View Full Version : Realising what may triggee my anxiety at night

02-25-2014, 05:50 AM
I don't need to get into details but 17 years ago for a year I was not kidnapped but coerced into a what turned out to be a living hell for a year. Soon was threatened and brainwashed by this couple. Anyways.. I went through extreme trauma and most occurred at night.
Which is just dawning on me why my anxiety peaks at night and why most of my panic attacks happen at night.
Also while I was pregnant with my daughter I was almost mugged at knife point, walking home from work.. In the evening, and it was dark. When I told the 4 men who swarmed me I was pregnant one pulled out a knife... Luckily someone can w y which distracted them and they ran off.
This has also made me not like being out at night, especially by myself. And I've now wondered if this experience had an impact on me more than I have realised.

I'm not looking for advise or answers just discussing. Putting my thoughts out to see and was wondering if anyone else can think of possible sources for their anxiety and panic and why it is how it is.

I know at night when all is quiet I have more time to go over everything and anxiety happens because of that but just had this 'revelation' of also why nights are peak anxiety times for me.

02-25-2014, 05:51 AM
Ack typo.. Trigger not triggee in my topic title

02-25-2014, 08:56 AM
Yes I always just get more anxious at night too...time to think about things and there may be 100's of triggers.

Have a great day blondie!!

E-Man... :)