View Full Version : I hate anxiety!!!

02-21-2014, 10:43 AM
New to the board. Need to vent and let it out I guess.

I had been doing so well then boom, I got to feeling unwell.

Not sure if anyone knows what I'm talking about but I've been having this symptom like I'm on an elevator. I feel bouncy and it messes with my equilibrium. When I lay down, or sit on my bed or sit in a chair it doesn't do it. It goes away and I feel just fine besides worrying over it. But when standing, bending of leaning over it does it. And when I'm sitting hard on hard surfaces. I've been talking to drs on an health app and have told me sounded like middle ear and possibly sinuses which was what everyone else has been saying.

I did go to urgent care and had the worst experience there. I told the dr about it and told her some days my head feels tight, I feel pressure when bending over and had some nasal congestion. And some times my eyes don't want to focus. But she did not check my sinuses and I'm very upset over that!

She went straight to my ears then stopped once she saw both my were impacted with ear wax. She then said, that's probably the cause of your symptoms. And I felt maybe it was so I didn't think anything of it being a sinus problem after that. She did see a little ear fluid in my middle ear. But she didn't say that would be the cause too. She was just sure it was ear wax build up. She gave me nasonex and I've felt no change at all.

Yesterday and today it's been feeling worse. And my head has felt off too. Like there might be something going on with my sinuses. Yesterday morning I got up and did too much bending over and I felt like I was gonna fall. I feel like I'm on a bouncy floor trying to keep my balance and I went to my bed and laid down and then the what ifs started. Thinking what if this is a seizure, and every weird feeling I felt made me panic so then a panic attack began. The first one I've had in a long time! I notice more things about my body and just think the worse. I'm afraid it's a brain problem, a mini stroke, I'm 36 years old. Female. I do smoke, don't drink. But now I've read about mini strokes and if these were mini strokes then they have been going on for 3 weeks, and they are happening multiple times a day and every time I stand up. Which is not the usual mini stroke right?

I can't see my primary dr until the 11th. So in the mean time I'm constantly googling, asking drs questions on the health app. One told me that it wasn't an inner ear issue if there was fluid found in middle ear. So I guess that rules that out and I'm left with wondering if fluid in ear can really make someone feel this off balance? I don't know cause this is my first time ever having this! And my sinuses weren't checked and the last time I had bad sinus infection I know I couldn't focus. I don't recall the imbalance though.

But if it's not middle ear then I'm stuck guessing if it's something bad and having panic from it. Ahhhh.

I know it's not anxiety but I know the anxiety isn't helping. Like when I get up, I get nervous and might explain why my legs feel weak. I'm just ready for a diagnosis. Maybe this is how fluid affects the equilibrium.

If anyone has had this symptom, knows about middle ear or would like to yell at me and tell me it's not a stroke I'm having, go ahead! I need some support! Don't have any at home!