View Full Version : sore calves

02-24-2014, 11:19 PM
Hey guys!!I went to work today after tow months. I did good, I had a few tough moments but ultimately I made it through! My calves are super sore now. I'm assuming from doing a lot more walking and standing than usual...anyone else get this?it hurts:( and If you do...what do you do for it. I'm all out of Epsom salt:(

Anxious Abi
02-24-2014, 11:57 PM
Not sure what to do about your calves, i'm sorry, just wanted to say how amazing that you got through it. Brilliant! :)

02-25-2014, 12:14 AM
Thank you:)

Anxious Abi
02-25-2014, 12:21 AM
Honestly it's inspiring, I wish I had the courage to go back to work.
Best wishes.

02-25-2014, 03:11 AM
Hey guys!!I went to work today after tow months. I did good, I had a few tough moments but ultimately I made it through! My calves are super sore now. I'm assuming from doing a lot more walking and standing than usual...anyone else get this?it hurts:( and If you do...what do you do for it. I'm all out of Epsom salt:(

Hi abi, well done on getting back to work and getting through it. Calf pain used to be a major issue for me with my anxiety. The best thing I found was just to have a couple if pain killers and a long soak in the bath. I hope it eased up for you :-)

02-25-2014, 03:19 AM
Kudos to you for going back to the workplace. Big step forward. I'd suggest any muscle ache lotion with camphor or menthol, maybe even salicylate (aspirin). A long soak in a tub of hot water always helps when I'm sore, even better if you can add Epsom salts. Maybe try a heat pad or wrap them in hot towels from the dryer. Anything with heat is good for soreness. Congrats again and good luck! Proud of you.

02-25-2014, 11:36 AM
Thanks guys!!I am actually really happy yo be at work, keeps me distracted. I don't do well with pain..lol thanks for the tips I knew you guys would have some answers for me!

02-25-2014, 11:47 AM
Congratulations AB!!!....:)


02-25-2014, 12:14 PM
Well done AB:)