View Full Version : Would you pleae consider doing somthing about this.

02-23-2014, 03:52 PM
TrueCompanion: Do you believe Life is meaningless without a relationship with our "Grand Creator"? -Ecc. 12:1.

Me: Why are you asking me

TrueCompanion: Please pray before reading again. Do you believe Life is meaningless without a relationship with our "Grand Creator"? -Ecc. 12:1.

Me: piss of or I'll report you

02-23-2014, 03:55 PM
HAAHA!!...Yes, TC had tried to get me to send emails or private messages about god in the past...I asked if she had anxiety and to post about it, she never would...
Not realllll sure of her intentions, but I didn't want to talk religion anyway....
I wanna talk about anxiety! Its called an Anxiety Forum!!!


Have a good day bruh Ponder...


02-23-2014, 04:01 PM
TrueCompanion: Do you believe Life is meaningless without a relationship with our "Grand Creator"? -Ecc. 12:1. Me: Why are you asking me TrueCompanion: Please pray before reading again. Do you believe Life is meaningless without a relationship with our "Grand Creator"? -Ecc. 12:1. Me: piss of or I'll report you

I never get this whole recruitment drive thing that some religious folk do, I am led to believe that they are on some form of supernatural commission for signing a new recruit.

02-23-2014, 04:05 PM
I never get this whole recruitment drive thing that some religious folk do, I am led to believe that they are on some form of supernatural commission for signing a new recruit.

Don't knock it til you try it

By the way if you are interested, my group is leaving for Saturn on Thursday to avoid the awakening of the Kraken

02-23-2014, 04:09 PM
Don't knock it til you try it By the way if you are interested, my group is leaving for Saturn on Thursday to avoid the awakening of the Kraken

I had 15 years of it Nixon my mother was an evangelical nutcase throughout my early to late childhood.

I got thrown out of Sunday school because I asked too many question no one could give a legitimate answer to. My rejection of religion was through informed and educated choice.

No problems if people want to believe what they want to. It just makes absolutely no rational sense to me personally

Kraken you say? Is this near Kolob? :D

02-23-2014, 04:11 PM
I had 15 years of it Nixon my mother was an evangelical nutcase throughout my early to late childhood.

I got thrown out of Sunday school because I asked too many question no one could give a legitimate answer to. My rejection of religion was through informed and educated choice.

No problems if people want to believe what they want to. It just makes absolutely no rational sense to me personally

Kraken you say? Is this near Kolob? :D

Its right near IDontWantTrueCompanionMessagingMeNoMore

02-23-2014, 04:12 PM
Its right near IDontWantTrueCompanionMessagingMeNoMore

Ha ha ha!"..................

02-23-2014, 04:14 PM
I had 15 years of it Nixon my mother was an evangelical nutcase throughout my early to late childhood.

I got thrown out of Sunday school because I asked too many question no one could give a legitimate answer to. My rejection of religion was through informed and educated choice.

No problems if people want to believe what they want to. It just makes absolutely no rational sense to me personally

Kraken you say? Is this near Kolob? :D

hheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you are cracking me up!!!!

Anxious Abi
02-23-2014, 04:18 PM
It's just like the old lady Jahova's witness' that come to my door, I love how hard they try every time.

02-23-2014, 04:21 PM
It's just like the old lady Jahova's witness' that come to my door, I love how hard they try every time. Problem is they never answer your questions, they digress and start rambling quotes from the bible instead, winds me up. If they were to enter a reasonable debate I would gladly give them a cup of coffee :)

02-23-2014, 04:27 PM
Don't knock it til you try it

By the way if you are interested, my group is leaving for Saturn on Thursday to avoid the awakening of the Kraken

Any chance you guys are in league with the "Tin Foil Hat Society" if so, count me in. Logging in to PayPal now.

Thanking you in advance.

02-23-2014, 04:28 PM
Problem is they never answer your questions, they digress and start rambling quotes from the bible instead, winds me up. If they were to enter a reasonable debate I would gladly give them a cup of coffee :)

Well be cautious about that

I gave one a cup of coffee and she didn't leave

Like she is still here and just sits on the couch

The cat uses her as a scratching post and not even a change of expression

Anxious Abi
02-23-2014, 04:30 PM
Very true Fourteen.
I've tried to listen to them a few times, but it's not a great experience.
Can you get a sign for your door that says No Preaching? I want one.

02-23-2014, 04:31 PM
Poor Nixon, I told you not to open that door.
Did you have to do the opposite?

02-23-2014, 04:31 PM
Wittiness states "I'm sorry, you must have Religion confused with the Bible" ....ahahahahhhhhahahahhhhhhhhhhaaaahahahahahhhhhhh haaaaaaaaa ROFL .... Get's up of the floor and says ... "I'm srry are you guys still here?" .... "Just going to shut the door now, please shut the gate on your way out". Gently closes door.

Edit ... only like two Weeks ago ...

02-23-2014, 04:32 PM
Well be cautious about that I gave one a cup of coffee and she didn't leave Like she is still here and just sits on the couch The cat uses her as a scratching post and not even a change of expression

Is your real surname Bates ?

02-23-2014, 04:32 PM
Very true Fourteen.
I've tried to listen to them a few times, but it's not a great experience.
Can you get a sign for your door that says No Preaching? I want one.

Just tell them you are a Scientologist.

That will make their head explode

Anxious Abi
02-23-2014, 04:35 PM
Just tell them you are a Scientologist.

That will make their head explode

I just tell them how much I love people of the same sex, they tend to make their leave with disgusted looks on their faces.

02-23-2014, 04:35 PM
Just tell them you are a Scientologist.

That will make their head explode

Just tell them you accept there is a Hell and look forward to going there. They'll dust their feet and move right along.

02-23-2014, 04:37 PM
Very true Fourteen. I've tried to listen to them a few times, but it's not a great experience. Can you get a sign for your door that says No Preaching? I want one.

That said I have certain amount of respect for the "literal believers" they at least commit to the entire idea, I've always been confused as to how anyone can believe based on fragments of the bible.

It's almost like saying that hogwarts was pure fiction but Harry Potter was real.

02-23-2014, 04:37 PM
I have better idea, open the door naked, they will run like hell and never come back.
I told them if they put even a toe on my property I am going to call the cups because it is harassment. They make detour now:))

02-23-2014, 04:39 PM
That said I have certain amount of respect for the "literal believers" they at least commit to the entire idea, I've always been confused as to how anyone can believe based on fragments of the bible.

It's almost like saying that hogwarts was pure fiction but Harry Potter was real.

I could care less how they believe - it's still damning and insulting.

02-23-2014, 04:42 PM
At least you guys seem to be getting along at the door there ... Have a happy chappy day.

Blessings to you all.

02-23-2014, 04:43 PM
I have better idea, open the door naked, they will run like hell and never come back.
I told them if they put even a toe on my property I am going to call the cups because it is harassment. They make detour now:))

I suppose my wife must be a Jehovah's Witness then since every time I open the door after showering, she looks, weeps, then runs like hell

02-23-2014, 04:45 PM
I have better idea, open the door naked, they will run like hell and never come back.
I told them if they put even a toe on my property I am going to call the cups because it is harassment. They make detour now:))

:) ... It's what I do down at the beach :) keeps it rather quiet in the areas I choose to swim.

02-23-2014, 04:45 PM
I suppose my wife must be a Jehovah's Witness then since every time I open the door after showering, she looks, weeps, then runs like hell


02-23-2014, 04:48 PM
hmmmm ... now the mind boggles .... Nature Dave ... LOL
I'm out of here ....


02-23-2014, 08:00 PM
What are you saying???Harry Potter isn't real???:(

People just do not know what they are saying, of course Harry is real!!!!:))

02-23-2014, 09:10 PM
I just tell them how much I love people of the same sex, they tend to make their leave with disgusted looks on their faces.

Haha nice Abi :)

02-23-2014, 10:29 PM
So let me get this straight......you don't want to TALK about religion.....yet you bash someone's beliefs in it.....hmmm....sounds hypocritical if you ask me......moving on..... Shakes head.....night

02-24-2014, 12:49 AM
If you want to get something straight:

TrueCompanion: Do you believe Life is meaningless without a relationship with our "Grand Creator"? -Ecc. 12:1.

Me: Why are you asking me

TrueCompanion: Please pray before reading again. Do you believe Life is meaningless without a relationship with our "Grand Creator"? -Ecc. 12:1.

Me: piss of or I'll report you

Now ... move on.

02-24-2014, 12:55 AM
Context ... and that's how those religious type engage in chat ... have no fucking idea who it was, just straight out of the blue, and now another one that comes on in to take a shit and move on.

You people are your own worst enemies. Like fucking Yahoo chat here now?

The offending person has made this breach on more than one occasion to which Chris has already attested to ... Keep shaking till it drops off ya fracking idot.

More to the point why is the offending person allowed to continue triggering ... my whole day has been set off - just when others here were commenting on what a nice tone I was developing ...

Please report these freaks and let them be known.

Again ... keep fucking moving ya shit stirrer ...

02-24-2014, 01:13 AM
How about I jump into your personal space and shove my values down your throat because I'm allowed to get away with it ...

Seems like you want to start some shit ... take a shit and move on ... Pffft! ... Your seed has taken root and the fruit grows quick ...

My God ... New insights come to mind:

http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/o-JESUS-570_zps72d50867.jpg (http://s181.photobucket.com/user/davekyn/media/o-JESUS-570_zps72d50867.jpg.html)

How about I start ramming this down everyone's throat - in thier PMs and Chat Boxes as well - Hell why not just grab their ips do some research and turn up on their door step and show them what a real fucking bashing is! it would appear one can have free reign in here as it is????

Prod prod ... take a shit and move on. This the response you looking for?

Hows about you go fuck yourself ... You can be real proud as you've been quite successful in pissing me off. Your all the fucking same ...Bible thumping, God Damning Judgmental fucks. I hope your real fucking proud of yourself MATE. If any ones knows about what a bashing session is, it's fuckers like you that take a shit and then move on.

This is what you fucking get when you get trolled in chat like happened to me from such a faith driven tact. Fuck you and any of you kind. My inability to cope over this is my own battle - but you fuckers that come on in and keep stiring the pot - your just the fucking same as that other telling me to pray.

My mental illness is such that that energy from that little spray effect many this side today. On that Note - I too like a few others in here, have good reason to question why the fuck it is, that we frequent this place.

I'm typically not a bad bloke and I'm happy my mates in here know of that - but fucked if I will sit by and let fucking predators prey like you do.

Good fucking Riddance - grabs your feet while you dust them off and rips you a new fucking ass hole you fucked up all almighty self righteous better than thou useless cunt!

Now if you'll forgive me I have a man behind some curtain to see who is going to absolve me of all this shit, so that I can do it all again.
A Good Day to you Sir.

02-24-2014, 01:29 AM
So let me get this straight......you don't want to TALK about religion.....yet you bash someone's beliefs in it.....hmmm....sounds hypocritical if you ask me......moving on..... Shakes head.....night

It's not hypocrisy, because initially they didn't even say they don't want to talk about religion, just that they do not want to be preached at.

It appears to have started as bashing one individual who is a picture perfect example of the incessant harassment and condescension faced by the non-religious every day. I have to literally hide my identity out of fear of being alienated, viewed as inherently inferior, as something disgusting, even fired; because realistically most older religious people, aka the ones who are the bosses of everything currently, will always assume "atheist" is synonymous with hellspawn. We do not want what you people are selling. Religion has historically caused more harm than good. (Not trying to speak for everyone, just how I feel and what I've observed)

A bit of modern irony for you: Most Christians I've heard comment on the matter like to attribute the fall of the USSR, not to it having a fascist government, but to it being an atheistic nation. So why is that now, so many are so quick to insist religion has nothing to do with it? Why choose now to separate the religion of the people from the condition of a nation, when people try to rightly attribute the rise in abhorrent widespread brutality against members of the LGBT community to being fueled by the relationship between the *rapidly* rising (30% to 72% in 18 years) Russian Orthodox Church and the government? Because Christians are the majority, and they don't like looking bad.

Putin says of Christianity that it is great at "educating citizens in a spirit of patriotism and love of country, passing on love for spiritual values and history" I mean he may as well have come right out and said it makes them easier for him to control! Seriously, how creepy is that choice of wording?

Please, before jumping in to defend anything and everything religious, reflect on those who you *know* treat others poorly *because* of religion.

The religious do not belong to some perfect monolith and you know that, but for some reason you all deny it. Every time I hear someone say "oh (s)he's such a good Christian boy/girl" (which is very often) I feel sick to my stomach and all I can think of is how absurd it is that the "Christian" part is supposed to assert how "good" they are when people like Anders Behring Breivik exist. Yeah, I'm sure he was thought to be a "good Christian boy" before brutally murdering 77 people...

I have nothing against religious individuals, but I do have a problem with the religious who completely remove context when the other 16% of the world needs to vent for a second about some bad eggs that belong to the other 84%... If you're not the type to feel it's your right to shove your religion down others' throats, this thread shouldn't have bothered you anyway, because that's what it seemed to be about, just a few people exchanging witty banter about dealing with people who try and force religion on them.

There are thousands of religions, none immune from criticism, and atheists only believe in ONE less than any religious person does...

***There is no escaping the religious in an 84% religious world! Ignoring it is clearly very unrealistic!***

If I'm mistaken about anything or have gone too far feel free to remove this or interject! I haven't been on this forum very long so I'm not used to the feel of it.

Have a good one all!

02-24-2014, 01:39 AM
I see no wrong or right in what you have said and in that you have said what you have well.
Staying on track in here for me now is pointless.
I regress to my own thread where I have fostered better relations.
If ever you find it your more than welcome to pop on in with a tone like that.

Peace Out.

02-24-2014, 01:55 AM
I know I did go on a bit of a tangent there /: sometimes people like that just make me so angry. Even if none of you are even atheistic, they still perceived it as generally an attack on religion, and I get too worked up when people glorify it, or needlessly defend it from nothing.

I do need to tone it down a bit :x

02-24-2014, 06:03 AM
Jehover witness mice


02-24-2014, 06:21 AM
I think what my friend Ponder's point is...and please correct me if I'm wrong is that he doesn't care or isn't offended by anyone's spiritual beliefs.

Just doesn't want people here, or anywhere else, to push their beliefs on him as they are the only option to "be saved"

Ponder knows that I am a very spiritual person, and I know he is not

He respects my opinion as I respect his

Just doesn't mean that we can't engage in the forum because our belief or non belief isn't the sole thing that defines us

We have more things in common than not

If I am wrong regarding my belief, well, I spent a lot of time speaking to something that isn't real

If Ponder is wrong, according to my beliefs he will be forgiven and " saved" anyway

02-24-2014, 06:56 AM
Mostly it just bothered me that they were jumping to conclusions, as if talking about a religious individual the way they were is some vicious attack on all innocent religious persons, and as if there is no such thing as any situation that necessitates shedding any light on the negative aspects of religion

I just got carried away when I saw the self righteous condescension they showed those who commented before them, started writing it before Ponder got to respond, and can't figure out how to get rid of mine /:

I know it's supposed to be a positive environment and I feel ashamed for unloading like that, but what they said was accusatory, yet passive aggressive, and all around ridiculously unnecessary, and I do -not- possess the skills necessary to properly process anger because I was never allowed to feel anger, and it's something I only recognized in this past month or so. It's no excuse, just a "hey I'm working on it."

I feel so bad. It won't happen again.

02-24-2014, 07:13 AM
Mostly it just bothered me that they were jumping to conclusions, as if talking about a religious individual the way they were is some vicious attack on all innocent religious persons, and as if there is no such thing as any situation that necessitates shedding any light on the negative aspects of religion I just got carried away when I saw the self righteous condescension they showed those who commented before them, started writing it before Ponder got to respond, and can't figure out how to get rid of mine /: I know it's supposed to be a positive environment and I feel ashamed for unloading like that, but what they said was accusatory, yet passive aggressive, and all around ridiculously unnecessary, and I do -not- possess the skills necessary to properly process anger because I was never allowed to feel anger, and it's something I only recognized in this past month or so. It's no excuse, just a "hey I'm working on it." I feel so bad. It won't happen again.

You said nothing wrong in your post

Sometimes gets a little heated in here and it seems religion is one of the main things that does get things going

No worries. Post as you feel

No worries!

02-24-2014, 07:14 AM
Jehover witness mice

Boinkers, you sure know how to ease the tension

You always come in at the right moment

02-24-2014, 07:19 AM
You are entitled go express your feelings as you experience them. That is indeed why Ponder has made his own RAW thread which has been really good. Your expression I imagine is why Ponder has indeed welcomed you to visit his thread in the depression forum. Don't feel bad, I doubt there is any need. Your reaction was justified to you and probably others too. Of course that can't be said for everyone, but it is your own. :) Frankie.

Morning, Frankie..or afternoon to you

Give Zola a treat

02-24-2014, 07:24 AM
Afternoon Francesca.

Letsee; If you ever do wanna visit Ponders thread, it's here http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?24817-WARNING-Content-gt-Raw-Emotion-My-head-space-and-Check-List

Everyone's gotta unload now and again. Sometimes things hit nerves.

When my grandma died, religious people at a nearby church, kinda started to hound my mum trying to make her come back to the church. Being told that you need to save your soul, or you'll never see your mother again in the afterlife as you'll be burning in hell, isn't the nicest thing to be told at any time, let alone when you're grieving.

People that push religion (or anything) on you are pretty freaking annoying. Annoying things make people react.

My house is also near a mall, and I people preach with their huge megaphones. That's darn annoying too.

That being said, I won't put every religious person in that group, it's only a select few... And Artaud. :)

02-24-2014, 07:40 AM
Hi Nixon I did about half hour ago when I got home. I have been out today for an hour taking some pics for Ponders thread but I'm so list on the full version. I have to figure it all out so I can upload them. It went pretty well. I gave not driven out to the beaches etc in over a year. It really gets my agoraphobia going! Sheesh. Having the camera helped me to take my mind off what I was actually doing so I'm happy enough. Home now because by the end I was quite worked up. How are you today? Oh and it's 2:30 pm in Ireland now. :)

I'm great, Frankie

If ever a thread needed hijacking, perhaps it was this one so I don't mind having a friendly conversation with Zola's mum (see I didn't write mom). I am becoming European!

I am working at home today waiting for a new company car

I am getting a Prius. A freaking Prius!

Nothing says "I am invisible to attractive women" more than driving a Prius

I think even my wife may wise up and pack her bags

02-24-2014, 07:49 AM
Want a problem? Get a belief and hang on to it to the bitter end, to the exclusion of all other people, places, things.

My point is this, a belief is changing all the time, since it is a deeply held idea, and ideas are thoughts and well thoughts change.

Nothin wrong with an idea, as long as it includes the well being of all. If not what good is it collectively? Separation from one another is the hell so often spoke of in my

opinion. Defense is the first act of war, and all war belongs on paper, not battlefields. "Byron Katie" I would put it like this, "The need to be superior to another is delusional".

When we can love the unlovable ( if there is such a thing), then it is an impossibility to have an "enemy" then we can move from what we call "normalcy" to true natural

integration and realization of the oneness we all are. Love the differences that appear, but don't be fooled by it. My challenge to me is this, pick a person I "love" deeply.

now can I tell you in mere words the depth, width and height of this "feeling" with 100 % accuracy, and with 100 % surety that my words were understood as deep as I felt

this about the object of my affection? My answer is well, no! That is "it". I do mean "IT" in the fullness of the un-namable. Regardless of what you may believe ie: think, this

is much deeper than thought, the brain says wtf? The being playing this human role knows, and "IT" can only be talked "about", words just cannot do this feat., as the

brain was not developed for this purpose, it does things like schedule, find food, protect itself, and look for shelter, or a club. It's collective not personal, now that collective

mind is the same as "IT". Wow, my minds a mess! LOL :D

Ahhhhh EVOLution. Much Peace

02-24-2014, 07:51 AM
Let me ask you, look at the world around you, people included and factoring in the good and bad, the mean and nice, beautiful and ugly, do you really believe this is all an accident?? It Just........ happened?? This complex, awesome, beautiful, action packed planet and all who exist here????
I don't think it just..............happened. Just my opinion on that. So therefore................................. Alankay

02-24-2014, 07:57 AM
I am getting a Prius. A freaking Prius!

You're getting a Prius?


02-24-2014, 08:10 AM
Letsee, nice post, actually it hit the nerve:)) Putin and religion:)

Nixon if you do not mind; define spiritual for me, please (Prius is not bad at all)

relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. this how I understand it. I am not believer and I am very spiritual.

I have problem with people who push theirs believes on me, ( quote from one of the post answering my post: If you had relationship with Jesus you would understand it) what a bs we get hear. We are target for religious freaks, people who are selling services and countless others. Is this place safe ?????????

02-24-2014, 08:32 AM
Letsee, nice post, actually it hit the nerve:)) Putin and religion:) Nixon if you do not mind; define spiritual for me, please (Prius is not bad at all) relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. this how I understand it. I am not believer and I am very spiritual. I have problem with people who push theirs believes on me, ( quote from one of the post answering my post: If you had relationship with Jesus you would understand it) what a bs we get hear. We are target for religious freaks, people who are selling services and countless others. Is this place safe ?????????

Spiritual to me is I have a strong belief in Jesus Christ and the things the Bible says he empowered me with

I truly believe that our mind of free will is the only real obstacle that we need to overcome

Now with that being said, I am a big sinner and I have alot of explaining to do.

Hopefully He isn't too pissed about me

I also am not one for organized religion. No religion is 100% how I believe and some operate on fear tactics

Maybe that is a cop out but I am not one for church but we do say grace at dinner most nights and I have a daily conversation with My God

I have none of the right answers, just the thoughts of what is right for me

02-24-2014, 08:50 AM
Spiritual to me is I have a strong belief in Jesus Christ and the things the Bible says he empowered me with

I truly believe that our mind of free will is the only real obstacle that we need to overcome

Now with that being said, I am a big sinner and I have alot of explaining to do.

Hopefully He isn't too pissed about me

I also am not one for organized religion. No religion is 100% how I believe and some operate on fear tactics

Maybe that is a cop out but I am not one for church but we do say grace at dinner most nights and I have a daily conversation with My God

I have none of the right answers, just the thoughts of what is right for me

Thank you , for me spiritual means something a bit different. I consider atheists and wicca believers very spiritual. I am spiritual , I am. Thank you Nixon:))

02-24-2014, 09:17 AM
Thank you , for me spiritual means something a bit different. I consider atheists and wicca believers very spiritual. I am spiritual , I am. Thank you Nixon:))

I completely agree. Spiritual doesn't have to do with the belief in a god

Spiritual is generally what sets your moral compass

02-24-2014, 09:30 AM
I completely agree. Spiritual doesn't have to do with the belief in a god

Spiritual is generally what sets your moral compass

Knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom....triple threat guy!...

Yes, merely what sets your moral compass...and forms compassion (in all aspects of life of course)...

Great thread!

Enduronman... :)

02-24-2014, 11:08 AM
I seems that every thread Ponder posts is turning into very interesting discussion:)

02-24-2014, 12:33 PM
Look..... My comments were reacted to the context on what I saw. My point WAS if this is going to be a group to help ALL then squashing someone's beliefs is not the way to do it. I didn't know about some of the other banter that was going on prior between Ponder and whomever, but I do have faith in Jesus Christ and to see such a venomous distaste for God and such really brought me down and I reacted. I sometimes do that.... Act then think. It's a flaw....or from the Christian realm.... A sin. :P. I am not perfect when I came to Christ and I sure as hell am not perfect now. I know nothing of perfect Christians. They don't exist. Only forgiven ones whom trek through this life as all do. I am not here to preach. I am here to support others that have or had anxiety. I am in that boat as well and need support and will give support to whomever needs it. Ponder ..... I am not a troll.... I just reacted..... I apologize if that set you off. I will try and grow some thicker skin or put on my dark sunglasses. :p

02-24-2014, 01:20 PM
Look..... My comments were reacted to the context on what I saw. My point WAS if this is going to be a group to help ALL then squashing someone's beliefs is not the way to do it. I didn't know about some of the other banter that was going on prior between Ponder and whomever, but I do have faith in Jesus Christ and to see such a venomous distaste for God and such really brought me down and I reacted. I sometimes do that.... Act then think. It's a flaw....or from the Christian realm.... A sin. :P. I am not perfect when I came to Christ and I sure as hell am not perfect now. I know nothing of perfect Christians. They don't exist. Only forgiven ones whom trek through this life as all do. I am not here to preach. I am here to support others that have or had anxiety. I am in that boat as well and need support and will give support to whomever needs it. Ponder ..... I am not a troll.... I just reacted..... I apologize if that set you off. I will try and grow some thicker skin or put on my dark sunglasses. :p

And I respect your beliefs friend, and I also act before I actually think too, which is a hugggeeeeee reason for why I am here too..

Have a good day bruh!...

Enduronman... :)

Anxious Abi
02-24-2014, 01:38 PM
I honestly don't think anybody who has commented has anything against people with faith.
I had the pleasure of being spoke at by TrueCompanion, who I politely responded to.
Their first words being, you need to be the student, and I need to be your teacher, they carried on to tell me my life is worthless and will never have meaning unless I give myself to god. My lack of faith is why I have anxiety et cetera.
This person did not once mention having anxiety, nor wanting to talk about anxiety.
Just persistently quoting the bible, telling me I had to change or I would regret it.
I have nothing against anybody, each to their own, chose to believe what you want. But please afford me the same courtesy, don't try to treat me like a child at Sunday school telling me I will go to hell if I don't say my prayers.
Ponder is entirely justified to take offense IMHO.

Best wishes.

02-24-2014, 01:45 PM
I honestly don't think anybody who has commented has anything against people with faith.
I had the pleasure of being spoke at by TrueCompanion, who I politely responded to.
Their first words being, you need to be the student, and I need to be your teacher, they carried on to tell me my life is worthless and will never have meaning unless I give myself to god. My lack of faith is why I have anxiety et cetera.
This person did not once mention having anxiety, nor wanting to talk about anxiety.
Just persistently quoting the bible, telling me I had to change or I would regret it.
I have nothing against anybody, each to their own, chose to believe what you want. But please afford me the same courtesy, don't try to treat me like a child at Sunday school telling me I will go to hell if I don't say my prayers.
Ponder is entirely justified to take offense IMHO.

Best wishes.

Damn, I'm just impressed that you engaged the conversation, Abi

You did more than any of us

I will aspire to have the patience of you

02-24-2014, 02:00 PM
Look..... My comments were reacted to the context on what I saw. My point WAS if this is going to be a group to help ALL then squashing someone's beliefs is not the way to do it. I didn't know about some of the other banter that was going on prior between Ponder and whomever, but I do have faith in Jesus Christ and to see such a venomous distaste for God and such really brought me down and I reacted. I sometimes do that.... Act then think. It's a flaw....or from the Christian realm.... A sin. :P. I am not perfect when I came to Christ and I sure as hell am not perfect now. I know nothing of perfect Christians. They don't exist. Only forgiven ones whom trek through this life as all do. I am not here to preach. I am here to support others that have or had anxiety. I am in that boat as well and need support and will give support to whomever needs it. Ponder ..... I am not a troll.... I just reacted..... I apologize if that set you off. I will try and grow some thicker skin or put on my dark sunglasses. :p

I wasn't trying to offend anyone, however religion shouldn't be immune to scrutiny just like any other group belief (political party/views on social issues/science etc).

If we consider that religious belief is (in the majority of cases) a result of geography and the beliefs of families/parents. For example being born in the USA to a Christian family it's likely you will nail your flag to Jesus (no pun intended).

If you had been born in India you would most likely be pledging your allegiance to Vishnu (or one of the other many thousands of versions of deities throughout history)

My point being who is right or wrong? The Americans (who did not begin with Christianity until the Mayflower landed), or the Indians?

1 planet - but multiple gods?

As for whether this wonderful planet came about by accident?

If I was to put aside the immense amount of evidence in support of evolution and believed in creationism (which I don't) but for the sake of argument I did.

I would have to make the analogy that something as powerful and great as a "God" creating earth and leaving the immense amount of space baron, would be the equivalent of a landscape gardener going into a hectare of land and polishing 1 stone.

This wouldn't say to me that these were the actions of a creative supreme being.

02-24-2014, 02:51 PM
I've always said that each on everyone of us is a good and special person. One of my good traits is that I don't stay angry for long. It would also seem there is room in here for healing and regardless of all the corrosion that has taken place, I can sense a shift for the better.

Nixon - if I may say. 1stly I thank you very much for your kind words regarding my position as you see it from. I was very touched given many of us can find it hard to understand the make up of others - yet I care not for the assessment, but more in how and why you even bothered. I know myself, that I sometimes struggle to understand what you mean, however it is without a doubt, that I have expressed to others whilst in that confusion - there is something I respect very much about yourself. Hence even more feeling appreciative. TY

Could I just explain about the "spirituality part" - If I may without getting all defensive and that. Again - the waves are seeming pretty good today and I thank you all for that. I understand spirituality (and this is just me - not Google or anything like that) ... to be my essence - my core - my most inner me. It's not just that though ... to me, it's also like an interactive energy filed containing all facets of speed and time. Again for me, it's the ability to feel both deeply beyond and into the emotional self - a strong and very present association between our true selves and all that surrounds us. Truth & Trust being a core element highly sort after by any individual wishing to make sense with him/herself, others and the world around them -> within the context of an otherwise obscure position blanketed with confusion and suffering that takes much personal attention to peeling back the layers in order to tap into such sensing, intuition and work towards - going from a continual seeker into someone whos just "appears -comes to be" - with the same wonderful attributes of quick to surrender, to forgive, be compassionate, again with the some unconditional aspects as any one true teaching may claim to attain.

In this light with all due respect my friend - I have to say that I am Very much a spiritual person. It's not that I feel the need to defend - it's simply a path I now put into perspective amongst the waves that followed my own equal and opposite reaction. Some of the most psychotic people on this earth are more connected to spirituality than any of us can ever know just as some of them a well known to be geniuses and world renowned artist of every form. Of course while I compare myself Not to such claim - I mean only no to express how much of a simpleton I be to others as I fluster, stutter and prick so easily as living in a world constantly surrounded by "Anxiety", "depression" - which leads into my issues with "Social Phobia" continually which plagues me with "Paranoia" ...

Such sickness of my mind - resultant of that layering from years of whatever - Not just mine (going with the collective concept there aka worlds residual pain) Some of us are more flustered and misunderstood than others - yet that connection with what matters beyond the illusion can be strongest in those deemed most unfit among us. Again, I am not trying to blow a horn here - other than present spirituality in the same theme as you might say that I will be saved because saving exists - so too spirituality also comes to light in every being whether they know it or not - in fact, I have come to understand that the more one seeks not to know but feel instead - the more spiritually they become tuned.

I love my spiritual side and am thankful for my ability to let it just be when it come - I sense more than I know, just how many it's helped me connect with in here. Most of all - such irony in how it seeks to build bridges with those I have crossed wires with - Being human however, I only wish I could be better seen by those I feel obscured from, as too my own perception of others.

Again - I am really thankful for your words Nixon. Much appreciated. You really do have my utmost respect.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________

To others - I have corroded with. No excuses for my reaction, and it's not the forums fault to which I actually love the fee reign to which I bitched about. Allowing for expression that seemingly again has reigned itself in - for the most part - would indicate a good balance amongst the users here. I guess we are not as imbalanced as we think ourselves to be. Heaven Almighty Forbid -

For better or worse - You've said quite a lot again Gene ... I'm running out of steam to elaborate or go on from there. I still corrosive from the "money thread" - but not so blinded to see through the fumes. - Everyone here has admitted to such a layering of personal reaction and defensive use - of their words ... reason I have attempted to come back on in.

I am a prime target to react with such religious banter when approached like so in my personal space ... let it be known once again - I have an extensive background in the Evangelical/charismatic/pentecostal/born again/spiritually gifted whole shabang from a very young age to which added much insufferable pain - perhaps one day when I am better able to write on such a toxic topic - it may be better understood, how I cringe at the very words of God like a dog that barks at the utility man, that once beat him with a stick. It matters not who is wearing the hat or riding the bike, but once they see, smell and hear it coming - they loose control and start reacting.

My deepest apologies. My spirituality was spawn from such roots. When I turn my back on religion - my spirituality has been with me ever since - I have revealed some of that within my poems covering some of my most intimate experiences (with self) during my homeless years in which without such suffering, I would never of come to know (huge insights revealed as I can only know). I believe very much a lot of the essence in many teachings and claim not to reject or validate anything other than what I know from my own personal experiences. Which if ever I am able to define in a way that hits its intended mark, comes not from my limited/Google vocabulary, but more from an attempt to make peace.

So on that note ... we have learned:

Although Ponder thinks he is some gifted super spiritual all powerful being-
It's best not to preach to Ponder
lest he become ... his raving lunatic self & possibly human again.


02-24-2014, 04:07 PM
Ponder - I owe you an apology

I poorly chose my words in my post stating I was spiritual and you were not

I should have used the word not" religious" (in the common definition)

My point was that I believe in God and you do not and that has never bothered me about you or anyone else with similar beliefs.

But that doesn't make us unable to speak to each other here because we both have more to us than those beliefs

I would hate if I judged you or you to me based on where we think we will end up when we die

I know you to be very spiritual. And with your post, I better understand to what depth that reaches in you

And I appreciate your words

02-24-2014, 04:21 PM
.......... :)

02-24-2014, 10:14 PM
Okay.....I have to ask ....Who is this True Companion person that is being referred to ? I haven't the slightest idea.....if maybe I had known ...I might have bypassed the whole thread. And to Ponder.....the whole charismatic, pentecostal chaos that is in Christianity is pretty bogus from what I have experienced. So I do see where your distaste for religion originates and why. Peace to Ponder.


02-25-2014, 03:55 AM
I'm on from my tablet and not sure if I can pull of properly formatting a short response to those who responded to what I said and I just wanted to throw in a simple; thank you all, so much, for being understanding (:

02-25-2014, 04:04 AM
Anyone know if true companion got banned btw?

02-25-2014, 05:32 AM
Seems this thread flipped from attack to compassion. We even discussed those dreaded spiritual, religious things. Seems people are not taking things too personal now. At

least is appears that way. Very cool. I congratulate us all. Nixon I apologize if my commas are not properly placed. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,:D YAY!

Oh and P, E, A, C, E,

PS: I knew we were all talking about the same things, and whoop there it is. Even though we did use different words.

02-25-2014, 05:40 AM
Yep, it's nice to see people apologize to others for things that offended them, when offence wasn't intended, or maybe they reacted, and I mean that all through the thread really. Ain't that the true Christian way after all that was discussed. :)

Gene, you reckon we can get a YMCA dance going to this PEACE thing you do. I'm happy to take on the letter A.

(To the tune of YMCA) - Let's all find someeee P-E-A-C-E

Peace brother.

02-25-2014, 06:02 AM
It would probably be appropriate that I should do the P..ee.

Not sure if it's the Christian thing Jesse so much as a human thing?

Indeed :)

We just talked a lot about the bad elements of religion in here, it was nice to see what's meant to be the true element of it practiced, by Hockey especially.

Considering how it went a little um, pear shaped when a certain Artaud felt criticised hehe

02-25-2014, 06:04 AM
Yep, it's nice to see people apologize to others for things that offended them, when offence wasn't intended, or maybe they reacted, and I mean that all through the thread really. Ain't that the true Christian way after all that was discussed. :)

Gene, you reckon we can get a YMCA dance going to this PEACE thing you do. I'm happy to take on the letter A.

(To the tune of YMCA) - Let's all find someeee P-E-A-C-E

Peace brother.

LMAO Hey Jesse I am all in. Now that could be a good dance. I wanna wear the half belly shirt thingy, and thongs. Peace bro, sure hope you're doing well.

02-25-2014, 06:08 AM
It would probably be appropriate that I should do the P..ee.

Not sure if it's the Christian thing Jesse so much as a human thing?

Awesome Frankie. LOL An Irish witted mam. Very good. Human "thang" is cool too. Peace Lil Sis. I see you doing well, proud of ya girl. Pee ace:D

02-25-2014, 07:11 AM
It's just like the old lady Jahova's witness' that come to my door, I love how hard they try every time.

I just open the door and tell them I'm Catholic, they leave....instantly

02-25-2014, 07:16 AM
I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.

Groucho Marx


02-25-2014, 07:17 AM
I'm great, Frankie

If ever a thread needed hijacking, perhaps it was this one so I don't mind having a friendly conversation with Zola's mum (see I didn't write mom). I am becoming European!

I am working at home today waiting for a new company car

I am getting a Prius. A freaking Prius!

Nothing says "I am invisible to attractive women" more than driving a Prius

I think even my wife may wise up and pack her bags

Haha try feeling attractive in a minivan!!!!!!! Although, last week I got a sporty little Jetta, feeling MUCH better now LOL

02-25-2014, 07:26 AM
Haha try feeling attractive in a minivan!!!!!!! Although, last week I got a sporty little Jetta, feeling MUCH better now LOL

Are you secretly Velma from Scooby Doo? You are, aren't you? ;)

02-25-2014, 07:33 AM
Are you secretly Velma from Scooby Doo? You are, aren't you? ;)

Of the two girls in the Mystery Machine, you chose to pick Velma?

From the outside, I am a way bigger Daphne fan and I hate Freddie.

But I am shallow that way

I think you must know something that I don't

02-25-2014, 07:44 AM
Lol it was the brown hair in her pic. And actually she doesn't strike me as much as a Daphne. Nicolette seems more of a Daphne