View Full Version : going to work tomorrow . :(((((

02-21-2014, 07:40 PM
mainly im afraid to leave my house because i fear an attack happening outside of my comfort zone of my parents house. I dont want to have one at work and i always say im gonna go to work and never do because i get scared last minute. any tips for going back to work after two weeks out? im just going to try n deal with it but idk what to do if i have one at work i cant just drop everything im doing and run for a bathroom.

02-21-2014, 08:01 PM
Just remember all the attacks you ever had, did they ever kill you? Absolutely terrifying I know, but harmless. Having a good scientific understanding of what was going on always helped me. Knowledge is power truly. For me anyways. You can do it! Operant conditing is key. You have to retrain you're brain because youve trained it to associate work with danger. Just faulty signals that's all. :) now don't expect not to be anxious, cause I'm sure you will. Heck you might even have an attack. It's gonna take time, and you're gonna have good days and bad, but pushing through set backs, remaining positive, and facing our fears is key to getting over anxiety. I know how hard it is. Especially the going to work' anxiety. Good luck!

02-21-2014, 08:05 PM
thank you very much. but ive never been anxious at work. i love my job. my uncle owns the business and im friends with everyone there. ( theres like 30 workers there every day ) all my attacks have been in a car but driving is getting better. i completely understand what you are saying though. im just trying to keep my mind off of it. i think after a nice day at work ill be fine. just a little scared though

02-21-2014, 08:06 PM
Oh man don't even get me started on driving! That was probably the worst for me. What are you're triggers for an attack?

02-21-2014, 08:29 PM
mainly the biggest one is being in a situation i cant leave whenever i want. my heart will start racing and it starts. almost happened getting gas the other day. i kept saying "hurry please hurry up" and almost had an attack

02-21-2014, 08:53 PM
Yeah ive had those! In a work meeting once. Thought it would never end!!! But learn as much as you can, experience as much as you can, and you'll come out on the other side.

02-21-2014, 08:58 PM
yeah its like i panic when i cant control the situation