View Full Version : Back to square one....

02-23-2014, 04:12 PM
Almost went 2 months without a panic attack... Then, while playing with my son at a local target store, BOOM! Panic attack. Why? Because after I showered today, I noticed my finger tips had a tingly feeling. The feeling continued through out the day and, Ofcourse, it's on my left hand. "The heart hand."Then,I get a quick muscles spasm right under my left clavicle and then panic attack begins. Thinking it's my heart again.

It's sucks that after an attack your mind races into thinking, "what if it's more than just a panic attack!?" "What if it's something more!???"

Back to square one....

02-23-2014, 04:15 PM
It's most definitely not.square one, you know what caused it. And now. The next time you get tingly fingers you can stop thinking about it. Just think of this as a speed bump and keep moving:)

02-23-2014, 04:31 PM
Thank you. Your right.