View Full Version : Exercise Question

02-22-2014, 08:15 PM
Has anyone ever experienced an anxiety attack while exercising? It seems, especially when I jog, I seem to have some anxiety symptoms. Sometimes I feel like it peeks (It is hard to describe, kind of like an electric shock) and then the symptoms resolve. On other times the symptoms seem to last, some time, after I stop exercising. Am I bringing on a panic attack?

02-22-2014, 08:28 PM
Yeah, I got panic attack riding the bike in the park, beautiful park. I was surprised, It was like 4 miles home, so I finished my planned route and came home, shaky but alive. I am carrying ativan with me, and not getting any panic attacks. Having that small pill in my purse is keeping me calm, ...Maybe you are pushing yourself too hard? Your heart beat goes up. It could the reason for it:0

02-23-2014, 01:47 AM
Raised heart rate and adrenaline from exercise - your brain will link it to similarities with a panic attack. Fight or flight kicks in because you've been undergoing anxiety and symptoms for a prolonged period. This can lead to chest tightness/pain and dizziness and all the other horrid anxiety symptoms. It happens to me nearly everytime I exercise. If you persevere with it though you will eventually train your mind and body to not associate a raised heart rate and breathlessness with a panic attack and wwill be able to exercise without issue.
