View Full Version : has anyone else gone trough this?

02-22-2014, 06:32 PM
My first major panic attack. I just spent the last hour writing and it all got deleted so instead of rewriting the whole thing I'm just gonna describe symptoms. It started with a lot of anxiety more than usual( i have anxiety 24/7) in a pre college night class i couldbt sit still i was cold hot sweaty my hanfs were cold left arm was kinda numb so i thought heart attack witch made me freak out more i got through the 3 houf class and got home on the drive i noticed my bp rising. I'm at home and i literally can't sit/stand still i calm down a bit and fo to sleep. The next day i felt better until about noon more chest discomfort shortness of breath it sounded like i couldn't talk right. At 1 pm i was driving to pick up my daughter when it really hit me i need a hospital now! I picked up my daughter and shot to er. I kept getting worse dizzy i wanted to cry. They call me back and when i want to explain whats going on to nurse out of no where o start crying. She said your anxiety is really high and its making your bp rise we'll give you something to calm you down. More waiting at this point it worst there ever super dizzy, wanting to cry i think I'm having a heart attack, my handa are freezing cold. I thought about going outside and calling 911. When my wife got there i immediately staryes crying she said what's wrong i told her i don't know i think I'm going crazy. They gave me some ativan don't know the mg but it was bigger than my 0.5 ativan i have at home. Also gave me something to bring my bp down. Has anyone gone through this?

02-22-2014, 06:38 PM
My first major panic attack. I just spent the last hour writing and it all got deleted so instead of rewriting the whole thing I'm just gonna describe symptoms. It started with a lot of anxiety more than usual( i have anxiety 24/7) in a pre college night class i couldbt sit still i was cold hot sweaty my hanfs were cold left arm was kinda numb so i thought heart attack witch made me freak out more i got through the 3 houf class and got home on the drive i noticed my bp rising. I'm at home and i literally can't sit/stand still i calm down a bit and fo to sleep. The next day i felt better until about noon more chest discomfort shortness of breath it sounded like i couldn't talk right. At 1 pm i was driving to pick up my daughter when it really hit me i need a hospital now! I picked up my daughter and shot to er. I kept getting worse dizzy i wanted to cry. They call me back and when i want to explain whats going on to nurse out of no where o start crying. She said your anxiety is really high and its making your bp rise we'll give you something to calm you down. More waiting at this point it worst there ever super dizzy, wanting to cry i think I'm having a heart attack, my handa are freezing cold. I thought about going outside and calling 911. When my wife got there i immediately staryes crying she said what's wrong i told her i don't know i think I'm going crazy. They gave me some ativan don't know the mg but it was bigger than my 0.5 ativan i have at home. Also gave me something to bring my bp down. Has anyone gone through this?

Yeah. Like everyone here.

Welcome to the club

You write of my story and most others. That is usually how it starts

Hands are cold because fight or flight kicks in and your blood leaves the extremities and heads to protect the vital organs

You are having panic, not a heart attack. Both are super scay though

A benzo will calm you and make you feel loads better

If you find yourself in a constant heightened state of anxiety, look into a SSRI to help long term

Glad you came in and asked your question

You are not alone and your story is not unique

As I said, almost everyone here has experienced what you did on their way to finding this out

02-22-2014, 06:42 PM
If you click the little box that says "remember me" next time you log in, it won't kick you off because of a time limit....
Yes, we've all gone through this at one point, or 100's of points, or another..
It's just a panic attack from pushing yourself so hard, pressure, stress, married, pre college, not sleeping well I'm guessing if at all, kids, and all this equals=anxiety.

If you plan to keep up this fast paced, hectic, lifestyle, then be sure that your diet is A+, your sleep is A+, and you've got more than ativan to help you...

Welcome Heavy Thinker (and your choice of names says alot too)...jus sayin bruh..

Stick around!


02-22-2014, 07:00 PM
Thanks guys i appreciate the responds. I use to be on celexa years ago. It sucks because no onr knpw what gpur going through only you and the people that suffer from this. No one in my family gets it not even my wife they are just like "you just need tp calm down relax blah blah" if it were only that easy.

02-22-2014, 07:04 PM
Its crazy, now two days later I'm like was that really me? Did it really happen? Why was i crying? I've had anxiety since elementary school but never a major attack like this.

02-22-2014, 07:05 PM
Welcome to the forum, Heavy thinker check out the stickies in general, you will find a lot of information there:)) It is good to have you here:)

02-22-2014, 07:08 PM
Our time here would be soooo much easier if I could just type: calm down, relax, and get over it all day for sure!!!...LOL!!!
Yes bruh, that was you and the pathway is now burnt in your nervous system...since that was the first, now is the time to act man!!!.
Get to the Doc, tell them of this experience, get on an SSRI, plus yer ativan plus a beta blocker plus a referral to a councelor too and you'll have a good chance to cut it off before it starts eatin you up...we don't wanna see that happen, we've been there!


02-22-2014, 07:46 PM
My screen keeps saying that you've replied, and I haven't read it..but I can't see it!!...Now I'm freakin out!! LOL!!!....:)

02-22-2014, 07:52 PM
Thays weird I've posted like four times and don't see it?

02-22-2014, 07:55 PM
LOL!!! Yes, it says that you have but it isnt there...Does it keep loggin you out?...If so, log out and then back in and click that box that says remember me....:)