View Full Version : Have you ever felt like you were over an attack

02-23-2014, 04:41 PM
then more hits you? Today, I went out kind of late in the day, I had eaten kind of lightly since dinner was soon. Anyway, I was having a good time on my outing, but, my period has been ultra heavy, and I've been having upset stomach..so I'm not really feeling "hunger" in it's most direct way..

Anyway, was about to go home, we stopped and got pizza, and I ran into another store, and suddenly, I felt tired, dreamlike, and disconnected from my feelings..I could feel my body getting cold (as it does when I'm having a full blown attack) I was thinking "please god no" to my surprise, I was able to stop it from going full on by stopping and tightening my muscles hard.. it kept me from sinking into an attack, but still, I could see my hands shaking.. I left the store, made my way over to the car, and thought "Hah, I nipped this thing in the bud for once" I was feeling a bit exhilarated even ..but somehow, I still just didn't really feel that good, and suddenly on the way home, I started feeling awful again, weak, and disconnected, I was having these horrible feelings like I did not deserve to feel good or feel better.. I didn't know what happened.. When I got home, I quickly ran to the bathroom, then took my Zoloft, tried to pull myself together and ate dinner (though I could barely taste my food, and I wasn't hungry for it). Anyway, after eating dinner, I have felt a bit better..more energy..but I still don't quite know what happened..

Do you suppose it was hunger causing it the whole time? Hunger I was unaware of due to my period and upset stomach suppressing my desire to eat?

I don't know, I'm still reeling from this.. :(

02-23-2014, 04:46 PM
to add, I told my sister a few days ago, I was still having attacks, she was like "what? have you told the doctor about this".. but really, what can they do but up my dosage of Zoloft? I don't believe I can be helped. My sister thinks I should not be having any more attacks, I don't know, I personally figure, there is only so much medication can do..but maybe I'm wrong? :confused: