View Full Version : hit my head. afraid of concussion

02-22-2014, 10:16 PM
a few hours ago i was lifting weights with my brother in his apartment gym. we were standing on a bench and i hit my head on the corner of the tv that hangs on the wall. it hurt really bad and it bled for a little bit but all that went away within 20 minutes. i sort of just walked right into the corner of the TV not going that fast and it hit my right temple. it has formed a little bump over the wound. the cut is very small

im really afraid i might have a concussion but i dont have any symptoms of it.

im so scared im not going to wake up when i fall asleep tonight. am i just being overly worried about this?

02-22-2014, 10:28 PM
Don't go to sleep for about an hr and have someone check on you throughout the night . Did u pass out? Black out? Lose vision ?

02-22-2014, 10:31 PM
no. it just hurt really bad for a few seconds. i didnt feel dizzy or feel the need to pass out and i didnt have any vision problems. i had a stomach ache but i think that was because i was panicking.

02-22-2014, 10:35 PM
Okay good . Put ice on it for 10 min on and take some Tylenol if you are not allergic and can . Is someone home to watch over you?

02-22-2014, 10:42 PM
yes my grandma is home.

im afraid i wont wake up tomorrow

02-22-2014, 10:53 PM
You will wake up .. Do you feel okay now ? Do u have a large bump on ur temple? Put some ice on it .. Let ur grandma know that u hit your head and ur concerned . She can watch over you ..

02-22-2014, 10:58 PM
yeah i feel okay now. its not a large bump but its a small one. i just got done with the ice. i talked to her and she will look over me

02-23-2014, 07:23 AM
Good morning reiewer.....is all ok today?

I'm a coach and fitness instructor so I have to be trained in concussion awareness. If you are clear headed enough to be worried about this...you're good ;) When you have a concussion symptoms are generally confusion (name, date of birth etc ) common knowns would be difficult to answer, dialated pupils, throwing up or nausea, sleepiness. If you are still concerned get medical advice today :) Don't drive or operate heavy machinery (or lift ;) ) until you know for sure you are concussion free.