View Full Version : Will it go away

02-24-2014, 09:08 PM
Question would anxiety and it's symptoms go away and if so how and what would be the process ?

02-24-2014, 09:33 PM
I'm confused what you're asking :)

Are you asking if anxiety will go away, and how to make it go away?

02-24-2014, 09:41 PM
I'm confused what you're asking :) Are you asking if anxiety will go away, and how to make it go away?

Yes exactly

02-24-2014, 09:56 PM
Good question. We talk a lot about anxiety on here, but we do beat around the bush a little bit. Let's get right down to business! We all want it to go! How to make that happen.

Well, it's kind of a hard question, as it will differ from person to person.

But for most, they have to do two things. Although the way each person will do it will be personal.

They have to reduce the stimulation in their body, and in their mind.

Once their is very little to stimulate your mind, body and nervous system in a negative way, then there is no anxiety..

Reducing the stimulation in your mind, involves not reacting to worries and fears. Or finding a way to calm them.

Reducing the stimulation in the body, means eating well, exercising, releasing muscle tension, fixing posture and breathing etc.. Ensuring chemical and hormonal balance.

Once you can do both of those things, once their is very little physical reaction in your body, once your body is calmed through daily relaxation, and once there is very little mental reaction to worry, to doubt, to fears... Then you are very close to being anxiety free.

Reducing physical reaction is usually similar for most people;

- Progressive muscle relaxation
- Anxiety diet
- Ensuring good health
- Ensuring good digestion
- Medication (for some)
- Relaxing Vitamins
- Exercise
- Breathing exercises (Such as in this book http://www.amazon.com/Anxiety-Free-Oxygenate-Excessive-Mindfulness/dp/0954599640)
- Meditation (Can go into both sections)

Reducing mental reactivity can be a little harder. It's more personal.

- Meditation
- Contuining to live as if you didn't have anxiety, in order to nature the subconscious

They're some ways of going about that.

If you check in with your anxiety. And you take a look at it... You can see where the anxiety is coming from. You can see what parts of you are over stimulated. Perhaps your mind races. Perhaps your muscles are sore. Perhaps your breathing is very deep etc.. Perhaps you fear you are sick.

When you see how you are reacting, then you can begin to make a plan as to how you will reduce this reactivity.

As it reduces, you begin to feel better. :)