View Full Version : Coming down from a Panic Attack?

02-25-2014, 11:50 AM
Hello all,
I'm new here although I've read tons of threads over the last few months. My question to you is this:
After having a panic attack, do you have "come down" symptoms?
I've asked my doctor this and he says I'm just living in fear of the next one-which in a sense is true, but my panic attacks happen for no reason. They're those fun kind. But I feel after I have one, and mine last for over 30 minutes, I have still the weird tingling in my limbs, my chest hurts, I want to jump out of my skin, and I just start to cry sometimes (which freaks my husband out)
My last panic attack was early yesterday while I was waiting in the ER. I was by myself in room reading my phone when boom. Hit me. I was given .5mg of Ativan which took the edge off until it passed but I still had lingering feelings.
I woke up today feeling like garbage. Felt the tingling sensation and panic again-popped an ativan-cleaned my house and played some COD. I'm on Celexa now, since yesterday, will take a while for them to kick in. In the meantime..here I am.

02-25-2014, 12:00 PM
I think it's because we're constantly thinking about our anxiety and panic attacks that it can cause. It can take a toll on you! Sometimes I can be ok and suddenly I start to feel weird. I think about it as it being a reminder that it's there.

02-25-2014, 12:04 PM
I agree with you, totally.

I am feeling a bit better now having been diagnosed and knowing that these are panic attacks. The more I understand, the better I guess I feel.
Knowledge is power for sure.

02-25-2014, 12:08 PM
Yes it is! Even though when I get hit with a new symptom I want to run to the ER or my doctor, but then I find a lot of people on this forum that go through the similar symptoms as I do. This is a very helpful place with very supportive people.

02-25-2014, 12:09 PM
Welcome new friend :)

02-25-2014, 12:29 PM

Welcome XX! Why were you at the ER to begin with, if I may ask??....

Have a better day!

E-Man.. :)

02-25-2014, 02:31 PM
Thanks for all the warm welcome and advice:)

I was initially at my doctors office to try and figure out what was happening. My BP was alarmingly high and an EKG showed I was having some PVC's. He wouldn't let me go home until I went to the ER to have further tests. He said I had a panic disorder and wanted to have other tests done.

02-25-2014, 02:36 PM
Ok got it!
Oh my, we've got some work to do then...we've all had or have panic disorder and it sucks!! Pardon my French (no one here from France yet, weird)....
We got the US, Canada, Australia, England covered pretty well though...with some Irish folk too!!.. (I probably left someone out but I'm sure they'll alert me)...
When did all this start??? Just boom!! NOW!!! ......

E-Man... :)

02-25-2014, 02:46 PM
I suppose my first panic attack was 3 weeks ago. I've had 3 more since then. They're debilitating. I've never experienced feelings like this before in my life honestly. I've suffered from depression and had issues with anxiety but nothing like this.
I feel disconnected from reality, like I can't believe I'm experiencing this. I feel like a completely different person and I'm going completely mad. The last time it was the worst as I was at my wits end and figured I'd do anything to make it stop.
It's been a day and I still feel like dirt. My brain is mush. My chest is sore and I have no appetite. I love food, I seriously can eat every hour all day. When I have no appetite I know something is up.

I just want to feel like me again.

02-25-2014, 02:49 PM
I want to feel like "me" again means go back to being the functioning, mildly depressed, at times very anxious, girl I was. I dealt with that more or less.

02-25-2014, 02:51 PM
Yes,..classic panic.
What is the short term and long term plans to get this under control because Ativan will only go so far and do so much?
What about any upcoming doctors visits to discuss something like Lexapro or another AD/Anti Anxiety med?
Also, what about a beta-blocker for this panic control...they're awesome for this...
Last nosey question..How old are you???? It'll tell me if maybe your hormones just went kaput suddenly...

E-Man... :)

02-25-2014, 02:59 PM
LMAO!!! ^^^^^^ Hi Frankie!!! Huggles... :)

02-25-2014, 03:13 PM
Thanks:) I'm excited to see how this forum will help me along the way!
I'm 26. Honestly, my life has never been better aside from all this brain chaos. I got married in June, bought my first home in September, love my job, finances aren't a problem. My life is finally somewhere good and I've worked hard to get here. I've been doing good up until a few weeks ago.

I started Celexa and I've made an appointment with my doctor to see him again in 3 weeks after the meds should start working. If they help, I'll just stay on them.

02-25-2014, 03:59 PM
Yes,..brain chaos.
So much happening so quickly...
Married, house, job, everything that is vital to lives to be stable and you snapped on us!!..(just kidding)...Just trying to understand this all...
You've reached the pinnacle (persay) in your life when everything is generally supposed to calm down..ahhhh relaxation, zzzzzz but NOOOO!!!!
We're freaking out!!!
Sudden panic attacks and panic disorder....hmmmmm....
The celexa will definitly calm you down (as it has others here) and you'll just have to keep the ativan around too I guess but you do have a good plan in place!
Happy to see that...an actual plan, doctor, meds, effort, will power,...
It all just boils down to a "stress response" from all this activity (obviously) and it is also hopefully just short term...
We can help you along this path, we know the general routes to take and ones not to take....
Yes, help you along your way!!! That's why we're here....

Mr.Pro-Active Man.. (LOL Frankie!)..
Chris.... :)

Curtis D
02-25-2014, 04:26 PM
your story takes me back 10 yrs ago to my first attack.... i remember it like it was yesterday and everyday since i have been awaiting the next attack and the come out of nowhere and BAM FULL BLOWN PANIC!!! but after 15-30 min i start to taper off and after that i am quite sore but more to the exhausted and totally drained side of things, its almost like i am back to normal after the attack.

02-25-2014, 05:22 PM
I've had different kinds of panic attacks. Some just appear out of the blue: I'm going shopping, take the bus downtown, and, suddenly, I start to feel like I'm going to die. My airways feel constricted, my heart feels as if its beating really rapidly. I feel dizzy, my lips feel numb, etc. Ugh! I know there must be some deep seated reason for why my brain has decided to unleash this on me, but there's really no immediate danger. Those, to me, are the worst.

Then there's the proximate cause panic attacks -- Oh I've got five minutes to turn this paper in, or damn, I forgot the book I need to teach with for class. I was just asked a question I can't answer. I can't find my passport. I'm about to go on stage. These are easier to deal with because, whatever else, there's a reason behind my stress, and, thus, there's some solution or means of addressing this.

Then I have panic attacks that are somewhat proximate cause, as in my mind has become stuck on a problem. But these attacks are also just totally out of proportion to the cause. That's when I faint. Has only happened four times. Now, ironically, I feel great after I faint. It's like hitting control alt delete. I am, of course, embarrassed to be on the ground staring up at people, but my body is pretty well relaxed when I come to.

It can take quite some time for me to feel better after an out-of-the-blue panic attack. First thing - I drink a lot of water. Keep myself hydrated. Drinking cold water is a positive action that helps calm me down and gives me a reason to, well, pee. If I can pee, then I'm ok. Yup, I'm convinced that I won't die on the toilet. :) Second thing, I have a bunch of mantras that I say to myself: This too shall pass. I am not dying. I'm just having a panic attack. I'll just let it go through my system. My therapist has given me a bunch of these. I like a mantra from the book Dune:

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has passed I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
And where it has gone, there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

I also recite poetry I've memorized.

The trick is to recognize that panic attacks happen and to develop your own set of strategies for how to deal with them. Frankly, I think cleaning the house is a great method. Treat yourself as well. Get some ice cream. Have a cup of warm chocolate. I also have some lavender oil.

02-25-2014, 07:11 PM
Great advice, and I thank you for it.
I have been referred to a psychiatrist and I'm hoping to get in soon. In the meantime I'm trying to figure out ways I can improve my days.
I have to work quite often and there's no way I can take any time off. I'm anxious about going back tomorrow but I have Ativan to help if I need it. It doesn't make me sleepy at all, a little foggy but that's okay. I can deal with fog.
I also went grocery shopping today which was terrifying but I got through it. I didn't want to leave the house which is weird for me-I always loved being on the go. I bought lots of healthy stuff and planned my lunches. I don't eat as well as I should and I'm thinking if I do maybe that'll help. My husband was proud of my choices and that made me happy in itself.
The climate where I live is utterly dreadful. It's -37 out now so walking to work like I usually do is out of the question. I really enjoy walking. I know exercising helps with my depression but I haven't been able to so much of that. My work schedules aren't ideal-I get up at 9 or 10am because my sleep is all messed up (chronic insomnia for years) I take sleeping meds for that. Then I'm off to work for 12 and I get home at 930pm.
I'm hoping once this winter passes in a few months and it's nice outside, I'll get to walk more enjoy my new home. Right now I really can't. It's so cold and it's been so cold since October. Summertime always means being outside, having friends and family over for drinks and BBQ and Bon fires, camping, etc. I think with the Celexa and those things combined that I'll be better. Well, close to better.

My fear is I'll be this way forever. And I can't. I just can't feel this way anymore.