View Full Version : I feel alone and useless!!!

Kyle Morgan
02-22-2014, 03:47 PM
I keep on having Panic attacks almost daily, and it's getting to the point where I'm almost frightened to leave my own home. I feel as if everybody is staring at me and making of me because I'm an ugly useless loser! I've tried telling my parents but they don't understand. It's like as if I feel trapped, sometimes when I tell people they look at me as if I want attention. All I need is advice, I've been like this for years, I had another Panic attack today in the shop which made me walk out, I decided to go back 10 minutes later, I managed it but I kept on having tremors and palpitations, and I just felt like I couldn't breathe. My dad thinks I should do more Exercise, I feel okay after Exercise but it still comes back after a few hours. I just feel so useless and I feel like I deserve to die because I'm so pathetic!!!

02-22-2014, 03:48 PM
I keep on having Panic attacks almost daily, and it's getting to the point where I'm almost frightened to leave my own home. I feel as if everybody is staring at me and making of me because I'm an ugly useless loser! I've tried telling my parents but they don't understand. It's like as if I feel trapped, sometimes when I tell people they look at me as if I want attention. All I need is advice, I've been like this for years, I had another Panic attack today in the shop which made me walk out, I decided to go back 10 minutes later, I managed it but I kept on having tremors and palpitations, and I just felt like I couldn't breathe. My dad thinks I should do more Exercise, I feel okay after Exercise but it still comes back after a few hours. I just feel so useless and I feel like I deserve to die because I'm so pathetic!!!

Hi Kyle

Are you taking any medication at the moment?

Kyle Morgan
02-22-2014, 03:50 PM
Hi Kyle

Are you taking any medication at the moment?

I was taking 20mg of Fluoxetine but they weren't working for me, they were making me worse

02-22-2014, 03:53 PM
I was taking 20mg of Fluoxetine but they weren't working for me, they were making me worse Have you discussed Quetiapine (seroquel) with your GP? It may alleviate the depression, anxiety and help with the paranoia type thoughts.

Kyle Morgan
02-22-2014, 04:00 PM
Have you discussed Quetiapine (seroquel) with your GP? It may alleviate the depression, anxiety and help with the paranoia type thoughts.

No I haven't, I get nervous when I take Medication now because I think of the side effects it has and how it may affect me

02-22-2014, 04:02 PM
No I haven't, I get nervous when I take Medication now because I think of the side effects it has and how it may affect me

I understand it's not for everyone, worth discussing it with the GP next time though (if you find you are struggling) .

Kyle Morgan
02-22-2014, 04:08 PM
I understand it's not for everyone, worth discussing it with the GP next time though (if you find you are struggling) .

Yeah I'll ask him about it! Thanks man

02-22-2014, 04:14 PM
Hi ya Kyle,sorry your going through a rubbish time,I fully understand the fear you have for meds,but there is so many out there and
One will work for you,have you tried propanolol? It's a beta blocker,I've been on and off them
For years,no side affects on them
Ever and they are really good,you can also take them with in addition to any other med if you did choose to try something else

Kyle Morgan
02-22-2014, 04:18 PM
Hi ya Kyle,sorry your going through a rubbish time,I fully understand the fear you have for meds,but there is so many out there and
One will work for you,have you tried propanolol? It's a beta blocker,I've been on and off them
For years,no side affects on them
Ever and they are really good,you can also take them with in addition to any other med if you did choose to try something else

Thanks Em, no the only Meds I've tried so far are those fluoxetine tablets, after I stopped taking them, I moved onto saint john's worts but the therapist told me not to take them.

02-22-2014, 04:36 PM
Thanks Em, no the only Meds I've tried so far are those fluoxetine tablets, after I stopped taking them, I moved onto saint john's worts but the therapist told me not to take them.

Why did the therapist say not to take them?

Kyle Morgan
02-22-2014, 04:39 PM
Why did the therapist say not to take them?
I think it was because I was meant to inform my GP before taking them, because I was already prescribed for those Fluoxetine Tablets.

02-22-2014, 06:05 PM
Oh right I see,tho now your not on them I done see why you can't go back on the other ones

02-22-2014, 06:13 PM
Oh right I see,tho now your not on them I done see why you can't go back on the other ones

Hi Em. St. John''s wort can interact with SSRI''s the GP may want to leave time to ensure the fluoxetine is fully out of the system and to speak to Kyle about the potential hazards of restarting SSRI once he has begun with SJW.

Best to run everything through the GP/Psych before taking/starting any medications herbal or conventional . :)

Kyle Morgan
02-22-2014, 06:52 PM
This Anxiety gets me down though. Hate having to have a panic attack when I'm in a middle of a queue in a shop, I always think that people know that I'm going through one

02-22-2014, 06:57 PM
This Anxiety gets me down though. Hate having to have a panic attack when I'm in a middle of a queue in a shop, I always think that people know that I'm going through one

If you think about the epidemic we have at the moment with anxiety Kyle, the likelihood is that out of 10 people in a queue at least 1 other person there will have experienced something similar.

The majority of people probably wouldn't even notice unless you are having a major attack.

Is your therapist working with you on CBT?

Kyle Morgan
02-22-2014, 06:59 PM
Yeah he's going to be working with me on CBT but I've only seen him once so far

02-22-2014, 07:05 PM
Yeah he's going to be working with me on CBT but I've only seen him once so far

It can take some time to see results, and it does take some commitment on your part to follow and adopt the treatment and advise.

02-22-2014, 07:17 PM
Kyle .... If you were in a queue and someone had an anxiety attack what would you naturally do?? We worry about it happening in public but oddly, it's unwarranted really. Very few people would laugh or do something other than ask are you ok, get you a seat, ask if there is someone they can call for you etc. the natural response is to comfort a person who may appear to be in distress. Today when I was in the tow truck which bought up feelings of panic, I asked the driver....can I open the window a bit please, I have some anxiety around being a passenger...! If you are matter of fact about it, it takes a lot of the fear and power out of the anxious moment.

It can also work in your favour too!

I regularly get invited to events with people from my old job that I don't particularly like so I use the old "I would love to but I have social phobias" line.

Really naughty I know, but hey we have to have some perks from all this crap :D

02-22-2014, 07:31 PM
14 if you go full on agoraphobia the invitations quickly become a non issue lol ! ;(. I'm going to get yelled at for that. Doh.

Ha ha ha......I have to be careful what I say to people these days unfortunately.

I have to wear my "sane" face when I leave the house :D

02-22-2014, 07:42 PM
Definitely a balance beam you teeter on 14!

Ha ha I'm seriously not bad at all these days, whether I've simply conditioned myself or what I'm unsure, but all my (minor nowadays) anxiety happens at home, no one would ever know when I'm out and about.

Although I spent many years doing the most peculiar things :)

02-22-2014, 07:50 PM
Well no doubt it enables you to empathise and gives you the patience you require for people to feel confident with you.

Weirdly the majority of people in the field have some first hand experience.

I've also learnt that soooo many doctors have experienced health anxiety when they begin their medical training.

I would personally only want to be treated (certainly therapy) by someone who had an insight to how it feels.

Which is why I am certain you will likely go a similar path Frankie!

02-23-2014, 07:30 AM
I keep on having Panic attacks almost daily, and it's getting to the point where I'm almost frightened to leave my own home. I feel as if everybody is staring at me and making of me because I'm an ugly useless loser! I've tried telling my parents but they don't understand. It's like as if I feel trapped, sometimes when I tell people they look at me as if I want attention. All I need is advice, I've been like this for years, I had another Panic attack today in the shop which made me walk out, I decided to go back 10 minutes later, I managed it but I kept on having tremors and palpitations, and I just felt like I couldn't breathe. My dad thinks I should do more Exercise, I feel okay after Exercise but it still comes back after a few hours. I just feel so useless and I feel like I deserve to die because I'm so pathetic!!!

you are not pathetic, you are not useless.

02-23-2014, 07:35 AM
Kyle you're not useless...

You could get a desk job...

You could be a desk...

(Little family guy quote there. Let Peter Griffin ease your troubles away)