View Full Version : Cloudy Days

03-20-2008, 07:56 PM
I have noticed that my anxiety symptoms seem to be a lot worse when it is a cloudy/rainy day out. It puts an overall sense of gloom around me. But on a sunny day I normally feel a lot more hopeful. I really am starting to dread the days when it is cloudy. Does anyone else get this way when it is gloomy out?

03-21-2008, 08:27 AM
Yep, I'm the same. I seem to need sunny days. So, on the days that are cloudy keep yourself busy and know that tomorrow may be a better day and it will pass.

03-21-2008, 07:46 PM
Thanks :D

03-22-2008, 03:47 PM
Oh, I totally relate. My outlook on life is directly affected by the weather. After about 3 consecutive gloomy days, I start to really lose it to irritability, hopelessness and depression. A simple drive on a sunny day can make me feel like a different person.

Anyhow, I bought one of those bright-light therapy lights to see if that would make a difference. I like it, but I have been riding such an emotional roller coaster lately that I couldn't tell you if it's helping or not. But it's an idea for you - it's basically supposed to be like having your own little "sunlight" source. 8)

The Melody of Rain
03-22-2008, 03:58 PM
I get this. I tend not to go out much on gloomy days. When Mr Sunshine rears his happy head again, I sit in the sunshine and wonder what I was worried about in the first place.

03-22-2008, 04:07 PM
I feel the exact same way, but it's sunny days where I freak out. Everything makes me tired and I just hate it. When it's cloudy and I can go outside with my eyes wide open. Like today it is blazing hot and I'm freaking out. Everything is down and I'm supposed to go out and I'm close to shaking I'm so afraid.

I've loved the rain and cloudy weather since I was a tot, and I absolutely hate sunny weather.

I'm moving to Seattle X_X

The Melody of Rain
03-24-2008, 12:26 PM
Christ, we should really trade residence. If you really like gloomy weather, move to Dublin. We had 67 consecutive days of raining last year, and this year looks set to break that very record. It was sunny today, but I couldn't go out because took two Xanax yesterday to get through a tough set of circumstances (which i havent done in two years) and woke up this morning in an anxious haze.

03-24-2008, 10:15 PM
i get the same but mine is day/night related! the second the sun starts going down i get 'the fear' not because im afraid of the dark, but because it feels like something is ending! i get the same on a sunday too but i think thats the beginings of mondayitis ;) :tongue: