View Full Version : Need ome reassuance

02-22-2014, 11:55 PM

I believe I may have anxiety however the physical and mental symptoms just seem to overwhelming for it to just be that. Does anyone get the below symptoms daily? I would be very interesting in hearing from you.

* Feel not "100%" everyday.
* Internal Tremor / Shaky Feeling (From Waking Up)
* Easily Get Pins and Needles (Legs, Arms, Hands)
* Dizzy Feeling
* Eyes Feel Sensitive to Light
* Neck Tension & Pain
* Head Feels Heavy
* Feel Spaced Out / Detached From "World" 24/7
* Jaw Pain / Tension
* Jaw feels like eaten something "sour".
* Cheek Pain and Feel "Puffy"
* Heart Beat Feels Irregular
* Heart Beat Feels "Heavy" / Pounding
* Head Pressure
* Head Pains
* Ear Pressure
* Battle To Find Words Sometimes
* Battle To Spell Words Sometimes
* Fatigued / Tired Most Of The Time
* Unmotivated / Not Willing To do Much
* Leg Tapping / Fidgeting.
* Get Easily Confused
* Socially Withdrawn
* Unrefreshing Sleep
* Difficulty Concentrating
* Constant Worry Going To Die
* Chest Pains
* Stomach Pains
* Hazy Vision Somethings
* Headaches
* Nausea
* Mouth Waters Somethings
* Emotional / Feel Helpless
* Mild Feeling Of Depression
* Muscle Twitches (Legs and Arms)
* Overwhelming Feeling Of Passing Out
* Feel like I am going crazy / losing my mind
* Get Irritated Easily

02-23-2014, 04:05 AM
Are they your symptoms, or are they symptoms you've copied from a site in comparison?

Either way, they are classic anxiety symptoms, each and every one of them :)

I've had many, and I'm sure others here have had just as many, if not more!

02-23-2014, 07:16 AM

I believe I may have anxiety however the physical and mental symptoms just seem to overwhelming for it to just be that. Does anyone get the below symptoms daily? I would be very interesting in hearing from you.

* Feel not "100%" everyday.
* Internal Tremor / Shaky Feeling (From Waking Up)
* Easily Get Pins and Needles (Legs, Arms, Hands)
* Dizzy Feeling
* Eyes Feel Sensitive to Light
* Neck Tension & Pain
* Head Feels Heavy
* Feel Spaced Out / Detached From "World" 24/7
* Jaw Pain / Tension
* Jaw feels like eaten something "sour".
* Cheek Pain and Feel "Puffy"
* Heart Beat Feels Irregular
* Heart Beat Feels "Heavy" / Pounding
* Head Pressure
* Head Pains
* Ear Pressure
* Battle To Find Words Sometimes
* Battle To Spell Words Sometimes
* Fatigued / Tired Most Of The Time
* Unmotivated / Not Willing To do Much
* Leg Tapping / Fidgeting.
* Get Easily Confused
* Socially Withdrawn
* Unrefreshing Sleep
* Difficulty Concentrating
* Constant Worry Going To Die
* Chest Pains
* Stomach Pains
* Hazy Vision Somethings
* Headaches
* Nausea
* Mouth Waters Somethings
* Emotional / Feel Helpless
* Mild Feeling Of Depression
* Muscle Twitches (Legs and Arms)
* Overwhelming Feeling Of Passing Out
* Feel like I am going crazy / losing my mind
* Get Irritated Easily

classic anxiety symptoms and I do not go a day without a lot of these. Have you seen a doctor yet? Please start there :)

Niicole Lynne
02-23-2014, 06:55 PM
I feel a number of those on a daily basis and just recently went to the doctor. Hoping it will start to help me :)

02-23-2014, 10:04 PM

Thank you for the replies. I typed the above list out (not copy and paste). I have had these symptoms for around 5 years now.

I did go see a neurologist, ENT and couple GPs when my symptoms initially started. They said I have GAD, but I just cannot accept that I can feel like this everyday. Each day feels like I am going to die due to the physical and mental symptoms.

I get sick to the stomach thinking how this has affected my life.


02-23-2014, 10:33 PM
I feel a number of these on a daily basis. It is very frustrating as you feel like there has to be something horrible going on with you and that these can't just be related to anxiety. It is scary and makes you envious of others that don't have anxiety disorders. I go through phases where some days/weeks I feel good, and then it will hit me out of nowhere. It really is a crappy thing to live with and unless someone has gone through this, it's hard to describe what you are going through. Hang in there!!

02-25-2014, 03:56 AM
I get half of those things almost daily to the point where I freaked out and took a blood test to see if everything is ok with me.What I do is try to ignore any symptoms like muscle twitching or stomach pain and say to myself that I am fine physically.It's really hard to convince my mind that I'm ok but eventually it's working to some degree.It's really crappy to be fine in one minute and the other to feel like something is wrong with you.