View Full Version : Help!!

02-22-2014, 05:55 AM
In about two weeks time ive got to have surgery its only goin to be like a quick 30min procedure bt i'm absolutely petrified ive never been put to sleep before and the fear of not wakin up scares me.

Im bein sick everyday cuz of how much anxiety ive got about this wat if i start to get heart palpitations when there puttin the anaesthetic in me what if my heart just goes funny while i'm under i'm so scared!

02-22-2014, 06:00 AM
I'm sure you're scared. Just like I'm sure anyone else would be scared to go through surgery. It's your nerves. Totally normal! Just have faith & believe that God will seek you through this :)

02-22-2014, 08:18 AM
It's anticipatory anxiety. Had it when I got my wisdom teeth out and it was a piece of cake. In and out of sleep and it was fine. They will watch you like a hawk while you're under to make sure you are doing fine. It will be fine. Alankay

02-22-2014, 09:35 AM
I had so much anxiety about going under a few months ago. I was terrified I would never wake up again. I'm happy to say that I'm still here! Try to remember that they are the professionals and have done this MANY times. For me, telling the doctors I was anxious about this helped. They were able to reassure me and take my mind off it. You can do this!!

02-22-2014, 09:53 AM
Thank you steph, alankay and lizard.

Im only goin to be under for 20-30mins bt i'm still so scared of something going wrong!
I wanted a local bt that isnt a option!
How am i goin to get through this its makin me physically sick everyday :(

02-22-2014, 10:09 AM
How scared would you be if you have 5 hours operation? Or cancer and knowing that the cancer is deadly? I understand the fear very well, but you need to take a pill and stop talking or writing about it. It is not helping. Every human being on this planet have the same fear. Anxiety or not anxiety, every surgical procedure is a cause of fear. It is normal... to be scared and it is not normal to higher your fear reading other stories , or (the worst) people horror stories. dweeb try to keep the fear at bay , try not to notice...it will stop bothering you so much...
I was waiting two weeks for my lung Cat scan results. There was something in my lung... I kept quite and took Ativan or whatever I had trying to survive. The test came awesome no cancer....

02-22-2014, 10:23 AM
Hey Dweeber calm to the down!!! Wait, I just yelled that....please just chillax. When is the procedure, AND what would it hurt to call your Doc and let him or her know how this is making you feel prior to the surgery???? MAYBE, they can help you some how and if not, even some calming or reassuring words from a nurse OR your Doc...jus sayin...

Try to make this a great day Debbie!!...


02-22-2014, 10:31 AM
I have an appointment on the 27th to make the appointment for the procedure :(

My health anxiety all started through my daughter havin a major operation so the thought off this operation for me is terrifyin :(

02-22-2014, 11:14 AM
I have an appointment on the 27th to make the appointment for the procedure :(

My health anxiety all started through my daughter havin a major operation so the thought off this operation for me is terrifyin :(

Now I understand, I would talk to doc, because there are some precaution of using benzos before, I bet he can give you something to survive till operation and to take before.... good luck with procedure :)

02-22-2014, 11:18 AM
Now I understand, I would talk to doc, because there are some precaution of using benzos before, I bet he can give you something to survive till operation and to take before.... good luck with procedure :)

Exactly!!! He may give her something to help her relax abit until this is all over with..:)

02-22-2014, 11:20 AM
Can benzos effect the anaesthetic in anyway?

Ikno im being irrational and anaesthetics are pretty safe these days and mine will only be a light anaesthetic and my sister as had the same procedure and been fine

Bt the thought of not waking up from it and my daughter bein left without a mommy actually scares me

02-22-2014, 11:25 AM
Oh cmon Debbie!! You already know that you're not going to sleep forever and yes, they're very safe and can put you out and bring you right back up too...just like that!
You're not leaving here without my consent or approval anyway so just ask for something to help calm you down until its overwith...they'll do that if you tell em how much its freaking you out...No Benzos aren't going to affect the proceedure unless you were taking 6mg of xanax every day...:)

02-22-2014, 12:08 PM
Thank you e-man

Snapped me out of the mood for now anyway lol. Dnt think googles helpin me much right now such a bad habit that i need to stop

02-22-2014, 12:12 PM
You are BANNED FROM GOOGLE until the day in your mind, passes...and you wake up and give your daughter a big hug!!! :)