View Full Version : Moms with panic attacks

02-25-2014, 02:51 AM
This is my first post.I am a mom of a 17 month old baby and I am suffering from panic attacks.Is there any other mom out there who is experiencing the same thing? I am having panic attacks since I was 17 years old and coping with them fairly well but since I gave birth I am feeling more fearful and fragile.

02-25-2014, 03:33 AM
Hello there I've had mine since I was 17 to I'm now 38,I am a mum of two,are you in anything to help you?

02-25-2014, 05:19 AM
Im a mom of 2 who also experienced panic attacks although not as much now since starting meds and meditation.

02-25-2014, 05:25 AM
I'm a mom of two with panic attacks. I've had them for ten years, shortly after the birth of my youngest. Hormones seem to play a part.

02-25-2014, 05:36 AM
I am a mom of two children and have had PTSD which triggered panic attacks and anxiety for almost 17 years now.
If being a new mom is making you more anxious or you are finding that your attacks occur more,maybe join a moms group to learn more. On Facebook there is an excellent group called 'Informed Choice: Birth and Beyond'. It's a closed group so it will only show up in members feeds. No worries about friends or family seeing it. You can find a lot of info and support there.
Mostly it's really good... Unless you choose to be in a heated topic... Which happens ( like lately the topic if circumcision was quite the topic.. And there has been some racial topics)
My advice is to find support... Here is a great place. Oh and Facebook has other groups that are for people with anxiety, panic, OCD etc etc.

Over the years I've tried many meds and seen many psychiatrists and counselors.
I go off and on SSRIs because I try to stay off meds. I do breathing exercises and have downloaded apps on my phone that are relaxing and/or take my mind off my panic/ anxiety. I so sometimes meditate and use aromatherapy. Lavender is a very relaxing herb. You can put a few drops in a bath, a couple under your pillow or in a candle to relax.
Find what works for you, have supports and be positive!