View Full Version : Muscle Fatigue

02-24-2014, 01:08 AM
Hi all,

Anyone find their limbs ache a lot quicker from exercise or general use? Quite often get aches and pains around my left arm and shoulder and I find lifting or brushing my teeth result in the ache returning. Or when running up stairs I briefly feel my thighs, knees and calves aching for a moment during and after going up the stairs. All these aches disappear very promptly but it just feels like my whole body is utterly shattered.


02-24-2014, 01:26 AM
When I was really anxious, yes. My whole body was sore, and felt fatigued. Most of it was in my head. The part that wasn't was just me being lazy /inactive from anxiety catching up to me.

Also, I read this and then brushed my teeth and my arm started to feel sore and heavy.

Brain so strong. Have to shift that energy in a positive direction.

02-24-2014, 02:05 AM
Yeah it's not nice feeling so worn out from all the anxiety and worry and such like. Sometimes when I have a deep breath in I get a very sharp stabbing which is sudden and stupidly intense and in general my ribs have felt sore to tough for a long long time.

I need to give my body a break but it's hard. Every hour of everyday i'm hurting all over my body. Sometimes intense and short lasting, sometimes dull and lasting days on end. The only times I don't feel sore is in the bath and when i'm in bed but I can't spend all my life in those 2 places :P


02-24-2014, 02:11 AM
Yeah I used to get this badly!!

An SSRI helped it. So annoying. Hope you get on top of it soon. It did correlate with my anxiety levels. Lower anxiety, lower fatigue and pain. But I've got a feeling that won't be the most surprising of things you read today!

02-24-2014, 02:15 AM
I'm tempted to try an SSRI again to be honest. Just wonder if it could be paired with short term benzo. But Dr's have refused on 3 occassions now. Took me to literally arrive in the Dr's surgery in a full flung panic attack before they prescribed me them. Not as if i'd be taking them daily. Jus the times when things are too much.

Not sure which to try though. Citalopram seemed to have least side effects. Sertraline seemed to make me binge on alcohol. Any medications people found very helpful? How long were you on your course of SSRI's?


02-24-2014, 02:17 AM
It is a nuisance, but it can go away! I know how it is to just constantly get real aches and pains throughout the day in scary places. I have had every symptom in the book. But, once I got my anxiety under control, it all started to go away.

I think I've seen you post a couple things about your health recently, and all about different things. In my personal experience, that was always a good indicator that I knew what I was feeling was anxiety...the fact that I was rotating between different things, and by the end of the day I would be worried about something completely different than the beginning.

02-24-2014, 02:24 AM
That's the thing. I've had ti so long now I know it won't kill me. But instinctual reaction to a pain at first is a worst case scenario. I wind it back after the initial panic. But it's those initial panics that will keep fuelling the fight or flight response, the adrenlaine, the chemicals and the constant anxiety pains.

Judging by your pic, you do meditation? I hear it can be very effective. I started trying yoga. I can only manage 15-20 mins atm but afterwards it causes the aches to increase so much more. I'd like to try meditation but I don't know where to start.

Ever since a kid my mind has run at a million mph and the idea of meditation and calming my thoughts just seems way beyond my grasp.


02-24-2014, 02:31 AM
I would suggest exploring what may be the cause of you're need to react to them. My health anxiety was the result of a few things...being hard on myself, being young and feeling like I shouldn't feel the way I do, feeling stuck and afraid I wouldn't live my dreams, fearing death, and feeling like my symptoms were something big, and I needed to catch them now/before they got out of control.

Yes, I love meditation! It has done so many amazing things for me. It is not out of your grasp. I have an intense mind as well. It's not so much about silencing your mind as it is learning to not "chew" the thoughts as they come through. The silence comes later.

02-24-2014, 02:33 AM
Hey Ed.

I took Citalopram, and I was lucky that that helped. I literally took that drug, just for the symptoms you've mentioned, no other reason, I'd become that frustrated by them. Got very hard to live efficiently. Took not to long at all to work, but my anxiety was milder at the time, this was towards the end of treatment.

Prozac is a very good drug for aches and fatigue. Can be a tad stimulating though as it was for me.

Meditation helps me.

Was a hard issue to resolve in my case, hope it's much easier for you. Stubborn anxiety leaves many lingering problems!

02-24-2014, 02:34 AM
Spent 7 years as a stoner. hit by a panic attack. From then on chest tightness. Always a lingering fear of a heart attack as my dad had one. Second panic attack hit...lasted 2 hours. From that day on I had constant chest pains. Went to chiropracotr who said it might be chostochondritis. Went to hospital and had the usual checks. So many Dr visits...GP visits. Over time pains and symptoms changed, increased. I too have felt like i've had every pain, ache and symptom going over the past 4 years.

At this point...scared of diseases but in reality I know it's anxiety. It's just got to a point now where i've gone day in day out with pains every hour of every day for 4 years that I need to drag myself out of this constant cycle of pains, worry and not enough rationalization to break the cycle of the pains reocurring.

I need to take control of things but feel at a loss on how to do it.


02-24-2014, 04:51 AM
have to say the day is getting progressively worse. So it starts waking up with horrid neck and back of head pain cos I slept funny on my pillows. Get to work and get terrible left shoulder pain and leg pains when going up n down stairs.

Intermittent sharp stabbing pains if I breath in deep or move funny. Then shooting left arm pains and shoulder pains. Also whenever I get the sudden sharp chest pains I suddenly freeze and feel an overwhelming heat and slight sweat on my head.

I swear i'm utterly broken atm. I don't feel THAT anxious. But the symptoms are causing additional stress, adrnelaine etc.

I know....all pretty normal anxiety pains and symptoms. Just...after 4 damn years every single day. I know my hearts fine, I know health wise I am fine. But mentally I can't seem to fully accept that and that is what keeps driving this endless cycle.
