View Full Version : Want to cancel holiday due to anxiety

02-21-2014, 05:17 PM

I can't really decide who I am. Sometimes I can be a really outgoing guy who even encourages others to do things 'outside of their comfort zone'. I travelled around Europe for several weeks by myself last year, and had a really good time. I greatly enjoy my own company at some times, and find being around others to be exhausting. At other times, I crave to be around others.

Now, last year I graduated from university, and eventually found an entry-level job to hold me over. It is not enjoyable, and I finally decided to leave and go travelling for a short while, and then find a better job on my return.

This is all well and good. However, I decided in my infinite wisdom, that I wanted to go to Japan, and since it's Spring soon, it's the perfect time to go. I wanted to make a good use of the significantly more expensive flights than I am used to, so decided to book returns flights for just over 3 weeks in Japan. This was my first mistake.

I've really started to regret my decision. I think that once I get over there, I'm going to get so overwhelmed with unfamiliar things, hardly anyone who speaks English, incredibly difficult streets and transport to navigate etc etc. I'm also worried about getting ill and being on the other side of the world to every single person I know.

I don't know what to do. It would be such a waste of money to un-book the things that I have booked, almost 3 weeks salary. But I've just really started to panic about the whole thing. I should be ecstatic! I'm going to Japan, somewhere that I've always wanted to go. But because I'm going on my own, I think I've bitten off significantly more than I can chew, and it's actually making me quite upset.

In my first year at university, I tended to get homesick very easily, and went home often. I managed to get over my homesickness over the next 2/3 years, however, after being back home from university for so long now, I think I would get homesick again very quickly in such an incredibly confusing and unfamiliar place.

I think I've written enough so I'd like to hear anyone's advice!

02-21-2014, 05:57 PM
I know how you feel. Last year my husband and I had an all expense paid Mediterranean trip and 7 day cruise. Everyone said how lucky I was. I was terrified, I just didn't tell anyone. My husband works very hard and was looking forward to the trip. A total of 12 days. In Rome, Milan, Sicily, Greece, and Turkey. I couldn't even think about the 15 hour flight because I'd get so panicked I couldn't sleep. I finally decided that I had to do this and if I did it I'd basically be able to do anything. In other words it would be a major accomplishment for someone who had never left the country other than Mexico. I enjoyed the trip but mainly enjoyed seeing my husband relax. If I had cancelled I'd never know how much I can challenge myself to do and actually do it. I hope you decide to go you can do it. Tell yourself over and over how much you need this trip. Best of luck! :)

02-22-2014, 12:04 PM
Thanks ravenz, I'd have no problem going with someone else though, it's just the fact that I'm on my own :(