View Full Version : Advice? :(

02-23-2014, 05:30 PM
How do you overcome health anxiety? Honestly. I've been dealing with it since I got Mononucleosis two Springs ago. Every ache and pain I have, I think I'm dying. Now I'm at the point where someone just has to say something and I believe it. I've gone through replacing so many fears with new ones over the past couple months. I do have some health problems, like acid reflux, and I have the tendency to faint if I don't eat (runs in the family) but other than that, I'm healthy. I work with money, so I'm getting colds a lot. But still. I'm 20 years old and diabetes runs in my family. Somewhat jokingly, my dad (who has it) said I should really cut down on my carbohydrates because I might end up like him. And now here I am googling symptoms of diabetes. I did the same thing last week with being pregnant. Even though there is no possible way for that. I just want advice on how to deal with this. And how to live again instead of living in fear. How does anyone do this?

02-23-2014, 05:50 PM
I have a list that I would recommend reading. The title of the thread is " A list any anxiety sufferer should read".

Some big things that helped me:

1. Confronting my fears/insecurities. For me it was around death.

2. Learning to live in the moment.

3. Getting some of the stuff I was really spooked about tested.

4. Giving up the need to plan life.

5. Meditation.