View Full Version : Just a ramble... (I'm new)

02-22-2014, 05:40 PM

I've just signed up to this site so I could have a little read of threads and feel comfort in knowing that there are many people suffering from anxiety than me alone (which is what it feels like sometimes).

I'm a 21 year old Psychology student. I've always been quite nervy. I'm a huge worrier too. But lately it all seems to have gotten so much worse. I am finding it difficult to sleep if I know that I have to be up early the next day (for university, work etc). It's like, as soon as I set my alarm, BAM! Heart rate soars, stomach is in knots, breathing is faster. I've had to call in sick to work a few times over the past few months as I haven't slept a wink and I've felt so ill as a result. Things that I should be looking forward to are instead dreaded because I know that I'm going to feel rubbish for them. What's worse is that over the past few months I've started drinking to sleep. At first it was one or two glasses of wine but now it's a whole bottle and other drinks on top of that. As time is going on this is having less and less effect. I really don't know what else to do. I went to the doctors and got some sleeping pills but was only allowed to take them for a week due to how addictive they can be. He said if my situation didn't correct itself after the week to go back and get some anti depressants - but, due to having exams and other commitments, I'm yet to go back. That's on the to do list this week.

I'm a lot more panicky lately too. And my paranoia is ridiculous. I think EVERYONE is bad mouthing me. I think my boyfriend wants to leave me (even know is he exhibiting no such signs). I think that there is a camera in every room I am which is monitoring my every move (this has affected my behaviour - I am a lot more reserved now).

I just feel rubbish, basically! I can't go on like this. Soon I'll be graduating and going into the real world and I don't feel ready to have a full time graduate job in this current state.

If anyone could give me some reassurance or advice I'd be so grateful. I've tried sleeping pills, breathing techniques, medication, and giving myself a good talking to, all to no avail.
Ramble ramble ramble!

02-22-2014, 06:12 PM

I've just signed up to this site so I could have a little read of threads and feel comfort in knowing that there are many people suffering from anxiety than me alone (which is what it feels like sometimes).

I'm a 21 year old Psychology student. I've always been quite nervy. I'm a huge worrier too. But lately it all seems to have gotten so much worse. I am finding it difficult to sleep if I know that I have to be up early the next day (for university, work etc). It's like, as soon as I set my alarm, BAM! Heart rate soars, stomach is in knots, breathing is faster. I've had to call in sick to work a few times over the past few months as I haven't slept a wink and I've felt so ill as a result. Things that I should be looking forward to are instead dreaded because I know that I'm going to feel rubbish for them. What's worse is that over the past few months I've started drinking to sleep. At first it was one or two glasses of wine but now it's a whole bottle and other drinks on top of that. As time is going on this is having less and less effect. I really don't know what else to do. I went to the doctors and got some sleeping pills but was only allowed to take them for a week due to how addictive they can be. He said if my situation didn't correct itself after the week to go back and get some anti depressants - but, due to having exams and other commitments, I'm yet to go back. That's on the to do list this week.

I'm a lot more panicky lately too. And my paranoia is ridiculous. I think EVERYONE is bad mouthing me. I think my boyfriend wants to leave me (even know is he exhibiting no such signs). I think that there is a camera in every room I am which is monitoring my every move (this has affected my behaviour - I am a lot more reserved now).

I just feel rubbish, basically! I can't go on like this. Soon I'll be graduating and going into the real world and I don't feel ready to have a full time graduate job in this current state.

If anyone could give me some reassurance or advice I'd be so grateful. I've tried sleeping pills, breathing techniques, medication, and giving myself a good talking to, all to no avail.
Ramble ramble ramble!

If you have given things a try naturally and it didn't work, I would make that appointment with your doctor and get that prescription for a SSRI

If you are willing to take them, they can do wonders if you find the one that works best

They take some weeks to really kick in but they will get your head calmed down a bit

Once your stress is under control, you can make a decision on how you want to move forward

02-26-2014, 06:12 PM
Thank you. I'm going tomorrow.
I'm not drinking tonight, just going to stay up instead. I've decided to only drink the night before I have work and besides that to just either not sleep or grab whatever I can get until whatever meds I get kick in. Gonna be hard but has to be done.


03-11-2014, 03:03 PM

I got prescribed Mertazapine (15mg) and I have a review this Friday to see how it's going.
The first few days were tough, I had nausea and headaches and felt extremely low. Now I feel much better and my sleeping has improved already. I haven't self medicated with alcohol since.

So here's hoping this good run continues


03-11-2014, 03:12 PM
YAY!!! Success Mouse!!!

Keep the forward progress going!! That IS a good med btw..

Enduronman.. :)

03-11-2014, 03:46 PM
Hi mouse! Welcome!

03-11-2014, 04:07 PM
Hi mouse!

Welcome to the forum! I just wanted to say that!

Wishing you much success as you go on this journey.

We are here for you!

03-11-2014, 04:49 PM
Hey there! Welcome!

03-11-2014, 05:03 PM
Dear Mouse,

Rambling is good. Rambling shows you can articulate your problems and are perspicacious enough to realize that there's not necessarily a quick fix.

It seems to me that there have been one or two other anxious psych majors on the forums. Are you interested in becoming a psychologist? It must be a fascinating subject to study. I'm sure you have tons of insights that I hope you'll share here.

Do you have any sense of what might be causing your anxiety? Strikes me that as a graduating senior, it makes sense to be worried about getting a job. I was a nervous wreck after college. College is at least regulated, nothing lasts forever. You take a course. It's finished in 3 months. You move on. I just couldn't imagine the daily grind -- endless, dreary hours of office work.

21 - your whole life is ahead of you. That's awe-inspiring, like looking at the vista of a huge mountain you have to climb. But, how exciting to be starting that journey, too.

I'm really proud of you for recognizing that self-medicating could have led you into a destructive downward spiral.

03-11-2014, 05:13 PM
I can't sleep either if I know I have to be up early (and I'm a rotten sleeper anyway). I've self-medicated with alcohol and I think that's unfortunately normal for some anxious people who haven't gotten the anxiety under control. I've recently brought that to a screeching halt (successfully) - just drinking socially, though right now that means not at all ;).

Why sleeping pills for only a week? I understand the addiction concern, but that's hardly much time at all! I've had insomnia since I was a kid - it's a vicious cycle, and I have my sleeping pills now for when I need them, which is usually. Without a good night's sleep, it's hard to work on non-drug approaches to anxiety. Try to find a psychiatrist to get those prescriptions. SSRIs may help too, with the sleep. Some are rather sedating. I think I've tried Remeron, but had some weird side effects that I can't remember. But there's plenty of options out there.

Good luck and welcome!