View Full Version : My intro

02-23-2014, 10:28 AM
Hi ! , my name is Sarah and i currently am in my last year of high school. I have been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks since i was 16 and they were mainly to do with my grades and not being where i want to be in terms of my expectations. I work hard on the kinds of tasks that my teachers set out for me but am always afraid to ask for help personally because i never want to bother a teacher with my questions or to ever annoy them. I need a better coping mechanisms that wont have me stressed as much .

02-23-2014, 02:11 PM
Hi Sarah - welcome aboard Nice to have you

No lack of coping mechanisms here.

Just cruise the threads and see what you can find

By all means start a new thread

Hope yur stay here is a short one!

02-24-2014, 09:40 PM
Would you say you're a perfectionist, is that where your anxiety seems to stem from a lot of the time?

In CBT that's a pretty common 'thinking error', as they call them. They call it that (quite obviously) as sometimes those people can be unduly harsh on themselves, or get on their own backs about stuff.

The being afraid to bother a teacher -- well, that's part of another thinking error, as you'll see!

I think CBT will help you a lot. Googling the CBT THINKING ERRORS will probably help you see a few that you're making, without realizing. We all make them!

You can then change your thought process a little to correct this error in judgement. It's a very effective system. Lots you can learn for free on the internet too.

You're young. Plenty of time to get on top of this. I don't see any reason in your post that suggests you can't.

Welcome, and nice to meet you. :)