View Full Version : Had a horrible panic attck..

Terre Nova
02-22-2014, 10:19 PM
Just needed to post about this...

It was horrible! Thought i was going to DIE!!
Thought i was having a heart attack!
It lasted about 30 mins..
My hands haven't stopped shaking, my whole body actually...
Can't even hardly type this...

Anyone have some words to help me see past this?
I'm terrified to go to sleep and ive only gotten about 2 1/2 hrs in 2 days...

02-22-2014, 10:30 PM
Focus on your breathing first off . Reassure yourself that you can't die from a panic attack and that this will pass . I get panic attacks with lack of sleep as well . Count your teeth with your tongue that will distract your mind

Terre Nova
02-22-2014, 10:32 PM
Focus on your breathing first off . Reassure yourself that you can't die from a panic attack and that this will pass . I get panic attacks with lack of sleep as well . Count your teeth with your tongue that will distract your mind

Thank you...
This is the worst one ive had in 5 years!
Just want this feeling to go away :'(

02-22-2014, 10:34 PM
It will if you keep positive and reassure yourself your not alone and your not going to die . I hate that feeling but we have to train our thoughts .. You can do this . Let's talk about something you like to do

Terre Nova
02-22-2014, 10:54 PM
It will if you keep positive and reassure yourself your not alone and your not going to die . I hate that feeling but we have to train our thoughts .. You can do this . Let's talk about something you like to do

I have kids and a ton of animals... Usually they keep me pretty busy, but my daughter had a 2 day sleep over and things were unusually quiet around here...
And everyone is pretty quiet now...
I'm trying my best to deal with it quietly...
I just can't seem to talk myself through this, right now...

02-22-2014, 10:56 PM
You can .. As I lay here my head is killing me and my heart is broken without my fur best friend it was horrible putting her to rest today . It's so quiet here too . The boys are sleeping .. This is when we overthink .. We can talk about something funny ... Go

Terre Nova
02-22-2014, 11:04 PM
You can .. As I lay here my head is killing me and my heart is broken without my fur best friend it was horrible putting her to rest today . It's so quiet here too . The boys are sleeping .. This is when we overthink .. We can talk about something funny ... Go

Omg, i'm so sorry to hear that!!
I know how you feel and it's horrible!!
<3 :'( <3

Terre Nova
02-22-2014, 11:10 PM
You can .. As I lay here my head is killing me and my heart is broken without my fur best friend it was horrible putting her to rest today . It's so quiet here too . The boys are sleeping .. This is when we overthink .. We can talk about something funny ... Go

Ummm, something funny??? Hmmmm..
Not sure if i have anything humorous lol
But i can talk about my son, who's 4 and i call him my lil medicine man.. Every time i feel anxious and panicky all i have to do is ask him for a hug and instantly i feel better! Doesn't stay too long before i have to go back for another hug... Love that lil man :) i love all my kids equally Of course but he's got the healing powers!

02-22-2014, 11:11 PM
Alright, dear, just try to calm yourself as much as possible. A few deep breaths. Here we go. Tell yourself these things as you read this because you know it's true. Anxiety is lying to you. So repeat this in your mind. I am well. I am blessed. No harm will come to me. This is nothing more than my body overreacting to stress in my life. I reclaim my peace. I am healthy. I am well. These sensations I feel need not cause me worry because they are temporary. They will pass. My body is doing what it was designed to do...protecting me. It is nothing more, nothing less. I will relax my muscles, letting peace and love wash over me, starting with my toes, gently letting each part of my body truly relax. Each muscle group is relaxing as I read this. The tension is melting away. Slowly letting it make its way through my body through my stomach, my chest, then my shoulders and arms. Next I'll lie or sit here, completely at peace, letting go of all tension and worry in my arms and hands, allowing the calm inner peace to make its way to my shoulders, neck, jaws, forehead, temples and finally, to the top of my head. I am fine. I am protected. I am healthy. I am at peace. Even as I read this, I know my panic is nothing more than my body telling me to rest. My body needs sleep. Nothing more. In fact, I'm getting sleepy as I read this. I won't fight it. I will let the rest come to me. I deserve it. I have worked hard. No anxiety will take away my peace. I am well. I am loved. I am safe. These feelings are floating away as I drift further into a peaceful and relaxing state of mind and body. I am well. I feel loved and secure. Should any scary feelings arise again, I will float by them. I will reaffirm my control over them. They hold no power over my body and mind. I am tired. I will rest and smile, knowing happiness and good things await me tomorrow. I will let go all negative energies in my life. I will embrace healing. I am well. I am safe. I am at peace. I am tired and I will rest. I am thankful knowing the abundance of good things in my life. I am safe and I am well. I am happy and content. Goodbye anxiety, you have no power here.

Terre Nova
02-22-2014, 11:16 PM
Alright, dear, just try to calm yourself as much as possible. A few deep breaths. Here we go. Tell yourself these things as you read this because you know it's true. Anxiety is lying to you. So repeat this in your mind. I am well. I am blessed. No harm will come to me. This is nothing more than my body overreacting to stress in my life. I reclaim my peace. I am healthy. I am well. These sensations I feel need not cause me worry because they are temporary. They will pass. My body is doing what it was designed to do...protecting me. It is nothing more, nothing less. I will relax my muscles, letting peace and love wash over me, starting with my toes, gently letting each part of my body truly relax. Each muscle group is relaxing as I read this. The tension is melting away. Slowly letting it make its way through my body through my stomach, my chest, then my shoulders and arms. Next I'll lie or sit here, completely at peace, letting go of all tension and worry in my arms and hands, allowing the calm inner peace to make its way to my shoulders, neck, jaws, forehead, temples and finally, to the top of my head. I am fine. I am protected. I am healthy. I am at peace. Even as I read this, I know my panic is nothing more than my body telling me to rest. My body needs sleep. Nothing more. In fact, I'm getting sleepy as I read this. I won't fight it. I will let the rest come to me. I deserve it. I have worked hard. No anxiety will take away my peace. I am well. I am loved. I am safe. These feelings are floating away as I drift further into a peaceful and relaxing state of mind and body. I am well. I feel loved and secure. Should any scary feelings arise again, I will float by them. I will reaffirm my control over them. They hold no power over my body and mind. I am tired. I will rest and smile, knowing happiness and good things await me tomorrow. I will let go all negative energies in my life. I will embrace healing. I am well. I am safe. I am at peace. I am tired and I will rest. I am thankful knowing the abundance of good things in my life. I am safe and I am well. I am happy and content. Goodbye anxiety, you have no power here.

Thank you! Thats pretty powerful stuff!
Thanks for taking the time to write that out!
I'll keep reading until i believe it!

02-22-2014, 11:23 PM
As you ponder these good (and true) thoughts, I want you to sit or lie down comfortably. Concentrate on each muscle group in your body. Start with you feet and toes. Squeeze and tense them as hard as you can, holding and counting for 5 full seconds. Then totally relax them, really feeling how great it feels to completely relax and let all the tension go. Next, move to your legs and do the exact same thing. Squeeze and tense the muscles in your legs, hips and buttocks as tightly as you can, hold for 5 seconds, then completely relax. Let that part of your body just completely sink into the chair or bed if lying down. Next, do the stomach, then the chest, then the arms and hands, followed by the neck and shoulders and on to all the facial muscles. Let each part of your body just sink into the comfortable chair, couch or bed as you do this. You will find that you are much more relaxed and at peace. Repeat the whole sequence if you need to. Just make sure each muscle group and part of your body has been tensed as much as you can possibly squeeze, then total relaxation of all muscles in each area, starting from your feet to your head. I know you will feel better soon. Do this and repeat the previous positive affirmations any time you feel anxious. It will help. You are going to be just fine.