View Full Version : A Little Help?

02-22-2014, 05:11 PM
Hi, everyone. So, to start off, I love to read and do so A LOT. Reading was like second nature to me. Lately though, it's become increasingly hard to concentrate on and comprehend sentences. I'll mix up words almost like someone with dyslexia, but I'm not dyslexic. And it seems like it's affecting my comprehension sentences in general. When I'm watching tv, I'll keep saying a line that someone says until I get what they're trying to say.

It's almost like my brain just isn't working like it's supposed to anymore. I was watching soccer when I looked out my window and thought I saw a young man running by but it turned out to be a mother pushing a stroller and her young daughter...

It's just freaking me out because I'm not sure if this is due to my anxiety giving me brain fog or a more serious neurological condition. What do you guys think?

02-22-2014, 05:21 PM
Honestly?....You're tired. Your own built-in "I am tired" signals....
