View Full Version : anxiety advice

02-23-2014, 03:06 PM
I really don't know where else to turn to I need yo know that im not the only one who has been at this point any advice would mean so much. So I started having panic attacks a couple of months ago 3 to be exact, they came out of the blue so it seems I had started a new job but I love my job its the career I have always wanted so I don't think it is that. The panic attacks started off quite mild palpitations heart pain dizziness light headed feeling likr I was having a stroke or a heart attack they would only last maybe ten minutes are so but now they are getting longer and so much worse. They can last an hour and I never fully recover. I have suffeted with severe depression in the last I was on citalopram for around a year and a half but came off the tablets a year or sp ago as I felt my life was great and I was dealing with things ok. I have always been a big drinker when I was depressed I was drinking a bottle of wine a night however that cut down to four nights then 3/2 nights a week. However I have noticed the panic attacks are so much after alcohol the day after, does anyone else find this? So the past week I thought I have been ok I have had time off work but drank alcohol a few nights in a row which I haven't done in a while I think to keep myself happy as I have been feeling down. However this weekend has been hell, yesterday I had the worse panic attack I have ever had. I genuinely was frightened to ever close my eyes for a second I couldn't stand up straight incoherent thoughts I was screaming in hysterics at my partner that I was going to die all the while feeling completely detached from myself dizzy sweating but freezing my muscles were tensed and sore sorry to say bjt my stomach was terriblr I was on the toilet every few seconds. In all it took me 3 hours to calm down but I never felt fully recovered I couldn't concentrate on anything I felt physically ill for the rest of the day I tried to be normal but still felt detached from everything later in the evening I suddenly threw up and decided to go to bed as I felt exhausted. It took me four hours to go to sleep and I slept on and off for 5 hours. Today I have not yet had a panic attack but all day felt the same detached feeling of yeaterday I cant seem to feel any happiness ive cried on and off felt dizzy I havent moved off the couch as I feel so lethargic and 'out of it' I feel ill and like I am genuinely loosing my mind. Whats happening to me am I loosing my mind? I have had blood tests and only foubd low folate deficiency so its not thyroid I am at my lowest I have ever been. Any advice would be great thanks

02-23-2014, 03:16 PM
What has you soooo stressed out?
1. Get to a Doctor and tell them all this please..
2. Take the medications that they give you..
3. Ask for a referral to a councelor to discuss these issues, and the real issues causing all this panic..
4. Lighten up on the alcohol use, it adds to this anxiety, health issues, stresses, sicknesses.....

Jus some thoughts friend, best to work on getting it under control now rather than later...
