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View Full Version : Weird anxiety O.o

02-21-2014, 12:08 PM
Hi guys,

I don't feel my anxiety 24/7 anymore. This week has been pretty good. Even though I'm sick.

I've noticed that my anxiety shows up when eating/drinking something. This is because I fear that it may affect my body or mind. The other day I was drinking coffe and I've heard that too much caffeine can be bad. But I was drinking one cup and out of nowhere, derealization/depersonalization hit me.

I know it's nothing dangerous, it can be soda and I'd still get these "mini-panic attacks"/"derealization attacks". It's irrational. I'm limiting myself because of this. I can't eat any sugar, drink sodas and I barely get to drink my coffe. Irritating. I tried to drink alcohol the other day, very bad idea. Ended up with a horrible panic attack.

How can I overcome this?

Help is appreciated :)

02-21-2014, 02:10 PM
I've had very similar issues. It started when I had my first panic attack, after that I was very leery of what I ate. I've overcome it mostly, but I know what triggers me and I mainly avoid those things. I don't drink coffee, and although I love beer, I drink in moderation. Generally I find that if I'm already active while I'm drinking/eating these things, I'm fine. So, go for a nice walk or jog, come back and then eat/drink. You probably won't notice the effects as much. Or just try to realize that whatever effect the item has on you, it will be short lived. Sure, too much caffeine may be bad (and that's a gross generalization, I'm sure if you have 2 cups a day you are fine) but drinking one cup won't harm you. I personally don't drink it anymore because I'm EXTREMELY sensitive to caffeine, even after alll the coffee I had in college, etc.

I don't feel my anxiety 24/7 anymore. This week has been pretty good. Even though I'm sick.

I've noticed that my anxiety shows up when eating/drinking something. This is because I fear that it may affect my body or mind. The other day I was drinking coffe and I've heard that too much caffeine can be bad. But I was drinking one cup and out of nowhere, derealization/depersonalization hit me.

I know it's nothing dangerous, it can be soda and I'd still get these "mini-panic attacks"/"derealization attacks". It's irrational. I'm limiting myself because of this. I can't eat any sugar, drink sodas and I barely get to drink my coffe. Irritating. I tried to drink alcohol the other day, very bad idea. Ended up with a horrible panic attack.

How can I overcome this?

Help is appreciated :)[/QUOTE]

02-21-2014, 04:54 PM
Haha, so I should be running and drinking my coffee at the same time then :)


02-22-2014, 06:33 AM
Exactly! Just wear one of those camel packs.

02-22-2014, 11:00 AM
yeas it happens man. when u were anxious before u started avoiding things and now they have turned into obsessions. u must challenge them man. but it is better if u dont drink coffee. as for sodas i was afraid of them too, but then i realized it was a silly thought. so enjoy man.

02-22-2014, 11:43 AM
yeas it happens man. when u were anxious before u started avoiding things and now they have turned into obsessions. u must challenge them man. but it is better if u dont drink coffee. as for sodas i was afraid of them too, but then i realized it was a silly thought. so enjoy man.

I've heard that aspartame can make you shaky or jittery. That's why I've been avoiding sodas. I think I'm just paranoid though. Thanks Cimi :)