View Full Version : Reassurances please

03-24-2008, 05:25 AM
I am currently in a very bad place. I feel really on the edge of doing something stupid. The problem in that I really am scared of dieing and I do not want to leave my family behind as it would devastate them. I currently live at home with my dad as my wife couldn't cope. I feel hopeless and totally and utterly helpless. My unwanted thoughts are making me scared and adding to my anxiety which is already unmanageable. Has anyone got any words of advice that could help me cope in this insuffereable condition.

03-24-2008, 06:56 AM
Stop trying to fight your anxiety and obsessive thoughts. Allow them to exist, while trying to live your life as best as you can. Even if you can't do much at this time, every little bit counts, as it 'nudges' your mind away from anxiety. By giving up the fight with anxiety, you will not 'lose it' or 'crack'. Rather, anxiety will be reduced - even if only by a little at first. Also realize that your anxiety problem will be with you for some time to come - recovery is almost NEVER quick. It will also likely get worse from time to time for no apparent reason. This is normal, as recovery is seldom a smooth process. And don't be alarmed if new symptoms pop up. This is also common during recovery. So be patient. And remember not to fight it. Because the more you fight it, the stronger it gets.

03-24-2008, 10:47 AM
Thanks Robbed for helping to calm me down. Much appreciated.