View Full Version : Focusing on the feelings too much

02-23-2014, 07:06 AM
I got this feeling that if I didn't focus on how I was feeling so much half my battle would be beat. It seems I feel alright in morning or evening most times, but it is often changed when I get all caught up on focusing on my feelings and symptoms. I just want to let them go and do what they do, but that is very difficult. Fighting them seems to be a natural response, and I have no idea how to go against a natural response.

Most nights i sleep well, I eat well, and I take care of myself hygiene and health. Regularly exercise I participate in sports like hockey and exercise on trampoline at home most mornings. I drink a homemade veggie and fruit smoothy every morning, eat eggs for breakfast for protein, I eat salmon several times a week. I don't drink coffee, I don't smoke, and I don't drink alcohol.

Why can I do so much right and still don't feel like I'm on top?

I could say I feel much better than I did starting in May all through the summer it was rough. I went a couple of months battling it without medication than I just gave up and started taken them. I took them for a couple of months and they did help, but it got to the point where my anxiety and depression feelings were starting to seem like they were caused from the medication. I stopped taking them and sure enough I started feeling much better. I had many good days and some mild bad days. It was also when I started taking them that I was doing CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). I've been doing CBT ever since and believe it plays a very big role in preventing me from drifting too deep. I do mindfulness tension meditation 3 times a day.

I recently started having some bad days off the medication and even though I do all the right things as mentioned above, so decided to take my medication that is suppose to be for depression and anxiety but is suppose to be best for anxiety. Paxil (Paroxetine) I believe it's called. Since taking it I noticed an immediate difference. I'm actually taking half dose of what they gave me. They gave me 10mg I cut it in half and take 5mg. Today is day 2 with taking it again will see how it goes.

Thanks for reading.


03-08-2014, 01:27 PM
I got this feeling that if I didn't focus on how I was feeling so much half my battle would be beat. It seems I feel alright in morning or evening most times, but it is often changed when I get all caught up on focusing on my feelings and symptoms. I just want to let them go and do what they do, but that is very difficult. Fighting them seems to be a natural response, and I have no idea how to go against a natural response. Most nights i sleep well, I eat well, and I take care of myself hygiene and health. Regularly exercise I participate in sports like hockey and exercise on trampoline at home most mornings. I drink a homemade veggie and fruit smoothy every morning, eat eggs for breakfast for protein, I eat salmon several times a week. I don't drink coffee, I don't smoke, and I don't drink alcohol. Why can I do so much right and still don't feel like I'm on top? I could say I feel much better than I did starting in May all through the summer it was rough. I went a couple of months battling it without medication than I just gave up and started taken them. I took them for a couple of months and they did help, but it got to the point where my anxiety and depression feelings were starting to seem like they were caused from the medication. I stopped taking them and sure enough I started feeling much better. I had many good days and some mild bad days. It was also when I started taking them that I was doing CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). I've been doing CBT ever since and believe it plays a very big role in preventing me from drifting too deep. I do mindfulness tension meditation 3 times a day. I recently started having some bad days off the medication and even though I do all the right things as mentioned above, so decided to take my medication that is suppose to be for depression and anxiety but is suppose to be best for anxiety. Paxil (Paroxetine) I believe it's called. Since taking it I noticed an immediate difference. I'm actually taking half dose of what they gave me. They gave me 10mg I cut it in half and take 5mg. Today is day 2 with taking it again will see how it goes. Thanks for reading. Kevin

Ahhhh I found someone who is also on Paxil! How's it been for you so far? Tonight will be my 4th night taking it..

03-08-2014, 08:27 PM
Ahhhh I found someone who is also on Paxil! How's it been for you so far? Tonight will be my 4th night taking it..

Brooke I wish I could say good, but I can't. Actually it did work great for me for a while but not long enough. I was taking 20mg while it worked than it stop working so I stopped. Than started taking it again 5mg for a while worked again but stopped working agin. I would imagine though some people have better success with it. I had the same experience with zoloft. I have to say CBT cognitive behavioural therapy has done much more for me than meds.

03-08-2014, 08:36 PM
Brooke I wish I could say good, but I can't. Actually it did work great for me for a while but not long enough. I was taking 20mg while it worked than it stop working so I stopped. Than started taking it again 5mg for a while worked again but stopped working agin. I would imagine though some people have better success with it. I had the same experience with zoloft. I have to say CBT cognitive behavioural therapy has done much more for me than meds.

Oh no :/ so weird how pills work so a while & then just stop. Sucks we can build a tolerance to things.. But I've been hearing a lot about CBT & I wanna give it a try while on meds so I can learn to deal with life after I quit the meds.. I just started Paxil 4 nights ago.

03-08-2014, 08:59 PM
CBT is the best course of treatment for agoraphobia. A combination of CBT and SSRI meds is thought to have an 85% success rate for agoraphobia.

Awesome!!!! I must try!! Can you do CBT on your own or just in therapy? I don't see a therapist til the 19th.

03-08-2014, 09:09 PM
to be honest, I have not done so without a therapist but I expect there are several good resources for CBT techniques etc online to be found. I remember my sister in law did an online course of it for something non anxiety related. It's all about identifying cognitive errors, challenging them and in turn modifying behaviours. I have printed off common cognitive errors and stuck them up in my kitchen to try help me.

Im gonna see if I can find books on it.. & that's a very good idea putting those up in your kitchen!!

Thank you for the help :)

03-08-2014, 09:21 PM
Im gonna see if I can find books on it.. & that's a very good idea putting those up in your kitchen!!

Thank you for the help :)

Brooke yes there is a wealth of information online on how you can start doing CBT on your own. The mindfulness part of it is important. I started CBT on my own for months before actually seeing a therapist who was qualified to use it. The thing about CBT is that it teaches you to live life basically they way we should have always been living life. It also helps with the 'negative thought patterns' that go on in the mind. There is a lot of research behind CBT as well. Some people need meds for life, but some people can get off meds overtime and CBT can make that possible for some people.

03-08-2014, 09:31 PM
Actually there is the book which I have called CBT for dummies. I know silly title, but those types of books have a wealth of information written by very educated people. Here's a great link. mindfulnessstudies.com. If your current therapist doesn't know CBT (which is highly unlikely), but if so I would find another therapist. Especially if you find a therapist that is anti-CBT which is rare nowadays, but I did find one once and it puzzled me because of the research behind CBT there is no reason for any therapist not to know and use CBT for anxiety and depression patients.

Another great site but I warn you it is kind of expensive, but this is a home study training for CBT through stresscenter.com. I have the program and I absolutely love it. The customer service department is horrible, and I mean real horrible. But the material is priceless to me.

03-08-2014, 09:33 PM
I'm happy I have a thread that got activity and conversing with some people who are going through similar issues. Enjoy the discussions and helping.

03-08-2014, 09:39 PM
Brooke yes there is a wealth of information online on how you can start doing CBT on your own. The mindfulness part of it is important. I started CBT on my own for months before actually seeing a therapist who was qualified to use it. The thing about CBT is that it teaches you to live life basically they way we should have always been living life. It also helps with the 'negative thought patterns' that go on in the mind. There is a lot of research behind CBT as well. Some people need meds for life, but some people can get off meds overtime and CBT can make that possible for some people.

I found a CBT workbook for dummies!! Lol I'll give that a try..

& I have a lot of negative thoughts so that's good!!!

I'm hoping I can eventually come off meds & do this on my own :)

03-08-2014, 09:40 PM
Actually there is the book which I have called CBT for dummies. I know silly title, but those types of books have a wealth of information written by very educated people. Here's a great link. mindfulnessstudies.com. If your current therapist doesn't know CBT (which is highly unlikely), but if so I would find another therapist. Especially if you find a therapist that is anti-CBT which is rare nowadays, but I did find one once and it puzzled me because of the research behind CBT there is no reason for any therapist not to know and use CBT for anxiety and depression patients. Another great site but I warn you it is kind of expensive, but this is a home study training for CBT through stresscenter.com. I have the program and I absolutely love it. The customer service department is horrible, and I mean real horrible. But the material is priceless to me.

How funny I just read this after replying to your other!! Haha

Thank you for the links!! I'm going to check them out :)

03-08-2014, 10:39 PM
I'm happy I have a thread that got activity and conversing with some people who are going through similar issues. Enjoy the discussions and helping.

Hi liberty! You have no idea what a great thread you started...I have learned much just from reading it through .

I can't add much, you have some great replies here. Just wanted you to know that you started a good thing for someone else.


03-09-2014, 05:22 PM
needtogetwell I'm glad you enjoy the thread. I'm going to guess the title I used "Focusing on the feelings too much" was something you relate too. That is a big one for me. It actually makes or breaks my day.

03-09-2014, 05:25 PM
I wish we had a gotomeeting or skype type of set up in this forum or somewhere. Would enjoy meeting people on a more personal level instead of just forum posts. I know some people would find that too much, but I imagine there are some people like myself very open and willing to share with others openly without the anonymity.

Brooke how is it going so far day 1 with CBT (The CBT for Dummies) book?


03-09-2014, 05:38 PM
I wish we had a gotomeeting or skype type of set up in this forum or somewhere. Would enjoy meeting people on a more personal level instead of just forum posts. I know some people would find that too much, but I imagine there are some people like myself very open and willing to share with others openly without the anonymity. Brooke how is it going so far day 1 with CBT (The CBT for Dummies) book? Kevin

That'd be cool!!!

But I ordered the book off amazon last night & it'll be here Wednesday!! I'm excited for it to arrive! :) I'll let you know how I like it!

03-09-2014, 07:22 PM
That'd be cool!!!

But I ordered the book off amazon last night & it'll be here Wednesday!! I'm excited for it to arrive! :) I'll let you know how I like it!

Thanks Brooke I look forward to hearing your progress using CBT. I am confident it will make a world of difference, but know that it will require patience. But that patience will pay off beautifully.

03-09-2014, 07:23 PM
Frank where is that group exactly? Thanks.