View Full Version : Need Some Reassurance

02-22-2014, 11:56 PM

I believe I may have anxiety however the physical and mental symptoms just seem to overwhelming for it to just be that. Does anyone get the below symptoms daily? I would be very interesting in hearing from you.

* Feel not "100%" everyday.
* Internal Tremor / Shaky Feeling (From Waking Up)
* Easily Get Pins and Needles (Legs, Arms, Hands)
* Dizzy Feeling
* Eyes Feel Sensitive to Light
* Neck Tension & Pain
* Head Feels Heavy
* Feel Spaced Out / Detached From "World" 24/7
* Jaw Pain / Tension
* Jaw feels like eaten something "sour".
* Cheek Pain and Feel "Puffy"
* Heart Beat Feels Irregular
* Heart Beat Feels "Heavy" / Pounding
* Head Pressure
* Head Pains
* Ear Pressure
* Battle To Find Words Sometimes
* Battle To Spell Words Sometimes
* Fatigued / Tired Most Of The Time
* Unmotivated / Not Willing To do Much
* Leg Tapping / Fidgeting.
* Get Easily Confused
* Socially Withdrawn
* Unrefreshing Sleep
* Difficulty Concentrating
* Constant Worry Going To Die
* Chest Pains
* Stomach Pains
* Hazy Vision Somethings
* Headaches
* Nausea
* Mouth Waters Somethings
* Emotional / Feel Helpless
* Mild Feeling Of Depression
* Muscle Twitches (Legs and Arms)
* Overwhelming Feeling Of Passing Out
* Feel like I am going crazy / losing my mind
* Get Irritated Easily

Thank in advance

02-23-2014, 12:05 AM
I had just about that entire list when my anxiety was at its worst.

02-23-2014, 12:37 AM
Hi Peter, anxiety can certainly cause all these symptoms, but I'm curious if you've been diagnosed with anxiety or have you been examined thoroughly by 1 or more physicians? The first thing I would recommend is to never pass everything off as simply anxiety. There are sometimes other treatable root causes for such a litany of symptoms like thyroid issues, vitamin deficiencies, depression, etc. Not suggesting you have some underlying physical cause, but it's always good to make sure. It can often give you peace of mind as well, especially if you suffer from health related anxiety. -Jeff

02-23-2014, 10:09 PM
Hi Jeff

I get most of these symptoms daily. It all started around 5 years ago after I had this sudden spaced out detached feeling that made me feel so scared that I thought I was going to die.

I did see a neurologist, ENT and a couple GPs when the symptoms initial hit.

Do you have any suggestions on to where to start as deep down inside I feel like there could be an underlying cause?


Curtis D
02-23-2014, 10:15 PM
yea that all sounds soooo familiar. i have about 80% of that list everyday

02-23-2014, 10:23 PM
Hi Curtis

It really sucks. How long have you had these symptoms? What is the most prominent one for you?


02-23-2014, 10:29 PM
I have most of those symptoms too!

Curtis D
02-23-2014, 10:32 PM
Hi Curtis

It really sucks. How long have you had these symptoms? What is the most prominent one for you?


between chest pain and cloudiness it the utter fear of losing control. and this is a all day everyday thing even on my absolute best days.

i wish you the best of luck and your not alone.

02-23-2014, 10:33 PM
Is this during a panic attack or like everyday just out of the blue.

Curtis D
02-23-2014, 10:38 PM
like everyday out of the blue then it causes me to go into a panic mode .. it happened today to me at target i started to feel cloudy and lightheaded then dizzy so i started to think of a stroke and then i started to get pins and needles in my left leg .. so i left target and soon as i walked outside BANG instant panic attack so i went to my car and drove home where i am still recovering from it now to reassure myself that i will be ok to go to work tomorrow

02-24-2014, 10:19 PM
like everyday out of the blue then it causes me to go into a panic mode .. it happened today to me at target i started to feel cloudy and lightheaded then dizzy so i started to think of a stroke and then i started to get pins and needles in my left leg .. so i left target and soon as i walked outside BANG instant panic attack so i went to my car and drove home where i am still recovering from it now to reassure myself that i will be ok to go to work tomorrow

Yep...to. Most of your list. I was fearful of a stroke as well. Was tested....I am healthy. And so are you most likely. The brain is a beast isn't it ? You will get better...it's takes time and therapy and maybe meds to take the edge off.


02-24-2014, 10:21 PM
I have the majority of those symptoms on a daily basis also. Hang in there.