View Full Version : worry and obsessing over poor decision regarding co worker crush

02-24-2014, 01:25 AM
So I typically am able to handle my anxiety well lately due to mindfulness and exercise, but I recently began to have a crush on a co worker who is in a relationship. we get along really well and everything and she even told me she shares similar feelings but I was a bit drunk the other night and was sending her texts, I also kept following her around and coming on to her. It was extremely embarressing and I can't help but catastrophizing the whole situation. Even though she told me she was fine with it, I still can't help but jump to really negative conclusions about our friendship. I also feel guilty that im experiencing this

02-24-2014, 01:32 AM
I'd be obsessing too, but I've gotten some nutty texts from a drunk friend who was MORTIFIED later, and I didn't care one bit. He was terribly upset, but it really did not bother me and I told him so. Try to trust her words. She's probably sent some crazy texts too - I know I've sent plenty.

As for following her around - that I'd be more careful with! You can do it. You're fine now - just hold back from now on. Good luck! I'd write more but am exhausted from my own bout of anxiety.

02-24-2014, 01:46 AM
I have definitely had my fair share of crushingly embarrassing drunk nights, and like bittersweet says, there is a pretty good chance your crush has done the same.

If I were you, since you already brought it up, commit yourself to not bring it up for a week or so, and act perfectly natural yourself. Sometimes being on the receiving end of that makes you feel mean for no reason, you know?

I know I've felt guilty for not being able to stress enough to the other person that it's okay, so maybe if she catches on that you're doing fine, things will be perfectly fine. If things feel good, the way they did before, then you know there's nothing to worry about. If it's not the same, then you bring it up in a week and say however you personally would say something like "Hey, things have still felt a little off between us, are you sure we don't need to talk about what happened? Are you sure you forgive me? Please, tell me what's on your mind."

That's just how I'd handle it, I'm no expert, but this route seems logical because it actually gives you a chance to feel out if there even is anything to worry about in the first place.

Take care, and good luck!

02-24-2014, 01:47 AM
Don't sweat it! Especially if this is the first time you've done something to this extent. People are normally super forgiving if alcohol was involved in the situation, because we've all been there. Just be more aware next time! No need to stress :)

02-24-2014, 03:57 PM
I seem to be okay with the situation and im sure it will blow over and be no big deal, but im still worried over the fact that I took it so hard. Why do I have to be so neurotic and sensitive about silly little things. My buddy keeps telling me not to stress about it, he's the type that doesn't let these sort of things bother him, I want to be like that more than anything right now.

thanks for the responses though, it actually means a lot.