View Full Version : Do I really need medication do overcome my anxiety?

02-22-2014, 07:03 PM
Edit: Do I really need medication to* overcome my anxiety?

Hey guys :)

I've seen many people here on the forum that takes medication. I've seen some posts where people didn't take medication because they were afraid of it, but later on they decided to do it. When they do, people here are always positive to this. For example, I remember seeing someone who finally had the courage to take medications and everyone who responded said that it was good. But is it really?

I don't know if it's positive or negative to take any medication. For me, from my perspective, I think it's negative because of the following reasons:

1. It's not a permanent solution.
2. Side effects -I know that the severe side effects are rare.
3. The risk that it may be hard to get off them.

I CAN'T take medications, I've tried. It only got worse, not because of the meds, but because I overthink it. And now, I feel like it's over for me because I can't take any medications.

Do I really need medication to overcome my anxiety? CAN I overcome my anxiety without medications? Help is appreciated! :)

02-22-2014, 07:28 PM
Edit: Do I really need medication to* overcome my anxiety? Hey guys :) I've seen many people here on the forum that takes medication. I've seen some posts where people didn't take medication because they were afraid of it, but later on they decided to do it. When they do, people here are always positive to this. For example, I remember seeing someone who finally had the courage to take medications and everyone who responded said that it was good. But is it really? I don't know if it's positive or negative to take any medication. For me, from my perspective, I think it's negative because of the following reasons: 1. It's not a permanent solution. 2. Side effects -I know that the severe side effects are rare. 3. The risk that it may be hard to get off them. I CAN'T take medications, I've tried. It only got worse, not because of the meds, but because I overthink it. And now, I feel like it's over for me because I can't take any medications. Do I really need medication to overcome my anxiety? CAN I overcome my anxiety without medications? Help is appreciated! :)

Hi Alias It has to be down to your own choice.

Some people take to meds, some don't, others add it to their health anxiety list.

Meds aren't a permanent solution in isolation, but for many they allow the mind to get to a stage that therapy can be effective, others it allows enough of the edge to be taken off that they can lead a relatively normal life, and for a few they are absolutely necessary.

Talking/intervention therapies can be done without meds, but it depends on how open the patient is to changing behaviour.

Everyone is different.

02-22-2014, 07:37 PM
1. If it weren't for medications then I wouldn't be here.
2. Many people do take them, with great success.
3. Many people take them with great failure, and either stay off of them and continue posting about how terrible they feel, or, try another one.
4. NO ONE to my knowledge, has ever died from taking an SSRI unless they took 60 tablets at once.
5. It is not a permanent solution, because nothing in this world is permanent anyway..its a temporary patch, to enable one, the see new things, in a different perspective...
6. No, it isn't hard to get off of them..its hard to get off of Heroin, Meth, Coke, Alcohol, Nicotine,..that's hard...
7. You take paracematol without thought, yet over think these meds to make you feel better mentally, like paracematol helps you not hurt...same thing.
8. Yes, many people are petrified of a tablet,..and they will post 1000 times about how bad they feel,...because they're doing nothing about, feeling better.
9. What's the difference?...Freaking out, without the tablet? or Freaking out with the tablet?...
10. I take lots of tablets, and they provide me with many different things..my mentality, my focus, my health both physically and mentally..I'm not suffering in either way.

Can you overcome your anxiety without medications? Are you having solid success thus far?
Do you really need medications to overcome this anxiety? You know that answer, we don't...and if you do, its only temporary anyway....

Does that help bruh?

You decide when you're ready to conquer this anxiety and how you plan to do that too...


02-22-2014, 07:47 PM
Edit: Do I really need medication to* overcome my anxiety?

Hey guys :)

I've seen many people here on the forum that takes medication. I've seen some posts where people didn't take medication because they were afraid of it, but later on they decided to do it. When they do, people here are always positive to this. For example, I remember seeing someone who finally had the courage to take medications and everyone who responded said that it was good. But is it really?

I don't know if it's positive or negative to take any medication. For me, from my perspective, I think it's negative because of the following reasons:

1. It's not a permanent solution.
2. Side effects -I know that the severe side effects are rare.
3. The risk that it may be hard to get off them.

I CAN'T take medications, I've tried. It only got worse, not because of the meds, but because I overthink it. And now, I feel like it's over for me because I can't take any medications.

Do I really need medication to overcome my anxiety? CAN I overcome my anxiety without medications? Help is appreciated! :)

I wish I could answer that question for you, myself and others

Depending on what the true cause of anxiety is

Is it learned behavior or a chemical imbalance? Or both?

There may never be a definitive answer becasue it is always debated

If it is in fact caused by a chemical imbalance, then maybe the meds are needed to regulate the chemicals in your brain

If it is learned, then meds would not be needed

I wish I knew

But since there is still debate, everyone should be open minded to try anything to get them to stop feeling like hell

Aspirin kill more people than SSRI's ever have. Something to keep in mind since no one seems to have many problems taking that for a headache

I hope you find your way regardless of the path

02-22-2014, 07:55 PM
1. If it weren't for medications then I wouldn't be here.
2. Many people do take them, with great success.
3. Many people take them with great failure, and either stay off of them and continue posting about how terrible they feel, or, try another one.
4. NO ONE to my knowledge, has ever died from taking an SSRI unless they took 60 tablets at once.
5. It is not a permanent solution, because nothing in this world is permanent anyway..its a temporary patch, to enable one, the see new things, in a different perspective...
6. No, it isn't hard to get off of them..its hard to get off of Heroin, Meth, Coke, Alcohol, Nicotine,..that's hard...
7. You take paracematol without thought, yet over think these meds to make you feel better mentally, like paracematol helps you not hurt...same thing.
8. Yes, many people are petrified of a tablet,..and they will post 1000 times about how bad they feel,...because they're doing nothing about, feeling better.
9. What's the difference?...Freaking out, without the tablet? or Freaking out with the tablet?...
10. I take lots of tablets, and they provide me with many different things..my mentality, my focus, my health both physically and mentally..I'm not suffering in either way.

Can you overcome your anxiety without medications? Are you having solid success thus far?
Do you really need medications to overcome this anxiety? You know that answer, we don't...and if you do, its only temporary anyway....

Does that help bruh?

You decide when you're ready to conquer this anxiety and how you plan to do that too...


How I knew you'd be the expert on this haha :D

I know it's good when necessary. When my anxiety was at its worst, I was ready to take any tablet to make it better. But right now, I feel pretty good. These days, I'm not even noticing my anxiety. But I feel as if I'll never overcome it completly without any meds or something. As if it's the only cure. Even though I feel pretty good.

After our "mini-therapy-discussion" I've been feeling great. Maybe some things left to overcome. I don't know if I should leave the forum maybe and everything that has to do with the anxiety. This to leave the anxiety behind me. Maybe that's it, I don't know.

Once again, appreciate your help! :)

02-22-2014, 08:00 PM
I wish I could answer that question for you, myself and others

Depending on what the true cause of anxiety is

Is it learned behavior or a chemical imbalance? Or both?

There may never be a definitive answer becasue it is always debated

If it is in fact caused by a chemical imbalance, then maybe the meds are needed to regulate the chemicals in your brain

If it is learned, then meds would not be needed

I wish I knew

But since there is still debate, everyone should be open minded to try anything to get them to stop feeling like hell

Aspirin kill more people than SSRI's ever have. Something to keep in mind since no one seems to have many problems taking that for a headache

I hope you find your way regardless of the path

Yeah, exactly. I've seen people all over the place debating over this. Some say that the brain regulates the chemicals in your brain, or it will learn to do so. And if meds are taken, the brain will no longer produce that chem. While others say that it's necessary to help our brain to balance and get it back on the road again.

I really have no idea.

Thanks! :)

02-22-2014, 08:03 PM
How I knew you'd be the expert on this haha :D I know it's good when necessary. When my anxiety was at its worst, I was ready to take any tablet to make it better. But right now, I feel pretty good. These days, I'm not even noticing my anxiety. But I feel as if I'll never overcome it completly without any meds or something. As if it's the only cure. Even though I feel pretty good. After our "mini-therapy-discussion" I've been feeling great. Maybe some things left to overcome. I don't know if I should leave the forum maybe and everything that has to do with the anxiety. This to leave the anxiety behind me. Maybe that's it, I don't know. Once again, appreciate your help! :)

If you have managed to improve without meds, it's possible you can continue to do this.

Try taking a break from the forum see how you get on, you can always dip in and out when/if you fee you need support. :)

02-22-2014, 08:03 PM
You made the right decisions, the right choices, and you made rapid changes too...the weight was lifted but if you ever feel like there's still something there, find it and figure out the way to make it stop or go away the best you can.
If you can't find it, ask for help in finding it...sometimes others can help to get a much clearer picture from the outside..
We're working with another fella that was in your same shoes bruh, he could use some of your learned wisdom to push him outta this anxiety nightmare too...
Check out his post,,his name is Tim and he is weighted down by the same general things that you were...he's holding it in man.
And YOU know what that does,..it eats you up from the inside out...
See if you can throw him a line, then you'll feel better and stronger too...that's how it works.
Helping others, helps you.....
Why I'm here! Helping me...YAY!!! :)


02-22-2014, 08:20 PM
Nothing to add, Eman said it all. One smart cookie he is:)))

02-22-2014, 08:21 PM
If you have managed to improve without meds, it's possible you can continue to do this.

Try taking a break from the forum see how you get on, you can always dip in and out when/if you fee you need support. :)

Yeah, this was what I was thinking. I really don't know, I can't adress the issue. I can't leave the anxiety behind. I'll try everything though, to make it fade away. Including taking a break from the forum. Thanks! :)

02-22-2014, 08:29 PM
You made the right decisions, the right choices, and you made rapid changes too...the weight was lifted but if you ever feel like there's still something there, find it and figure out the way to make it stop or go away the best you can.
If you can't find it, ask for help in finding it...sometimes others can help to get a much clearer picture from the outside..
We're working with another fella that was in your same shoes bruh, he could use some of your learned wisdom to push him outta this anxiety nightmare too...
Check out his post,,his name is Tim and he is weighted down by the same general things that you were...he's holding it in man.
And YOU know what that does,..it eats you up from the inside out...
See if you can throw him a line, then you'll feel better and stronger too...that's how it works.
Helping others, helps you.....
Why I'm here! Helping me...YAY!!! :)


I understand what you mean. It's a great forum, really. I don't know where I'd be right now without the people here. But, it reminds me of my anxiety. It feels like I'm still the patient. I can't help others when I'm having the same problems myself. I think I need a break for now. But I'm sure I'll be back later, to help people who's in the same situation as I am. Ince again, thanks!!

02-22-2014, 08:38 PM
I understand what you mean. It's a great forum, really. I don't know where I'd be right now without the people here. But, it reminds me of my anxiety. It feels like I'm still the patient. I can't help others when I'm having the same problems myself. I think I need a break for now. But I'm sure I'll be back later, to help people who's in the same situation as I am. Ince again, thanks!!

Do what you need t do

But you are foolish if you don't believe the things you posted to others wasn't a huge help

Being the patient often gives you the best opportunity to be the healer

Andas you help heal, you somehow heal more yourself

be well my friend!

02-23-2014, 12:10 AM
well meds sure helped me. without them i dont know where i would be.probably dead i guess as i couldnt take it anymore.it is not that they fix everything but at least they givr u peace so u can work with yourself.on them i managed to defeat a lot of stupid ideas on my head man and on the road to killing other ones. dont know what to tell u man but if u are ao afraid of them and u are pretty paranoid u must not take them.u will become obsessed on side effects anf it will take time for u to adapt to the med. i know that coz i went through that phase. as for the forum it also triggers me anxiety sometimes but it is good coz i challange myself and try to overcome my fears and when i help people i feel good. it is on your hands man do what u think is right.

02-23-2014, 01:12 AM
I understand what you mean. It's a great forum, really. I don't know where I'd be right now without the people here. But, it reminds me of my anxiety. It feels like I'm still the patient. I can't help others when I'm having the same problems myself. I think I need a break for now. But I'm sure I'll be back later, to help people who's in the same situation as I am. Ince again, thanks!!

If you do leave for a bit Alias, good luck my friend! You've been a great addition to life here and have made some great posts.

02-23-2014, 01:58 AM
I think E-man has said it best. Nobody can tell you the right path for you. But I have noticed a lot of fear and fear-mongering about meds on this forum. Personally, I think a lot of folks need to get a grip. There are many folks in this world with much worse ailments than anxiety. They take life-sustaining meds, things that are much more powerful than SSRIs and the like, every single day of their lives. I have no doubt they are thankful those medications exist to ease suffering or keep bad things in check. I doubt these folks fret over the "longevity" or "permanence" of their prescriptions every day, either. They accept it graciously and enjoy their lives. Just as I'm damned grateful that medications exist because without them, I'm not sure where I'd be at the moment. I'll venture to say in much worse shape. That's my philosophy. Maybe yours is different. I feel no less successful or permanent or happy or secure or whatever...just because meds help me. I'm very skeptical of people who tout easy cures on here, regardless of the method. I'd rather be happy with a pill than miserable without it. That's a pretty easy decision for me.

02-23-2014, 07:11 AM
I think E-man has said it best. Nobody can tell you the right path for you. But I have noticed a lot of fear and fear-mongering about meds on this forum. Personally, I think a lot of folks need to get a grip. There are many folks in this world with much worse ailments than anxiety. They take life-sustaining meds, things that are much more powerful than SSRIs and the like, every single day of their lives. I have no doubt they are thankful those medications exist to ease suffering or keep bad things in check. I doubt these folks fret over the "longevity" or "permanence" of their prescriptions every day, either. They accept it graciously and enjoy their lives. Just as I'm damned grateful that medications exist because without them, I'm not sure where I'd be at the moment. I'll venture to say in much worse shape. That's my philosophy. Maybe yours is different. I feel no less successful or permanent or happy or secure or whatever...just because meds help me. I'm very skeptical of people who tout easy cures on here, regardless of the method. I'd rather be happy with a pill than miserable without it. That's a pretty easy decision for me.

Good luck and best wishes Alias!!

Great post btw J.. "Rather be happy with a pill than miserable without it" You should make that your signature!!

Have a great day all...:)


02-23-2014, 07:22 AM
I think E-man has said it best. Nobody can tell you the right path for you. But I have noticed a lot of fear and fear-mongering about meds on this forum. Personally, I think a lot of folks need to get a grip. There are many folks in this world with much worse ailments than anxiety. They take life-sustaining meds, things that are much more powerful than SSRIs and the like, every single day of their lives. I have no doubt they are thankful those medications exist to ease suffering or keep bad things in check. I doubt these folks fret over the "longevity" or "permanence" of their prescriptions every day, either. They accept it graciously and enjoy their lives. Just as I'm damned grateful that medications exist because without them, I'm not sure where I'd be at the moment. I'll venture to say in much worse shape. That's my philosophy. Maybe yours is different. I feel no less successful or permanent or happy or secure or whatever...just because meds help me. I'm very skeptical of people who tout easy cures on here, regardless of the method. I'd rather be happy with a pill than miserable without it. That's a pretty easy decision for me.

Excellent post, nice to see you back ;))