View Full Version : Fear of sleep advice for all sufferers

02-25-2014, 08:17 AM
Guys Eman was concerned about the massive sufferers from fear of sleep. since eman doesnt fear anything coz he is da man :P let me give some advices. i have been there for one month. i couldnt sleep coz my anxiety started when i woke up. also i had an immense fear of other things which i am not going to tell just to keep you out of obsessions :). see all u have to do is to have some positive experiences so u will change the way u think. u should get tired all day, and u shouldnt take naps. before bed drink some chamomile tea and then read. i insist on reading and no tv or cellphone. just read. then kill all the lights or leave some light just for those who fear darkness. then imagine something beautiful like a beach or u making love or i dont know. if these things dont work u should take some meds. take a strong one for some days, just to conquer the fear and have some positive feedback. one thing is sure nothing happens during sleep, you just sleep. sleep is something great as u dont feel anxiety during it. o and dont think about it during the day or when u close your eyes. the more u think the more it goes. anything else please ask. i have overcome that fear and i am an expert.

02-25-2014, 09:11 AM
Thank you Cimi some great advice there, and yes I know you too had this fear a month or so ago too... appreciate your thread friend, it is possible to overcome this!

Have a good day friend!

E-Man.. :)