View Full Version : Anxiety and Fear of failure

02-22-2014, 05:53 PM
I have Anxiety though i do not know how bad though from experience i think its medium.
I have been told i'm bad at something i like to do and because of it, i have a fear of failure
when doing that certain thing which i won't mention but as an example, say it's sports.

I have came across a quote from a video on Youtube that has helped me overcome the
the fear a couple of times though it sometimes doesn't work because of
my anxiety kicking in. How does my anxiety impact it? well whenever I think
about what i fear and the quote, I would have to think about it perfectly
in great detail otherwise i feel anxious that I didn't do it properly and thus
the quote being not true thus not helping me overcome my fear.

I try to ignore my anxiety but that doesn't work because i feel all these
negative emotions which is just really hard to go through while facing
my fear etc.

I don't know what to do and was curious if anyone went through this and
would appreciate all the advice.

Thanks for reading!

02-22-2014, 06:26 PM
I was once told that I was bad at something that I liked to do, and then started my own business doing it and became successful in that field.
If you like to do it, what's it matter what anyone else thinks as to whether you're good or bad at it?...
Ask yourself that honest question, are you good or bad at it, and if so, what's it matter? You're having fun!
Why don't you take that other persons negative comments and words, and turn it into something positive and get better at it then they are?..Practice, practice..
OR,..maybe they just said that, because they're jealous of you?....Ever thought of that???....

Sure, we've all been judged at some point or another in life but it's just all in what you do with the judgment or the judge....

Enduronman... :)

02-22-2014, 07:49 PM
I see what you mean and thanks its helpful though even if i know i shouldn't fear because of reasons like yours,
my anxiety kicks in and I start doubting etc.. Idk what to do about my anxiety.

02-22-2014, 07:53 PM
I'm guessing that maybe your anxiety is about more then just this issue then??...Is it with school, friends, class, everything in general?? If so then we've gotta make a much bigger plan here...


02-22-2014, 07:56 PM
Yes i have anxiety with other things other than this problem. Sometimes it gets out of
control when it's really bad to the point my memory and thinking goes blank and I don't
know what to do about it such as when it comes to this problem i'm having now.

02-22-2014, 08:06 PM
You are still in school I take, and have you ever spoken to your Doc, school councelor, family, or parents about any of this???
