View Full Version : chronic nasal congestion...

02-23-2014, 09:27 AM
I have been living with basically constant nasal congestion for many years, but now im wondering if this may be the underlying cause of my anxiety..?

I don't know how common this is really, but ive read its almost normal to have basically one nostril stuffed ....

I have almost always one nostril open and the other one stuffed, its been like this for years, I have never made a big deal out of it. I use Sudafed drops if it gets too annoying, I know people aren't supposed to use Sudafed for more than a week but I have been using it for years....

I went to the doctor with it many years ago and she said its because of a deviated nasal septum and only operation will help.

I do nasal irrigation with salt water every day...

So how much damage have I really caused by tolerating it for years and using Sudafed? Can it be the underlying cause of my anxiety?

02-23-2014, 09:36 AM
u have do buy daphne foils and put them in boiling water and with a towel on your head breath all the its steam.daphne foila u can find them i greek restaurants.

02-23-2014, 09:39 AM
I have basically accepted it as a part of my life that my nostrils are almost never open. Usually its one open and one closed, during the winter sometimes both are closed, but the only way I can have both of them open is if I use Sudafed.

Nasal irrigation I do just to clean, it doesn't really help with the congestion.

02-23-2014, 09:40 AM
find the foils they helped me once and for all man.

02-23-2014, 09:51 AM
find the foils they helped me once and for all man.

what exactly are you talking about?

02-23-2014, 10:05 AM
what exactly are you talking about?

look man there is a plant which makes these foils.it is called daphne.it is a mediterrean plant.u must put the foils in boiling water and breath the vapor of them. u can find them i greek restaurants ask them. it makes wonders man.saved me from sinuses.u must do it every night for like 2 weeks. and like 15 minutes of breathing.

02-23-2014, 10:22 AM
I cant find anything in google about Daphne foils.... I don't even know what it is in my language (english is not my native language).

02-23-2014, 11:59 AM
It could be disrupting your sleep, and resulting in increased anxiety. I've had two surgeries for a deviated septum (result of injuries). Maybe consider it? The first surgery helped me a lot. Still too soon to tell after the most recent one - been sick all winter. Some people manage just fine with a deviated septum, but if you're having consistent problems and anxiety, surgery could be something to think about. I have one stuffed up nostril right now, as we speak :) I've also been told it's typical to have that.

02-23-2014, 12:04 PM
I have basically accepted it as a part of my life that my nostrils are almost never open. Usually its one open and one closed, during the winter sometimes both are closed, but the only way I can have both of them open is if I use Sudafed.

Nasal irrigation I do just to clean, it doesn't really help with the congestion.

Nasal rince, or sinus rince http://www.webmd.com/allergies/sinus-pain-pressure-11/neti-pots?page=2

It saved me, not kidding , not more bleeds, running nose, blocked sinuses, or colds :) try it
I have chronic rhinitis based on allergies