View Full Version : religion ...

02-24-2014, 11:45 PM
Touchy subject n i know no one really likes to go there. I know what i believe but i choose not to share it because people don't always agree with me but at the end of the day, religion is a personal choice. Should be as respected as every other human right. I never push my beliefs on people and I'm always open to the opinions of others but people with no belief scare me. Basically saying you live without hope. No belief that there's something better out there. Faith is a choice and people choose to believe what they want... just believe in something. Thoughts or opinions?

02-25-2014, 12:07 AM
Belief is a wise wager. Granted that faith cannot be proved, what harm will come to you if you gamble on its truth and it proves false? If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, without hesitation, that He exists.

Blaise Pascal

Anxious Abi
02-25-2014, 12:07 AM
I believe just because you don't subscribe to a particular religion doesn't mean you don't believe in anything.
I believe that people can be good with religion and without.
I believe that children are our future. LOL
I believe that a connection to Earth is spiritual.
I believe that marriage is a right of society, not of religion.
I believe in karma, what you give is what you get returned,
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned,
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side..
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye.
OK i'm definitely just singing a savage garden song now.
Best wishes.

02-25-2014, 12:08 AM
Well said :)

02-25-2014, 12:22 AM
Politics and Religion; two things I try to stay away from, as throughout the whole of history, nobody has ever changed anothers opinion on either ;)

That being said, I don't think this thread is opinion based, but rather about your personal connection with something. Which is interesting, and plus I can't sleep - So I'll shoot.

The hope that something better is out there. Isn't that one of the main reasons religion has stayed alive for so long? If there was no death, and no disease, would many people care about religion? Of course not. In a way religion is for many people just another form of escapism. A coping mechanism. A way of processing and even accepting some unbearable horrors that await pretty much all of us.

This is in no way me saying I think certain religious/spiritual beliefs are right or wrong - cos I have no clue, same as everybody else!

Even though some may just use religion as a coping mechanism, the same way another may use alcohol, and another nature.. I think that's ok.
Cos life's freaking devastating at times. You've got to believe in something. You've just got to. Doesn't matter if that something is religion, God, or fate as many people believe, or whether you believe everything happens for a reason, in human kind, or whether you believe in karma or some form of unity or grand connection between all beings...
Or if none of that floats your boat, you've at least got to believe in yourself. You've got to believe in your own power of resolve. Or believe in love or joy. You've got to believe peace is out there (or in there) for you.

A life with no belief is hard. But I do believe all belief is equal. Whether a person believes in God, or simply that life will get better for them - it's all powerful. Belief is just a mindset, whatever a person chooses to connect that mindset to, I don't think that's anywhere near as important as having it in the first place.

But that's where we seem to go really wrong. We try to make others believe what we believe, instead of just helping them believe in something. In something that they can connect to.

Cos that's what saves your soul and makes life bearable. It's not any type of religion or spirituality *necessarily*.. but just the very act of believing.

02-25-2014, 12:27 AM

That's a very interesting response and i enjoyed reading your thoughts. Yes some call religion a coping mechanism etc. Again everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. Again you are correct in guessin something happened to me to make my beliefs solid. I've had more than a few things happen. People can science or theorize them away but i choose to believe what i know to be true by personal experience because these experiences were beyond words. Now i did not see an angel in a dress with wings lol as people like to portray them but I've seen felt and experienced enough. :) thank you.

Anxious Abi
02-25-2014, 12:34 AM
Very nice, brilliant post Jesse. Interesting read. Glad you shot.

BrokenWings001, sometimes I wish more than anything I had a religion, I like the idea of always having something to have faith in, someone to turn to, the community of the church. Maybe one day I will have an experience that will lead me to have faith in that way, who knows.


02-25-2014, 12:44 AM
I hope so to Abi!!! But i found it alone and on my own lol sure my parents tried to force their beliefs on me but i hate labels. (I believe in the holy trinity. God, Christ, & the holy spirit. We'll leave it at that.) Church is great don't get me wrong but my beliefs give me an inner strength that shines at the most random times :) honestly more than anything i think this world needs love. Compassion. Understanding. I know we'll never live in a world where we don't have to lock our doors but i wish common courtesy was around more :/

02-25-2014, 06:19 AM
I grew up with basically no religion in my home. We used
to live next door to a church. My brother and I would attend
Vacation bible school just to get out of the dysfunctional house hold even for an hour.
I do believe in
the Holy Trinity. I've been preached at, told that God was punishing
me with depression because of my sins, and have been attacked
verbally by an atheist. My choice to believe had nothing to do
any of the above. It was my own decision based on things I've
personally experienced. I wish everyone peace of mind today.

02-25-2014, 07:23 AM
I believe just because you don't subscribe to a particular religion doesn't mean you don't believe in anything.
I believe that people can be good with religion and without.
I believe that children are our future. LOL
I believe that a connection to Earth is spiritual.
I believe that marriage is a right of society, not of religion.
I believe in karma, what you give is what you get returned,
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned,
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side..
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye.
OK i'm definitely just singing a savage garden song now.
Best wishes.
fantastic answer AA;))

I never push my beliefs on people and I'm always open to the opinions of others but people with no belief scare me. Basically saying you live without hope.

Pure B Shit my dear young lady, do not go there, do not make statement like that , please. U have not idea what you are talking about!!!

If there was no death, and no disease, would many people care about religion? Of course not. In a way religion is for many people just another form of escapism. A coping mechanism. A way of processing and even accepting some unbearable horrors that await pretty much all of us.
nicely said , thank you Jessed:)

02-25-2014, 07:29 AM
Politics and Religion; two things I try to stay away from, as throughout the whole of history, nobody has ever changed anothers opinion on either ;)

That being said, I don't think this thread is opinion based, but rather about your personal connection with something. Which is interesting, and plus I can't sleep - So I'll shoot.

The hope that something better is out there. Isn't that one of the main reasons religion has stayed alive for so long? If there was no death, and no disease, would many people care about religion? Of course not. In a way religion is for many people just another form of escapism. A coping mechanism. A way of processing and even accepting some unbearable horrors that await pretty much all of us.

This is in no way me saying I think certain religious/spiritual beliefs are right or wrong - cos I have no clue, same as everybody else!

Even though some may just use religion as a coping mechanism, the same way another may use alcohol, and another nature.. I think that's ok.
Cos life's freaking devastating at times. You've got to believe in something. You've just got to. Doesn't matter if that something is religion, God, or fate as many people believe, or whether you believe everything happens for a reason, in human kind, or whether you believe in karma or some form of unity or grand connection between all beings...
Or if none of that floats your boat, you've at least got to believe in yourself. You've got to believe in your own power of resolve. Or believe in love or joy. You've got to believe peace is out there (or in there) for you.

A life with no belief is hard. But I do believe all belief is equal. Whether a person believes in God, or simply that life will get better for them - it's all powerful. Belief is just a mindset, whatever a person chooses to connect that mindset to, I don't think that's anywhere near as important as having it in the first place.

But that's where we seem to go really wrong. We try to make others believe what we believe, instead of just helping them believe in something. In something that they can connect to.

Cos that's what saves your soul and makes life bearable. It's not any type of religion or spirituality *necessarily*.. but just the very act of believing.

When you can't sleep, you creative juices must flow

This is the most well thought out post I have seen for quite a bit

Go to sleep so you can be up later

02-25-2014, 07:31 AM
People watch what you are writing it is not church this place and not bible school. It becomes it instead of being a place to discuss the religions. I believe that earthworm is holy, I believe in moon and shadows of night and three witches ......he how does it sound??????????????

02-25-2014, 08:06 AM
I start with saying that I do respect everyone's beliefs; really. In fact I think different religions and practices are quite interesting. And in my opinion, nothing is right or wrong. People can believe what ever they want to believe. Because we all need to believe in something. People need that kind of hope...I mean, thinking there's nothing left after death seems like a pretty bleak outlook..It might just be easier to believe something unrealistic than accept an end to everything..

"Heaven is a story invented for people who fear the dark." - Stephen Hawking.

I know it's about faith for the religious, and I do understand and respect that. But all organized religion is on the verge of being just a bit silly now. It's a violent hobby for the brainwashed at it's worst, and a social club for the lonely at its best.

Now I feel like I may be treading on eggshells here; everyone seems to not want to upset the religious people. And I'm sorry if I did! It's not my intention. But the religious people don't seem to return the favor.. It appears to be okay for them to be condescending to the non-religious because in their world, they believe god is on their side.. could it get any more deluded??

In the end though, after all is said and done, it doesn't mean there is no god though, does it? I don't know if god exists and neither does anyone else.

02-25-2014, 08:39 AM
I start with saying that I do respect everyone's beliefs; really. In fact I think different religions and practices are quite interesting. And in my opinion, nothing is right or wrong. People can believe what ever they want to believe. Because we all need to believe in something. People need that kind of hope...I mean, thinking there's nothing left after death seems like a pretty bleak outlook..It might just be easier to believe something unrealistic than accept an end to everything..

"Heaven is a story invented for people who fear the dark." - Stephen Hawking.

I know it's about faith for the religious, and I do understand and respect that. But all organized religion is on the verge of being just a bit silly now. It's a violent hobby for the brainwashed at it's worst, and a social club for the lonely at its best.

Now I feel like I may be treading on eggshells here; everyone seems to not want to upset the religious people. And I'm sorry if I did! It's not my intention. But the religious people don't seem to return the favor.. It appears to be okay for them to be condescending to the non-religious because in their world, they believe god is on their side.. could it get any more deluded??

In the end though, after all is said and done, it doesn't mean there is no god though, does it? I don't know if god exists and neither does anyone else.
Now I know why I like you so much :))) it is one hell of the post. Thanks...

02-25-2014, 08:54 AM

People may write whatever they choose. Its my thread i started and everyone has the right to their beliefs. Whether you believe in anything or not, have the manners to respect others if you yourself want to be respected. Thank you & thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts.

02-25-2014, 09:06 AM
I respect others and their believe just do not stuff me with it!

I believe in the holy trinity. God, Christ, & the holy spirit. Should I start to pray some pagan prayers????????? Would like it?

You posted the thread in a public forum and whoever want to post here is more that welcome. There is not mine or your's thread, it is public. I am too old for that .....

02-25-2014, 09:11 AM
Where is Ponder when I need him for support:)))))))) drawing probably :)

02-25-2014, 09:17 AM
You're the one attacking me. I never said you had to believe anything simply shared my beliefs and you attacked them. Expression is one thing, but attackin someones beliefs or opinions is another. Its pure ignorance at its best. If you respect another human being you don't attack them. Period.

02-25-2014, 09:23 AM
What was the question?...
Ok..I think that each individual person can believe in whatever they choose to believe in, without prejudice or judgment...or arguing.
And, that we're all friends, regardless of what the others beliefs may be...it isn't our place to judge a friend.
AND,...I hate threads on politics and religion because they always end up in some sort of never ending battle..
just like religion and politics fuel the wars, death, and carnage around this globe...to this day.
Let's just all play nicely together regardless of race, religion, color, creed, nationality, etc...etc....
Love each other...as brothers and sisters, and Mum, Mam, or Mom... LOL!

Have a great day all!!

Enduronman... :)

02-25-2014, 09:28 AM
I love all people, black, gay, Muslim, Jew, male, female, Christian, atheist...

It's just those f**ckers from Indiana I can't stand ;) ;)

02-25-2014, 09:29 AM
Send my penny today you f***in beyotch!!! LMAO!!! :) :)

02-25-2014, 09:31 AM
Send my penny today you f***in beyotch!!! LMAO!!! :) :)

It's in the post ;) 12-24 days the guy said. I missed last post, so it'll be shipped as of tomorrow

02-25-2014, 09:45 AM
Love ya BRUH!!!! Thank YOU!!!.....Good luck shall be coming my way!!!
And when it does, I'll share it with you too...I'll send something else over your way.. :)

E-Man... :D

02-25-2014, 09:50 AM
I just procrastinate too much. I needed a kick up the butt to send it.

How could I ignore a petition!

02-25-2014, 09:54 AM
BAHAAAAHA!! We ALLLLLL procrastinate man..hell I did it until there wasn't 1000 people at the post office standing in line!
How did you like that stuff and what was your fav out of all that??? The DHEA????


02-25-2014, 10:06 AM
I'm putting in a plug for organized religion. I go to church, an Episcopalian church, so its quite liberal. I find it intellectually meaningful - the Bible is one of the world's great pieces of literature, if nothing else, and there are some striking passages to be read there. My sister is getting her M Div, but she's a wiccan. What's surprised her is how diverse Christianity can be, it can really depend on the congregation or the denomination.

I guess for me the organized part works. I like the liturgy, the creeds, the confession of sin, etc. There's a line in the confession of sin that reads "forgive me for what I've done and left undone." I love that line because it forces me to think about what more I could be doing, what I should be doing.

I find challenging as well having to reconcile what is written in the Bible with what are the more enlightened views of humanism. Does one pick and choose? Do you dismiss the less user-friendly parts as a historical moment in which people felt x about y. To each his or her own.. I say just read widely and remain curious, open-minded.

For some strange reason, what unnerves me more, much more, than a godless universe is a universe without life on other planets. I'm a big fan of science fiction and loved Star Trek. I'd really feel like things were completely randomly crazy if our planet was the only one that held life.

No God, gods, Ultimate Truth. Ok, saw it coming. Heck, what's there to do.

But, a totally random universe with just us, on a planet that will eventually get swallowed up in our sun's supernova. Ick!! I find that way more existentially frightening.

02-25-2014, 10:16 AM
That's actually a very interesting posts, and I also have Universal questions too...
I don't seem to really know you Perses and it appears that you've been here for quite some time too so I'm Chris, to make an introduction...
as I know most others by formal name yet use our screen names to communicate here of course...
Hope to see more of you around the forums too, I like your style and how you present..

Have a good day Perses...

Enduronman... :)

02-25-2014, 10:16 AM
Right Eman :))
No I am not attacking , I am going to post frigging pagan prayer and it is a SIN for good catholics to read it:))) I know being born and raised as one. Thanks to goddess I had open-minded parents, or maybe they did not care enough. Just remember going to the psychic is a sin and reading any prediction or making any prediction is one as well....
I am not against religion, but the system and brain washing behind that. The system with pedophiles who think I should tell them about my sins, so I get the absolution hehehe

There is a mass when everyone says the sins outload, it is very impressing, I like that idea, because no person does right all the time, we do a lot of harm to others, and ourselves. Saying something outloud is acknowledging it, so the first step is done. I know it because I attended one, it was beautiful. I bet you do not even know that something like that is in Catholic church?
Of course brain washing is the most effective when is on bases one to one.

This is my last post in this thread, I will try to restrain myself, and probably just leave this forum soon, which is changing into scientist:" church:))) brain washing, this is what I have in mind

02-25-2014, 11:05 AM
Religion and politics are only a big deal if people make them one. This is why i don't share my thoughts. People judge. Jump to conclusions. Spazz out. I'm done with this site. Some things never change.

02-25-2014, 11:21 AM
Religion and politics are only a big deal if people make them one. This is why i don't share my thoughts. People judge. Jump to conclusions. Spazz out. I'm done with this site. Some things never change.

NOOOO!!! Don't run off BW!!! grrrr......


02-25-2014, 11:38 AM

I agree the bible has "some" good bits of literature, it's got some bloody hideous crap in it too.

"Rape, incest, child molestation, murder..flesh being torn off by demons...and the list goes on.

It's a collection of books written by men, the idea that it was divinely dictated relies basically on taking the word of 4000 year old Israeli fishermen.

If the words were meant to be divinely dictated by a supernatural entity (who supposedly created the thing in the first place, surely "God" wouldn't omit a few basics.

For example:

The bible states that the world is flat - Wrong

The bible states the world is 6000 years old - I don't care what anyone says - this is indisputably WRONG

The bible states that sun orbits the earth - Wrong

Onto the really crucial bits:

Adam and Eve - Eve created from the rib of Adam? = 100% DNA from Adam = Yes! Another...Adam????

Jesus - born of a virgin? = 100% DNA from Mary = Yes you guessed it, Jesus would have been another Mary!!

Unless of course you buy the Hebrew version whereby Mary is raped by a celestial being without her prior knowledge or consent (divine rohypnol obviously)

Not to mention the vast majority of Jesus' teachings are plagiarised from much earlier works, for example "love thy neighbour" (Confucius...NOT Jesus)

.............AND THE LIST GOES ON..........

So from all this "wonderful literature", we realise that the anti gay sentiments of Leviticus (re written by king James who was a know pedophile I might add!) and so the teen LGBT suicides begin, families torn apart by it, people left to think they are going to hell....not to mention interracial marriages, slavery....people refusing medical treatment and trying to heal each other by talking and asking for help from fresh air...etc.....etc.....etc

So Liberal Churches pop up, the softer and more accepting breed of Christian. Who now simply cherry pick the good bits and well.....wind the rest of the crappy bits up as "metaphorical" .............????.

Anyone can gain a life perspective from books (there are far better ones than the bible)

But if you do not truly believe in raped angels, fire and brimstone, phenomena that has never been repeated in thousands of years, and you can only believe it happened in the first place based on the words of 4000 year of men who said god told them the earth was flat.


As for the "it'll do no harm to believe at least that way if it's true I have gained and if not I haven't lost" - actually yes you've lost a lot of time singing and clapping to thin air, allowed politicians and church leaders to restrict the basic rights of Gay men and Women.

And what of the other species on the planet, does my dog believe in Jesus? Does your Cat believe in God? - Why is the human race so special? That we deserve 2 lives? A seat on some unknown table in an unknown part of the universe that NASA have been searching through for 75 years, and not one wave from Jesus.

If you were to speak of alien impregnation, men being turned to pillars of salt and your mate walking on water.....using any other term than "Jesus or God" you would placed on anti psychotics.

If you were to use rational judgment in any other field with the amount of inconsistencies, contradiction and complete reliance of magic and the supernatural that defy every physical law known to mankind, it would never get its foot in the door.

Life is beautiful and complex enough why the need to complicate it with highly improbable, beyond the stretch of the imagination reasons?

It wasn't so long ago people sacrificed to Zeus. I'm sure the ancient Greeks had faith in their belief also.

Rant over ... (Awaits the barrage of rotten vegetables thrown in my direction).

02-25-2014, 11:53 AM
Let he who is without sin cast the first vegetable :)

02-25-2014, 11:59 AM
I am trully "Blessed" {smile} to be in group of such intelligent people, educated, and tolerant people. One feels honored.
14 I had read your post twice and well (blushing) I copied it and saved it to my comp, as 14 rant in Religion thread, It is awesome. English is my second language and I can not express myself in it as well as 99 % people here... It is good to have people like you on forum.. thank you

ooooooops I am not suppose to post here :(

02-25-2014, 12:19 PM
I'm still here E-man. Just choosing not to share anymore. Ill be here to listen ok :)

02-25-2014, 12:24 PM
OK!! glad yer still here!!..... :)


02-25-2014, 12:29 PM
:D i may leave a conversation but i don't leave my friends ;) here when you need me!

02-25-2014, 01:27 PM
Trigger intended if I ever saw dahlia. Must of saw my reaction. Looks as if I have 4 pages of dribble to read. Let you know shortly, lest it turn into more.

Edit ... Five it is!

02-25-2014, 02:27 PM
I am trully "Blessed" {smile} to be in group of such intelligent people, educated, and tolerant people. One feels honored. 14 I had read your post twice and well (blushing) I copied it and saved it to my comp, as 14 rant in Religion thread, It is awesome. English is my second language and I can not express myself in it as well as 99 % people here... It is good to have people like you on forum.. thank you ooooooops I am not suppose to post here :(

Jesse and Frankie, you can keep your veg in the oven! :)

Dahila, you are definitely one up on me, I can barely speak a phrase in any other language than my native English.

What's your first language? :)

02-25-2014, 03:19 PM

Nothing good has ever come from it.

There are generally three variants to define what religion is in the dictionary. I believe the following one overshadows and is the controlling factor that best defines the word:
: an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods

I personally believe humans are fallible in there need to look externally - and in doing so play right into the minds ego which in this case, not only controls the self, but also the masses. This type of control has carved out Civilizations as well as destroyed each and everyone of them. So effective at controlling, is such a "System of Belief, Symbolism and Rules" that the very definition is adopted in politics and as I have come to understand it - was taken on board in such a context with Constantine.

Bla bla bla ...

I recommend watching the movie ELI in such a context - right up to the very end, where they place the Bible along side all the others ones! You may or may not see it as I did ... but during the film, they portray very well the corruption and attraction of Religion itself ... For me - that was highlighted with the array of books at the end, how more important such control was to have these "rule books" more for the sake of control than for any good. Double edge sword that always ends in war and nothing more.


I don't believe The Book Saves Humanity - but more so Exposes Humanity.

I must give it another watch. I think you might like it Dahila - ? Have you seen it?
__________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

I think in an anxiety forum we owe it to others to keep the yahoo religious folk from provoking others. More often than not, most people affected by religion have a negative impact and find it hard to discuss because of the pain endured. If it ever offered the kind of compassion and peace it so professes, then they should respect the very definition of the word religion and not load it like some kind of bullet and tell everyone they mean no harm. Nothing ever comes good from it but hostility - an need to defend, "Oh well said" - a need to validate - Bla Bla "chapter 3" Varese 13" Bla Bla, a need to Symbolize - a need to Judge - a need to control - a need to be right - a need to fit in - a need to obtain, and on and on and on ...

So hurtful the words God, Jesus, Muhammad, Allah and so on have become, that they are all carried atop of bullets flying around the world whether it be sovereign war or just plain suburban murder.

There is hope though - because whilst commercialism is selling religion, the blatant compromises these churches now make - shows the world just how shallow and greedy they really are. It's more fashionable and a club thing for most these day ... Sigh... I find hope in the waning attraction of religion to what it once was. Those that clutch at straws will claim its on the rise, and indeed it is - but only as a movement that can now clearly be seen for the true evil it really is. Nothing more than a collective group of elites controlling many addicts and sheep. Dahila - I refer to that Jesus Meme I posted ... so true, albeit those that truly believe would simply remove the part about solely being just an activist and good on them if they are able to remain true.

Which then now makes me think on the importance of having a Belief ... Hell Yea! That has nothing to do with Religion ... Religion is just a bullet that plays into all that control bla bla and feeds the debaters with nothing else to do than stir up shit. But to believe in something is better than nothing ... In the context of this forum that would be building self esteem - Not focusing on religion as a topic itself.

Religion has offered this world nothing but pain - Again - such associate words are nothing more than bullets themselves.

Trigger Thread - ... validation, please like and subscribe - ... nothing but a call to arms whilst attempting to remain impartial. They thrive on this kind of thing ... Oh here we go - Us and Them ... Religion ... As I said - No doubt well aware of the type of zone it creates and could not resist.

Come on back to my thread Dahila ---- it's good to know whos who, and that's yet another an the avoid list.

Be seeing you soon. ;)

PS - hopes religion is not something that is becoming more a part of this dam forum ... anytime you want to move on Dahila - I too am ready also. I care less for sticking on one place as it is. Religion creeping on in this place hey? Lets see - if it keep happening - I'm all for leaving. Edit ... on that Note - there was a good forum I attended called "My Therapy Forum" I left because it is FULL of religious opinionated debating and defensive types - they react negatively to those who speak out regarding the damage religion has done to them. Not at first - but they chat, then pounce ...

02-25-2014, 04:49 PM
I haven't read any of this, saving a few headlines that stuck out as I was scrolling, but I thought I would contribute a bit.

When you actually start to study the core of religion, I think its hard to say it is anything, but wonderful. The teachings, in regards to morality and life guidance are phenomenal. In addition, most religions can be traced back through ancient history and provide a lot of valuable information in our scientific studies of human origin and universal understanding.

However, for quite some time we have had this notion that religion is corrupt, and farce. We have notions like religion:

1. Religion causes war
2. Religions are only created out of fear of death/unknown (Which is more philosophical than factually accurate, at least in terms of ancient religion)
3. Religion is greedy, judgmental, etc

However, none of this is true, or has any basis. Its a rather convenient way to continue to place the blame off of us.

The only thing corrupt is man. And, man certainly manipulates religion to his will, to control others, and wage war. In this sense, religion becomes corrupt. If you are (in my opinion) an individual that chooses not to confront the corruption of society, man, and religion, then you become someone following the corruption. We are conditioned from day one to look elsewhere for answers, to trust authority, and to doubt ourselves. In this way, many end up following corrupted religion.

But, in the end, religion isn't corrupt, it is a tool man has utilized to spread his corruption. And, for many, it is easier to fault religion, rather than confront the gluttony within ourselves.

We, by no means, NEED religion to be a good person, or live fulfilling lives on this planet. However, for those that may struggle, or seek further insight, most religions, at their core, can provide guidance.

02-25-2014, 04:58 PM

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Very insightful. :)

02-25-2014, 05:02 PM
How rude of me Goomba,

What I meant to say was what a load of fucking shit. I hope this pricks your interest a little more ya fucking troll.

02-25-2014, 05:11 PM

02-25-2014, 05:12 PM
Nothing good was ever going to come from this thread

After yesterday's dabble on the same subject, it would seem untimely to just start a thread stating what people believe

Who cares

I like it better when people are panicking

02-25-2014, 05:16 PM
I believe just because you don't subscribe to a particular religion doesn't mean you don't believe in anything.
I believe that people can be good with religion and without.
I believe that children are our future. LOL
I believe that a connection to Earth is spiritual.
I believe that marriage is a right of society, not of religion.
I believe in karma, what you give is what you get returned,
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned,
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side..
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye.
OK i'm definitely just singing a savage garden song now.
Best wishes.

haha I like the reference to savage garden. I also think this is a nice summary that people can have beliefs and faith without needing them to revolve around religion.

02-25-2014, 05:19 PM
That it is Goomba. That it is.

02-25-2014, 06:52 PM
To keep things interesting Goomba - you can now carry on as I have implied in the chat box.

Where is your evidence? Good guidance - what a fucking Joke.

he is one of these well equipped types that want to make decisions for the rest.

That's the last time I try and make sense with any of these fuckers.

RELIGION in a place like this. Ought to be ashamed of yourself.

GOOMBA ...Look at the state of the world - that's evidence that your guide book is full of shit.

Your on the Iggy list - best deal with that way Dahila.... fucking Religious Antagonizes are all they be.

Imagine - really helpful guys ---- Nixon has a point --- I fell right on in. Good for you Goomba ... good for you.

Off to delete my thread but not before thanking you Cully -

On a much brighter side, your gift turned up today :)

Leave these fuckers to stir their shit.

Go fuck yourselves is about as much a helpful guide for this fucker who thinks himself more suited to make such decisions for the rest. Sheep nothing else buddy ... keep mouthing off.


02-25-2014, 07:09 PM
I don't want to make a decision for anybody, just simply expressing my view. Please feel free to communicate anything you wish. Thank you for your perspective, Ponder.

02-25-2014, 07:20 PM
Anyone had enough of this thread yet or should we keep going just to see how far we can drive a wedge between how far people have come to find common ground and friendship?

Yes, they are all opinions

But sometimes opinions have deeper meaning and ramifications to others

Isn't that brutally clear?

The common ground is anxiety and religion is the one thing that drives people in opposite directions

Speak about religion and your beliefs all you want. but how about in a different venue?

I mention faith in passing sometimes but I hope it doesn't come off as offensive or damning

Just the last few days things here have seemed to have gotten away from the goal of most here

02-25-2014, 07:43 PM
I'm sad to see people so hostile over expression. I'm sorry to anyone who's been offended or even slightly upset by the comments on here. I was simply expressing views. A lot of people have taken this too far and have been quite hostile and offensive. I encourage everyone to ignore the hate. To the people who shared their views with respect for others. Thank you for acting like mature adults. :)

02-25-2014, 07:50 PM
I'm sad to see people so hostile over expression. I'm sorry to anyone who's been offended or even slightly upset by the comments on here. I was simply expressing views. A lot of people have taken this too far and have been quite hostile and offensive. I encourage everyone to ignore the hate. To the people who shared their views with respect for others. Thank you for acting like mature adults. :)

I hear what you are saying, I really do

This is the point I am tryng to make

People are getting upset for whatever reason. Right or wrong.

But here is a question, if you knew there were 5 people that really were triggered by threads and posts based on car accidents and you could see on previous days their emotions ran high about it, would you start a thread entitled "Car Accidents" becasue you feel you have a right to expression or would you consider the feelings of others?

I like that you can have your expressions of religion but if you know they are a trigger for some, why go down that road and start a debate that no one can win?

02-25-2014, 07:58 PM
So if i like chocolate ice cream but other people like vanilla i have to keep my mouth shut? Religion isn't a weapon. Its a right. Just like speech. And its a personal choice just like everything else in the world. So in your opinion i shouldn't speak at all? I should keep everything to myself because anything could upset someone. I'm sorry but that's not rational. I didn't attack anyone or claim to know all. Other people attacked me for simply expressing myself. I'm not arguing with anyone either. Simply asked them to be respectful no matter what their views.

02-25-2014, 08:09 PM
So if i like chocolate ice cream but other people like vanilla i have to keep my mouth shut? Religion isn't a weapon. Its a right. Just like speech. And its a personal choice just like everything else in the world. So in your opinion i shouldn't speak at all? I should keep everything to myself because anything could upset someone. I'm sorry but that's not rational. I didn't attack anyone or claim to know all. Other people attacked me for simply expressing myself. I'm not arguing with anyone either. Simply asked them to be respectful no matter what their views.

You know I can't say how many ways you just took that out of context

Why do you need to get a religion discussion on an anxiety forum. Is it easing your pain with it?

I am a believer in Jesus Christ and I think much in line with most on this post

But I know that if I start randomly posting long posts on my God, I am going to alienate some people here

People that believe way differently than me but my friends just the same

I chose to respect their TRIGGERS and not go off on how JC helped me through my anxiety

So mention all you want that JC or your God helped you through but don't start a thread asking opinions on a subject that doesn't push the group (the whole group) forward

Do you not see a difference in that compared to your ice cream flavor analogy?

We should start an abortion thread too because I want to express myself and that ihas a place here in a forum for anxiety but it's my right and I like vanilla ice cream

Just try to have some compassion for others here as all the Zen comes out from everyone

02-25-2014, 08:17 PM

02-25-2014, 08:29 PM
Amazing. I didn't do anything differently than anyone else on here but i get attacked. Forget this! Anyone who wants to chat or talk, feel free to message me. I'm done with this forum. Its a joke.

02-25-2014, 08:37 PM
I agree.

I'm all for a philosophical discussion, but if it's pushing the boundaries of others in a way that they cannot grow from it, then the discussion should be moved to personal messages or a different section of the forum.

I apologize if I stirred up something big, like I said I didn't read the rest of the thread, and should have.

02-25-2014, 08:44 PM
I agree.

I'm all for a philosophical discussion, but if it's pushing the boundaries of others in a way that they cannot grow from it, then the discussion should be moved to personal messages or a different section of the forum.

I apologize if I stirred up something big, like I said I didn't read the rest of the thread, and should have.

Thank you

That is all my point was

And you said nothing wrong

You get a honeymoon period until you get 100 posts LOL

02-25-2014, 08:52 PM
This is an anxiety forum. People are dealing with trying to overcome enough daily shit. How about we all cut the sniping and disrespect? Not sure why people can't talk about things that are important to them. If you don't like it, don't read it. There are a million other posts to read on here without creating cat fights. If I need someone to act like an asshole, I'll log onto Facebook.

02-25-2014, 08:56 PM
This is an anxiety forum. People are dealing with trying to overcome enough daily shit. How about we all cut the sniping and disrespect? Not sure why people can't talk about things that are important to them. If you don't like it, don't read it. There are a million other posts to read on here without creating cat fights. If I need someone to act like an asshole, I'll log onto Facebook.

I don't get it

02-25-2014, 08:58 PM
Thank you That is all my point was And you said nothing wrong You get a honeymoon period until you get 100 posts LOL

Lolol good to know.

02-25-2014, 10:35 PM
What a thread. I really like your post 14.

In my opinion religion is a mind control, but, if it works for you great. I was raised in the "bible belt" of America. The, if you don't live the why we say then god will punish you for your sins and you will burn in hell type of church. What made me mad is most people in the church were hypocrites. They thought they were better than you, cause of their believes. For the longest time this was a major source of my problems. It really messed with my head. Especially with girls, dating, and sex. I had to try to figure that for myself and it is still an area of my life that I'm not happy with. I am working on it though. An alternative medicine place opened up where I live so I'm going to check it out and see if they can help. Best wishes to everyone; no matter what you believe in.

02-26-2014, 01:35 AM

Almost choked on my juice when I read this. Dahila! :)

02-26-2014, 01:38 AM
We forever live in fear hehe

02-26-2014, 01:58 AM
Shit Nixon, I read this after as I responded as I read them.

Sorry for virtually plagiarising!

Let's just say it was so good it was said twice?

02-26-2014, 02:03 AM
Damn Jesse I think you're on to something there. ;) morning my dear.

Morning Frankie. Sleep well?

02-26-2014, 02:48 AM
Wow, just took a read through this thread. Anyway Fourteen, your post was very good, very thought out. Just wanted to say that before I let it lie.

02-26-2014, 03:26 AM
Wow, just took a read through this thread. Anyway Fourteen, your post was very good, very thought out. Just wanted to say that before I let it lie.

It was a bit of a rant, but I do sincerely struggle with how such intelligent people dismiss the logic.

Religion is up there on my "placebo" shelf, works for some, but not a shred of tangible evidence to support the hypothesis.

Whilst I'm not triggered by it in the way that Ponder is, I do hate the implications that it places on anyone who doesn't buy into it.

As much as I agree it is a contentious issue for many, I am of the mind set that it is a good thing to debate from both sides otherwise people blindly go along sweeping it under the carpet.

It is also a relevant subject in mental health, as has been pointed out throughout my original thread, the bible and it's offspring does effect many people and their families, in a real setting, for everyone who gains guidance I can produce a case where it has led to social isolation and feelings of low value (hence my example of LGBT youth).

Hope you are well Jesse! :)

02-26-2014, 03:58 AM
I do hate the implications that it places on anyone who doesn't buy into it.

This is so annoying.

It is also a relevant subject in mental health, as has been pointed out throughout my original thread, the bible and it's offspring does effect many people and their families, in a real setting, for everyone who gains guidance I can produce a case where it has led to social isolation and feelings of low value (hence my example of LGBT youth).

cause the church/whatever wants you to be this "prefect" person which is humanly impossible, so you feel bad about yourself when you "sin" then you have to get "forgiveness" to try be "prefect" again. It a vicious cyclical that only destroys you. I can't see how you can get guidance from that, but, hey if you can great. Just don't beat me down cause I don't have the same view as you. OK I will stop now cause I could go forever and I would only make someone mad.

02-26-2014, 04:06 AM
You people know nothing about me and its hilarious that you talk like you have any idea what I've been through. I was simply opening up about something I'm very passionate about because that's one of my anxieties and this just proves i was wrong about trying and peoples ignorance will never change. I won't be responding to anymore hate. Goodbye!

02-26-2014, 05:58 AM
You people know nothing about me and its hilarious that you talk like you have any idea what I've been through. I was simply opening up about something I'm very passionate about because that's one of my anxieties and this just proves i was wrong about trying and peoples ignorance will never change. I won't be responding to anymore hate. Goodbye!

Broken wings

Nothing in my posts are in anyway an "attack" on you personally, there is certainly no "hate" intended, my problem is with any blind faith, just the same as Bachs flower remedies. The difference is that Bachs don't discriminate as a company. I get that it's simply the "Trinity" you buy into, but to me this is like only buying the steering wheel because you don't like the rest of the car , (it has no basis to serve the original function that was intended).

I apologise if you are feeling hurt by the comments made, but unfortunately by starting a thread on religion you have to accept that people will have strong opinions. You might as well just have posted "medication is useless" you would have had similar volatile reactions based on personal circumstances. Religious belief is unfortunately also "subject to opinion".

02-26-2014, 07:57 AM
Broken wings

Nothing in my posts are in anyway an "attack" on you personally, there is certainly no "hate" intended, my problem is with any blind faith, just the same as Bachs flower remedies. The difference is that Bachs don't discriminate as a company. I get that it's simply the "Trinity" you buy into, but to me this is like only buying the steering wheel because you don't like the rest of the car , (it has no basis to serve the original function that was intended).

I apologise if you are feeling hurt by the comments made, but unfortunately by starting a thread on religion you have to accept that people will have strong opinions. You might as well just have posted "medication is useless" you would have had similar volatile reactions based on personal circumstances. Religious belief is unfortunately also "subject to opinion".

well put. The things I have said is my experience with religion. Everyone has a different experience. I am not trying to bash your believes; I am just sharing mine.

02-26-2014, 08:28 AM
Frankie, Jesse , 14, ecotech this thread should be closed like many treads like that are closed on different forums. The thread is causing to much pain for a lot of people. I wonder if i should write about it to admin.
14 you just made my day saying about Bach's system. It is so stupid, and still people believe it, The placebo effect:)

Broken you trying to introduce yourself as someone with a lot of suffering and expierence, You Know Nothing, you should keep quiet and read other's posts, Unfortunately yours are just immature... you are very young woman with two small children (how do you make time for forums, I have no idea) and you can not know everything, You are a child yourself.

I will go with Frankie and stop posting here, I will just ignore this shit and go on with my life, Thank you guys for such logical posts, thank you for wisdom you share, it is very uplifting:) I hope everyone will have a beautiful day:
lets move to Ponder thread :))

02-26-2014, 08:56 AM
Whatever u say Dahila. Apparently you know everything. Smh. You know nothing about me. Who i am or what I'm about so maybe you should get your facts straight before making assumptions! People like you are what causes others not to speak out or open up. God forbid anyone express themselves or their feelings for fear of being attacked and prosecuted. Like your ideals are the only ones that matter?! Real shame.

02-26-2014, 09:28 AM
I have a Prius now

It's Eco-friendly

And embarrassing.

02-26-2014, 09:32 AM
I have a Prius now It's Eco-friendly And embarrassing.

Could be worse Nixon, my SUV rattles like a pensioners leg, and is currently melting the ice caps!

02-26-2014, 09:58 AM
Could be worse Nixon, my SUV rattles like a pensioners leg, and is currently melting the ice caps!

When a car full of teenage girls follow you home to laugh at you, we can talk then

02-26-2014, 10:00 AM
I have a Prius now

It's Eco-friendly

And embarrassing.

haha congrats on the new ride zzzzzzzzzzzzzzooooooom or does the Prius go ziiiiip

02-26-2014, 10:07 AM
I'm Catholic. I'm a sinner, a HUGE sinner an organized religion gives me rules to follow, I fail miserably but I keep trying.

I have friends that are religious and those that are not.

I have friends that go to church and those that do not.

I have friends that attack my religion, its ok to have their opinion because what others think of me is none of my business.

I don't think that people have to censor their beliefs to make others comfortable, we all have a right to believe what we want and to live how we chose as long as we are not hurting others.

02-26-2014, 10:11 AM
You people know nothing about me and its hilarious that you talk like you have any idea what I've been through. I was simply opening up about something I'm very passionate about because that's one of my anxieties and this just proves i was wrong about trying and peoples ignorance will never change. I won't be responding to anymore hate. Goodbye!

I understand why you are feeling hurt but don't let anyones opinion of how you chose to live your life upset you. When we open a can of worms such as asking others about religion we have to expect to get our hands dirty. That's why I never ask lol

Everyone is different, that's what makes the world go round.

I hope you are ok, I feel bad you are so upset.

02-26-2014, 10:16 AM
I understand why you are feeling hurt but don't let anyones opinion of how you chose to live your life upset you. When we open a can of worms such as asking others about religion we have to expect to get our hands dirty. That's why I never ask lol

Everyone is different, that's what makes the world go round.

I hope you are ok, I feel bad you are so upset.

Thank you BlessedMom. It wasn't everyone that upset me. Just a couple who attacked me for expressing myself. I don't mind if ppl don't believe. That's their choice n they have every right to live the way they want. But to judge me, accuse me of bein fake, & attack me for bein honest about who i am? Where do ppl get off?! How would they feel if i did that to them about every little thing they say? Religion is just one part of who i am. Doesn't mean its only who i am. People made a lot of assumptions. Apparently i need to type my whole life story or ppl r gonna continue to make assumptions. On a positive note, its a pleasure to meet u BlessedMom.

02-26-2014, 10:17 AM
Besides having a Prius forced upon me

I also enjoy eating many different types of cheeses

I am trying to high jack this thread to damnation, by the way

02-26-2014, 10:19 AM
[QUOTE=NixonRulz;164804]Besides having a Prius forced upon me

I also enjoy eating many different types of cheeses

I am trying to high jack this thread to damnation, by the way[/Q

I like cheese

02-26-2014, 10:32 AM
Sorry for butting in but reading this whole thread had made me anxious. I'm here to feel better and I don't think a post like this thread has any right to be on this forum.
I have nothing against any religion or beliefs on a whole apart from when they cause conflict, which is exactly what this post has done.
A thread entitled religion was bound to cause a stir, I'm not sure if it was your intention but that's what has happened.
I really hope this thread is removed as it always the top of my news feed and it's not nice reading people from both sides getting upset and angry with each other.
Yes everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I think on this forum it should be opinions on meds, treatments and such things based around anxiety. This thread has helped no one deal better with anxiety or depression. It is called anxiety forum not religious forum!
Just my opinion

02-26-2014, 10:37 AM
Sorry for butting in but reading this whole thread had made me anxious. I'm here to feel better and I don't think a post like this thread has any right to be on this forum.
I have nothing against any religion or beliefs on a whole apart from when they cause conflict, which is exactly what this post has done.
A thread entitled religion was bound to cause a stir, I'm not sure if it was your intention but that's what has happened.
I really hope this thread is removed as it always the top of my news feed and it's not nice reading people from both sides getting upset and angry with each other.
Yes everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I think on this forum it should be opinions on meds, treatments and such things based around anxiety. This thread has helped no one deal better with anxiety or depression. It is called anxiety forum not religious forum!
Just my opinion

the posts about people killing themselves has caused me major anxiety today, right now even

David Michael
02-26-2014, 10:47 AM
I believe it was required that there be no proof of the existence of God because the choice to believe in God and have faith is what makes the soul immortal.

02-26-2014, 10:49 AM
What about Brie? I want your prius!!! Would you like to exchange cars?????

02-26-2014, 11:19 AM
hahaha prius is sooooo gay :)

02-26-2014, 11:21 AM
hahaha prius is sooooo gay :)

Geez, Nic

You know coming from you that would actually bother me

I don't like French Canadians anymore. Bitches. : )

02-26-2014, 11:24 AM
hahaha but it is :)

02-26-2014, 11:27 AM
Ahhhh noooooo Nixon. She went there!!!!

02-26-2014, 11:27 AM
hahaha but it is :)

I know.

And these are the things that bother me these days

It was easier dealing with anxiety

02-26-2014, 11:28 AM
She said what we were all thinking but weren't French Canadian enough to say!!

02-26-2014, 11:29 AM
She said what we were all thinking but weren't French Canadian enough to say!!

I know, right?

She was the girl I gave all my lunch money to in school because she left hers home. I ate nothing

Then she flipped me the bird as she drove by me while I was walking home....in the rain

02-26-2014, 11:31 AM
French canadian rulz. .thnx for the lunch money ;)

guy who saves the planet can be sexy though

02-26-2014, 11:33 AM
French canadian rulz. .thnx for the lunch money ;) guy who saves the planet can be sexy though

Thanks, but no we can't

Even yesterday, a woman of 70 pr so, mouthed the words " I'm sorry" to me

But when we woke up this morning, she made a great omelette and high fiver me

I showed her

02-26-2014, 11:34 AM
Nixon, btw, did you get skype up running again? I know you had problems.

02-26-2014, 11:36 AM
Nixon, btw, did you get skype up running again? I know you had problems.

I did. Still have a few issues though.

I want a HD cam

02-26-2014, 11:45 AM
I did. Still have a few issues though.

I want a HD cam

You do strike me as a dude that needs to show off his full range of Godly like aesthetics by using a HD camera, actually.

02-26-2014, 11:46 AM
are you skyping each other;))))))))))? that's gay, heheh Prius is not gay for grannies? Is it?

02-26-2014, 11:48 AM
are you skyping each other;))))))))))? that's gay, heheh Prius is not gay for grannies? Is it?

You mean Nixon isn't a girl ;)... But... But.... She... He.... Drives a Prius!!!!

02-26-2014, 11:50 AM
Nixon swap with me, I am driving very humble kia

02-26-2014, 11:52 AM
are you skyping each other;))))))))))? that's gay, heheh Prius is not gay for grannies? Is it?

Damn, Dahila

We are just working on a choreographed dance together on Skype for the upcoming Anxiety Ball

Nothing people would consider non heterosexual

02-26-2014, 12:19 PM
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa to be continueeee;))