was able to consistently have fun everytime I went out with friends, I'm also very able to get out of bed in the morning positive and feeling great. Then again, anxiety and depression do sometimes coexist, just stay positive. A physically demanding job should actually help with depression, physical labour and excercise release endorphins making you feel happy, usually helps depression levels. Try to change your mindset around the same time you make a big life change, for example switching jobs+signing up for the gym and staying committed, while doing those continue to tell yourself that the disorder is a blessing because it's getting you to switch to a job you'll like better, and you'll be active but in a way you enjoy and you'll also look great - in essence, it's making your life better. Negative thinking can be hard to control, but telling yourself positive things continiously will work in the background, even if you feel no relief at first.

Try taking some St Johns Wort, it can be bought at health food stores and I've read it's a very effective drug. If I don't get better I might resort to trying prescribed medication, but I've read it makes you feel pretty shitty. St Johns Wort doesn't have many bad side effects, I'd try it out before trying other more potent drugs. If you do, keep in mind it takes 2 weeks-1 month to start working effectively.

Best of luck, stay positive because you will defeat your anxiety/depression or whatever you may have.

02-28-2014, 05:52 PM
Thanks Michael33, and all the rest of you. I used to take lexapro for my anxiety. I can easily call and have the prescription refilled.
As far as the suicidal thoughts, I have not gotten anxiety over it, or really avoided dangerous things that I can remember... so I do not think it is Pure O. The thing is, at the time they occur it seems so logical, but thinking of it now, seems ridiculous. Very back and forth, each day is either good or bad. Last night I was out with friends though and had a good time, and that was good for me, but I will look into that St John Wort. Hopefully the weekend will continue on a positive note. Appreciate the support!

03-01-2014, 09:29 AM
Hi Jeffry! I've had some pretty good success with Welbutrin as it relates to depression. Everyone is right though - we all must experience a smorgasbord of drugs to find the one that's right for us! Just take it slow, be patient if the first few aren't working out. You'll get there!