View Full Version : feels like im losing my knowledge

03-24-2008, 10:32 AM
can someone just start losing there knowledge? i know one could get alzheimer's, but im only 18. and i feel sleepy all the time too. its really scary. i get my words all mixed up when i talk and i end up making no sence at all. and when i read it takes a second to recognize and pronounce a word and the meaning. i hope this is just my anxiety messing with me:(

The Melody of Rain
03-24-2008, 12:34 PM
Everything is in order. You've obviously been anxious for an extended amount of time, and this is what happens. Basically your brain has lapsed into a defensive mode known as depersonalisation (http://www.dpselfhelp.com). I'll bet you're feeling blank minded too eh? If you click the link back there it'll take you to some forums much the same as this one. This condition is a direct result of anxiety. Your brain was working overtime for awhile and now it must rest. How long the condition will last for depends entirely upon how much you relax. Mine lasted ten months, but thats mainly because I didn't know what was occurring and I thought I was brain damaged - thus making the depersonalization stronger.

Ask me whatever you need to know.

03-24-2008, 01:33 PM
I'm this way too, it's hard to relax when you're feeling so disconnected. I sometimes look around and it feels like my life feels foreign. I can remember everything, it just feels weird to me sometimes. I also attribute a bit of it to spending so much time playing video games in the past and not any time working on my life or spending much time with friends, another sick result of my anxiety. :(

03-25-2008, 07:22 AM
Here's something else to consider. Anxiety tends to suppress activity in areas of the brain responsible for rational thought and reasoning (cerebral cortex) while increasing acivity in the fear center (ie amygdala). So it's really no wonder that anxiety makes you feel like a different person AND reduce your ability to think. On the other hand, your ability to think and remember are still there. They are just kind of 'dormant'

03-25-2008, 10:19 AM
hey man i get the same shit, EXACT SAME SHIT. ITS NOT YOU ITS THE ANXIETY, so dont worry. I remember for about a year or 2 i got rid of my anxiety , the chemicals in my brain were balanced again, and MY KNOWLEDGE RETURNED, i was my self, but not for long.. now my anxiety is back and i find im stumbling with words again etc (all the symptons u listed) BUT NOW I GOT THE KNOWLEDGE TO KNOW THA T ITS JUST THE ANXIETY THATS DOING IT. So letting you know from my perspective.. once you return to your old self, youl be fine.

and pointing out what rob said regarding how that part of the brain is dormant, that is exactly what it is, he has hit the nail on the head.

I wish there was something that we could all take that would cure our anxietys, without having to do trail and error. Im sick of trying meds.