View Full Version : Dont know how much longer i can take this

02-23-2014, 09:21 PM
Don't know how much longer I can take this. My anxiety sucks and I'm too afraid to leave my house. I'll go out like three times a week. I've been staying at my parents house for two weeks now. I worry about losing my job and I can't even go to work because I'm afraid of being anxious all day or having a panic attack. I know they last only like ten mins but I'm still too scared. I'm going to a therapist for the second time on Tuesday and I feel like I'm going crazy and I feel like it'll never get better.

I want my normal life back I want to be able to go out and no problems whatsoever. Idk what to do and I just feel like balling my eyes out all the time. I feel like it'll never get better and I'll end up harming myself. I just can't take feeling this way anymore.

People keep telling me to just face my fears and go out but I just can't. I don't want to take meds and idk what to do anymore....

02-23-2014, 10:15 PM
Sorry the hear you having such a rough time. I get very spaced out and disorientated when leaving the house for shops or works. Makes me want to go home and lay down.

You should definitely go see a mental health expert, they could prescribe something (not antidepressants) take the edge off while you work though this.


02-23-2014, 10:21 PM
Don't know how much longer I can take this. My anxiety sucks and I'm too afraid to leave my house. I'll go out like three times a week. I've been staying at my parents house for two weeks now. I worry about losing my job and I can't even go to work because I'm afraid of being anxious all day or having a panic attack. I know they last only like ten mins but I'm still too scared. I'm going to a therapist for the second time on Tuesday and I feel like I'm going crazy and I feel like it'll never get better. I want my normal life back I want to be able to go out and no problems whatsoever. Idk what to do and I just feel like balling my eyes out all the time. I feel like it'll never get better and I'll end up harming myself. I just can't take feeling this way anymore. People keep telling me to just face my fears and go out but I just can't. I don't want to take meds and idk what to do anymore....

Hi......I was in your situation. I couldn't work and was terrified of getting a panic attack there. I took a couple weeks off to relax. Since then I HAD to work so I just broke the day down in chunks and tried to get to each goal in the day. It worked pretty well. Today I am back at with no problems. I was medicated and have since got off of them. Paxil was the drug. There is hope ..but you must try and conquer your fears and don't give the panic attack a foothold. Once your brain realizes that your not in danger...it will relearn to chill so to speak.....at least that is my experience. I went for psych therapy as well CBT for a few months......it helps and it's drug free with a psychologist. Hang in there....you will get better !!!