View Full Version : swallowing issues especially when eating

02-22-2014, 07:25 PM
Does anyone have trouble like swallowing? you really arent having trouble but you think you are?

sometimes at work when im talking to my customers i get it in my head that i cant swallow. i always feel that i need to be drinking water so my throat will be wet.

when i go out in public and eat i feel like i wont be able to swallow my food, like i have to force it down.

my throat is fine though its all in my head. anyone else suffer?

02-22-2014, 07:34 PM
Does anyone have trouble like swallowing? you really arent having trouble but you think you are? sometimes at work when im talking to my customers i get it in my head that i cant swallow. i always feel that i need to be drinking water so my throat will be wet. when i go out in public and eat i feel like i wont be able to swallow my food, like i have to force it down. my throat is fine though its all in my head. anyone else suffer?

It's a really common issue with anxiety, I used to get this same symptom but also the feeling that I couldn't breath or would run out of breath if i speak.

I have a client who cuts her food into tiny pieces because she is convinced she will choke when she eats.

Horrible feeling!

02-22-2014, 07:52 PM
I used to have a terrible problem swallowing and it would get much worse whenever I was anxious. It was like my throat would lock up and I would forget how to swallow--if that makes sense!
And as far as I knew, my throat was just fine. It was me that wasn't. I always had to drink tons of water with food and chew my food into mush that's too mushy for babies. I also wouldn't eat when I was alone for fearing I would choke and no one could help me out. It is a terrible feeling and I'm sorry you are going through something similar !

02-22-2014, 07:57 PM
Add me to the list for this one

It was a great way to lose weight if you needed to

Horrible feeling

02-22-2014, 08:13 PM
I have had this issue for sometime now . Been to ent and gastro drs they say it's reflux .. I hate it !! Hope u feel better soon

02-23-2014, 09:31 AM
yea i now it's in my mind. it's frustrating though because i kno nothing is really wrong with me

02-23-2014, 09:38 AM
yes.it is all in your mind though.look i used to think that if sntbing was there i would stop breathing and since i was breathing there was nothing there.so it went away.focus on another part of your body which doesnt bother you.look at your legs or smthing else u dont have a problem with. and u will distract yourself

02-23-2014, 05:49 PM
I have the same problem every now and then I feel that I need to swallow and I have to force, then my heart beats fast once I swallow it goes normal, crazy scary feeling I realized that if you think about it it gets worst,so whenever it comes I just relax have some water and it goes away.

03-07-2014, 07:12 AM
I have the same problem every now and then I feel that I need to swallow and I have to force, then my heart beats fast once I swallow it goes normal, crazy scary feeling I realized that if you think about it it gets worst,so whenever it comes I just relax have some water and it goes away.

yep i just try to relax

03-08-2014, 02:58 PM
going out to eat tonight i ope im ok

03-08-2014, 03:43 PM
Does anyone have trouble like swallowing? you really arent having trouble but you think you are? sometimes at work when im talking to my customers i get it in my head that i cant swallow. i always feel that i need to be drinking water so my throat will be wet. when i go out in public and eat i feel like i wont be able to swallow my food, like i have to force it down. my throat is fine though its all in my head. anyone else suffer?

Mate cannot tell you how much reading this thread is unreal to me......I am a 20 year anxiety sufferer.....for the past 6 months food hasn't been going down well, food stuck in my throat...... I list 3 stone in weight......after many tests and X-rays ....and last week an exploratory operation......cell test, swallow tests .....guess what........could not find anything.....the ENT dr sat with me fir some time explaining my throat is getting tight, but the only thing causing it was me.....hope this helps you guys as much as reading your threads has helped me..
