View Full Version : Numbness and tingling, how long will this stay?

02-22-2014, 02:38 PM
I've also had blurred/distorted vision for about 4 months now, I feel like nothing is real it sucks. I have a psychiatrist appointment in two months, but I'm in school now and I want to heal the symptoms..it's affecting me..what can I do?

02-22-2014, 03:06 PM
Numbness, tingling, and distorted vision...and nothing seems real?.. How to heal all this?
Stop worrying about everything, it does no good whatsoever....
Worry, worry, worry...about what?


02-22-2014, 03:20 PM
the vision, numbness and tingling have been a part of my anxiety from day one sorry to say. But what I usually do is hit the issue head on, if my eyes are bothering me or I think they are I READ, if my hand is numb and tingling I paint, or write. Most of the time I can distract from it and get a break from it! Sorry your appointment is not sooner.

02-23-2014, 01:45 AM
the vision, numbness and tingling have been a part of my anxiety from day one sorry to say. But what I usually do is hit the issue head on, if my eyes are bothering me or I think they are I READ, if my hand is numb and tingling I paint, or write. Most of the time I can distract from it and get a break from it! Sorry your appointment is not sooner.

Thanks enduronman, but I may have OCD that triggers my anxiety, maybe that makes me keep thinking about it?

BlessedMom, you still have it? For how long? No treatment yet or?

02-23-2014, 01:50 AM
Anxious state of mind will cause you to keep thinking about it. It'll also lead you to fixate on other causes such as disease or OCD etc. People who have bad anxiety get symptoms and pains such as the one's you are describing. The mind is retreating from rerality in a bid to get away from all the fear, worry and anxiety you conjur up. Basically it's the minds way to try and heal itself. You weind up feeling withdrawn from reality. But the mind and body is doing this to show you that it's overworked with stress and worry and needs time to heal. Problem is that when an anxiety symptom or pain comes along (that was created by fear and worry) people tend to react with fear and worry which makes the pains and symptoms carry on day after day.

As eman said you need to reduce the worry. Yes, easier said than done but if you keep as busy as possible in your day to day you should notice the symptoms lessen. The more time you spend focusing on the symptoms and sensations the longer they will last.
