View Full Version : Glad I found this site!

02-25-2014, 12:32 PM
Hi all, I'm new to the forum, glad I found this website! I'm a 33 year old female from the east coast, USA. I'm an LPN but am currently a stay at home mom to my kids. I have dealt with mild anxiety issues since I was a teenager (runs in the family). I had a bit of a stressful year last year, and have started to have mild panic attacks. When they start they are really stressful and exhausting.

I have taken Zoloft in the past for my anxiety, which helped tremendously, but caused me to gain 45 lbs., and to have an "I don't care about anything attitude," so I went off of it several years ago. My doctor also tried me on Prozac, which didn't work (made me grouchy), and now I'm taking 10 mg of Celexa daily, but I don't think it's working. It makes me feel spaced out, and I'm scared of gaining weight on it like I did zoloft. I'm going to let my doctor know that I'm not sure if the Celexa is working either. I thought maybe joining a forum to talk to others may help some.

I have health related anxiety (my mother had same type of anxiety). I worry about my health easy, & have recently started to get terrible "white coat syndrome" at the doctors office which causes my blood pressure and heart rate to go up very high. Ironically, I'm an LPN (nurse) lol. I quit a stressful nursing job a while back, and the anxiety seems to have started manifesting around that time. I'm not sure if my being a nurse working in a stressful environment triggered the panic attacks or what, but I think it definitely contributed to the attacks. I have seen a cardiologist who says my heart is fine. I do suffer from genetic high blood pressure though, which I take BP medicine for. He has recorded my heart on EKG and echo testing when my heart is beating fast, and my BP is high during a panic attack, but says my heart muscle is strong. I feel like my heart is going to pound out of my chest during a panic attack. I have been taking multivitamins lately, and they seem to be helping some. Anyway, just wanted to say hi & glad I found the forum!

02-25-2014, 03:13 PM
Hi PathfinderGrl, very nice to meet you and welcome to the forum, I hope you can find the help here that you need.

02-25-2014, 03:22 PM
Welcome PFG!!

Make yourself comfortable and at home!!
Hey Cully good to see you and hope you're doing well too!!

E-Man... :)

02-25-2014, 03:31 PM
Yes i am well thanks E-Man and yourself! I have adopted your WTF attidude it seems to be the best piece of weaponry against anxiety I have, its working like a charm!. :D.

02-25-2014, 03:41 PM
YES!!! It is the best weaponry known to control it...You're very gifted bruh because it's easy to say and usually much harder to do for most..I am impressed my friend!!. You're inspiring others too Cully!...

Now if you could just also teach your new methods to others, let them know how it works, how to adopt it, how to use it...and to stop the thing that feeds this Monster more than any other...worry.....Hence=WTF training!!

Great to see you cheerful brother!!

E-Man.. :)

02-25-2014, 03:50 PM
True E-man an intrusive thought just with withers and dies when its met with WTF do you think i really fucking care!

02-25-2014, 03:56 PM
True E-man an intrusive thought just with withers and dies when its met with WTF do you think i really fucking care!

YES!!!! Exactly!!!!......and puts YOU in control in tenths of a second too...

E-Man.. :D

02-26-2014, 07:40 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome!