View Full Version : Why do I get tremors all the time?

Kyle Morgan
02-21-2014, 02:56 PM
Whenever I feel Anxious, I start to have tremors, How can I get rid of them? It often occurs too whenever I get a Panic attack

02-21-2014, 02:59 PM
Oh I get them a lot to,it's like a Jittery shaky feeling

Kyle Morgan
02-21-2014, 03:01 PM
Oh I get them a lot to,it's like a Jittery shaky feeling

Yeah it's horrible too. I often get them as well when I'm in a queue or in a place with crowded people. I'll sometimes get them if I travel by train, Bus etc. It's not a nice feeling

Kyle Morgan
02-21-2014, 03:08 PM
I would think that's a result of adrenalin surging through your body.

Remember to eat often enough too as if your blood sugar drops lower you can get a bit shaky too. When that happens, your brain will probably identify it as a danger and panic sets in.


Yeah, it's strange as well because over the past few months my eating habits have been strange. I can go a day barely eating anything, and then another day then I just won't stop eating! I notice I get them a lot in crowded areas