View Full Version : Heartburn?

02-21-2014, 10:13 AM
I feel absolutely horrible, like my insides (stomach, sternum, lungs, etc) are burning .... and its a bit nauseating too..... IDK What to do... I went to doctor and she gave me some pills but I dont think they are working yet...

it makes me really anxious and scared

02-21-2014, 10:53 AM
I feel absolutely horrible, like my insides (stomach, sternum, lungs, etc) are burning .... and its a bit nauseating too..... IDK What to do... I went to doctor and she gave me some pills but I dont think they are working yet... it makes me really anxious and scared

Hiya I know what you are going through, past couple of weeks, I've been having heart burn and stomach burn, been having days where I Dave diarrhoea and I have vomited once aswel, my stomach hurts aswel.. I haven't been doctors because I had something like this before but it didn't last this long and back then doctors said it sounds like IBS

02-21-2014, 11:38 AM
doctor gave me some kind of gastro-resistant capsules (omeprazole)... idk what that means

02-21-2014, 12:04 PM
doctor gave me some kind of gastro-resistant capsules (omeprazole)... idk what that meansit is the is a proton pump inhibitor used in the treatment of dyspepsia, peptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, many people take it and it helps, I take Tecta for this reason:)

02-21-2014, 12:14 PM
I have occasionally some stomach ache and nausea too, I guess they are all connected somehow... maybe I am overtraining (I run and lift weights every day).

Bottom line is I gotta trust my own body that it can heal itself, otherwise I will worry forever...

02-21-2014, 02:45 PM
Search alkaline diet.

I also find Apple cider vinegar shots help way better than the pills, but omeprazole is a favourite of Eman

02-21-2014, 03:29 PM
Jesse, nice idea. I'm gonna try the Apple cider vineager thing. I've been getting it bad lately. Tempermental body. :/

02-21-2014, 03:32 PM
Can you do it with Svt?

02-21-2014, 03:39 PM
I take lansparazole and at the moment it's not helping at all.. Stomach hurts feels like I got food stuck in my chest and throat very uncomfortable..

02-22-2014, 02:01 AM
Im feeling so weird in general, it can be any of a million things.... I have heartburn, nausea, some pains, swallowing trouble :(((( idk what to do

02-22-2014, 02:18 AM
Hi Skizo, I experience many of the same things. While I know many of these things are common symptoms of anxiety, I would recommend seeing a gastroenterologist if possible. I was diagnosed with GERD a few years back. It may take a few days for the omeprazole to work effectively and you may even need to increase the dose if reflux is the problem. My GI doc found that I had a hiatal hernia during a dual colonoscopy and upper endoscopy. Sometimes, that causes me quite a few problems, but I'm able to keep it all in check most of the time. You might try some apple cider vinegar as suggested. It's pretty strong, so you might want to dilute it with water or juice. It sounds counter intuitive since it's acidic, but it actually turns alkaline in the body and neutralizes acid. Another home remedy that helps me is to mix a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink that. Baking soda is very good at neutralizing acid, even though it's not the most pleasant thing to taste, and it may help with the nausea. The important thing is not to stress yourself out worrying. Go see a specialist, let them examine you thoroughly so you can find out for sure. It'll give you peace of mind and set you on the right course of treatment.

02-22-2014, 02:20 AM
Also, omeprazole does not work for everyone. There are lots of medications to help with digestive problems. What works for some may not for others. If you aren't seeing any improvement, don't hesitate to tell your GP.

02-22-2014, 02:24 AM
One more thing. You might take a day or two off from the weight training to see if that helps. You might be overdoing it. Just a thought and worth it to see if there's any improvement. Good luck and keep us posted how you're doing.

02-22-2014, 02:24 AM
It just creates more anxiety in me to use medication, I dont know if it makes things worse or better, I dont even know if I have the right diagnosis, and I dont have health care.

Today came a new symptom - a bit difficulty swallowing and breathing :(

I really dont know if I should continue with the omeprazole (omiflux) :(

I absolutely hate running between doctors or taking different medication, I would rather just give it time and tank it through.
And if things get worse I guess the diagnosis will get better.

02-22-2014, 02:32 AM
perhaps another reason for the heartburn is because I was drinking a lot of sea buckthorn juice

02-22-2014, 02:38 AM
When you say you don't have health care, do you mean no health insurance? Also, the omeprazole isn't going to cause you any harm, even if it doesn't work for you. No need to feel anxious about trying it. Personally, I'd much rather try a med than suffer with the symptoms. It's not fun. I wouldn't suggest doctor hopping, but a specialist is more apt to give you the right diagnosis than a general practitioner if your symptoms don't subside. I don't want to even attempt to offer an armchair diagnosis, but it does sound like you're having acid reflux issues. Try elevating the head of your bed if possible. A lot of times the acid can creep into your esophagus while you sleep. Having your head elevated lets gravity keep it where it needs to be...in the stomach. I know it's unsettling, but don't obsess on what it might be. Anxiety will make any digestive symptoms worse.

02-22-2014, 02:42 AM
perhaps another reason for the heartburn is because I was drinking a lot of sea buckthorn juice

Possibly. You might try eliminating one thing at a time to see if there's a culprit.

02-22-2014, 02:43 AM
yes no health insurance...

02-22-2014, 02:58 AM
I feel you on that one. I had none for 2 years as a self-employed person. I'm fortunate to have it now thanks to our new healthcare laws in the U.S. I can totally sympathize. However, don't be afraid to try the medication or even switch meds if the omeprazole doesn't work. It's important to keep the acid under control. It can irritate your esophagus and cause swallowing and breathing difficulties. If the meds make you nervous, try some of the home remedies suggested. They do help.

02-22-2014, 04:24 AM
Whats creating me more anxiety is the endless list of side-effects on the heartburn pills :/
And also just the fact that I went to a clinic makes me anxious because im sure that I picked up a dozen new diseases...

02-22-2014, 06:18 AM
I also have a little bit nausea and stomach pains, I wonder if this is normal with heartburn???

02-22-2014, 07:43 AM
im starting to honestly think its anxiety causing me these symptoms, in this case should I continue with the pills or not?

02-22-2014, 11:32 AM
I am feeling this burning sensation like everywhere in my upper body, it just like moves around, from the waist up the the throat and everything in between..... nothing really makes sense other than anxiety

but its horrifying and scary

im just soo tired of it :(

02-22-2014, 11:43 AM
also my urinating seems to be burning...... please god make this stop already.....

I am honestly thinking it is indeed anxiety but it just can be any of a million things im sick of it.... if I would atleast know what is wrong I would feel so much better

02-22-2014, 11:53 AM
I feel like I am constantly burning inside, isn't usual heartburn just a little burp that comes and goes?!? help...

02-22-2014, 11:58 AM
but if it was something other than anxiety or heartburn but instead something physical shouldn't it be constant and not all over the place (different places, different times, etc)???

I just want to turn time forward or backward or whatever cuz I really cant take this...

02-22-2014, 12:20 PM
Can somebody just tell me that it is just anxiety and as soon as I calm down all the symptoms go away? I just need to believe that.... no matter if its true or not.

02-22-2014, 12:26 PM
I feel like my stomach is burning right now.... seriously what is this? ....

02-22-2014, 12:42 PM
Acid reflux...anxiety. What pills are you presently taking???....chillax. relax, it isnt anything more...


02-22-2014, 12:44 PM
Acid reflux...anxiety. What pills are you presently taking???....chillax. relax, it isnt anything more...


omeprazole (omiflux)... but I dont know if I should take them or not, I dont know if they have side effects or even if the diagnosis is correct, no tests were done on me, I just told the nurse that I have heartburn and she prescribed it.

Maybe I should just give it a week and see how it goes before I take any more pills? I mean what harm can not taking pills do? I will just try to avoid heartburn causing foods and go running or something... :/

but at the moment im just burning inside and its unbearable.

02-22-2014, 12:59 PM
I take omeprazole every day. I take it 30 mins before breakfast, and it is an excellent medication to control acid reflux, heartburn, throat pains, stomach burning, chest pains, chest burning, and keeps that acid from affecting the heart rate and keeps pressure of the lungs too....
Take it every day friend, and these symptoms will pass...
No, don't wait any longer because you've dealt with this for many many days before now...
Take it....

That's why you're stttiiiilllllllllllll suffering.....


02-22-2014, 01:03 PM
I take omeprazole every day. I take it 30 mins before breakfast, and it is an excellent medication to control acid reflux, heartburn, throat pains, stomach burning, chest pains, chest burning, and keeps that acid from affecting the heart rate and keeps pressure of the lungs too....
Take it every day friend, and these symptoms will pass...
No, don't wait any longer because you've dealt with this for many many days before now...
Take it....

That's why you're stttiiiilllllllllllll suffering.....


Are you sure it doesn't cause any long term harm or side effects or addiction? :/

because I really do think this is caused by anxiety, I am regularly running and thin ... I live a rather healthy lifestyle however sometimes I do eat junk food.

Do you also live a healthy lifestyle and the cause of the acid reflux is something anxiety related or you drink/smoke/eat junk/not exercise?

Thank you.

02-22-2014, 01:11 PM
Look at my profile picture.
I was a bodybuilder for 5 solid years, at cleaner than anyone on this planet, knew what to eat, when, and how much..and still have acid reflux because of a bad throat valve.
I didnt eat junkfood to grow to 228 pounds, squat 535, bench 335, or deadlift 455 from the floor with my hands...I too lived a rather healthy lifestyle.
No, there is no risk of addiction, and there are rarely if ever any side effects in anyone reported...
Most allllll people with high anxiety like us, experience these types of symptoms with the gastric system...


02-22-2014, 01:14 PM
Look at my profile picture.
I was a bodybuilder for 5 solid years, at cleaner than anyone on this planet, knew what to eat, when, and how much..and still have acid reflux because of a bad throat valve.
I didnt eat junkfood to grow to 228 pounds, squat 535, bench 335, or deadlift 455 from the floor with my hands...I too lived a rather healthy lifestyle.
No, there is no risk of addiction, and there are rarely if ever any side effects in anyone reported...
Most allllll people with high anxiety like us, experience these types of symptoms with the gastric system...


Alright thanks, I am going thru a horrible time at the moment, even thinking of suicide... guess I gotta just tank thru it...

02-22-2014, 01:17 PM
not worth taking your own life because you have reflux acid...just take the pill and feel better in mere minutes, rather then months....


02-22-2014, 02:56 PM
I guess I must give the pills a shot, this is really unbearable..

02-22-2014, 03:12 PM
No reason to feel bad, about trying to feel good! :)

02-23-2014, 06:00 AM
the pill doesn't seem to be working really (at least not yet) my stomach is still burning :S
What about my posture, how should I sit in front of the computer? As straight as possible?

02-23-2014, 06:19 AM
Seriously man what is causing this? my stomach is totally burning and sometimes chest, etc.... :S I cant take this man what can I do?

02-23-2014, 06:41 AM
what if its something physical like a tear or bleeding or something instead of just acid reflux?

02-23-2014, 06:52 AM
I dont even know what foods I am supposed to eat, many suggestions in the net are contrary to eachother, but it looks like I cant go wrong with banana and yoghurt and baking soda

02-23-2014, 07:23 AM
I wanna die now its not getting any better it will only get worse and I will be like this forever!!!!!

02-23-2014, 07:52 AM
If you're concerned so much that you wanna die, then go see a Doc Skiiizzzzllle!!...It's more than likely just reflux as healthy as you say you are so just take that tablet and give it more than 3 minutes to work!!...

Make this day a good day Skiiizzztttxzzzzooo!!!!....:)

02-23-2014, 08:06 AM
yeah man but its really burning is it really possible just acid reflux that can be fixed with omeprazole.. ?

02-23-2014, 08:17 AM
ok I will try to calm down and give it some more time... if it wont get better in a few days I will go to doctor again :/

02-23-2014, 08:21 AM
Reflux/excess stomach acid friend! Yes, omeprazole can fix that.... just give it more than an hour to do so, it can take abit more time..

Quit stressin it, it isn't anything more.. :)

02-23-2014, 08:43 AM
Reflux/excess stomach acid friend! Yes, omeprazole can fix that.... just give it more than an hour to do so, it can take abit more time..

Quit stressin it, it isn't anything more.. :)

But now im stressed over that I went to the clinic, im afraid I picked up new diseases there, there were many sick people!

02-23-2014, 08:46 AM
You're more likely to get sick from a grocery store shopping cart than you are a clinic filled with sick people so as long as you didn't touch them then stick you hand in your mouth, you're fine so quit freakin Skizzzzz!!!....Find something more realistic to worry about, like the next tv show!!!.....:)

02-23-2014, 11:11 AM
What if my symptoms are caused solely by anxiety (which I think is very likely)? Is it still a good Idea to continue taking the Omeprazole then?

02-23-2014, 11:29 AM
What if my symptoms are caused solely by anxiety (which I think is very likely)? Is it still a good Idea to continue taking the Omeprazole then?

I really need an answer to this question.

02-23-2014, 11:43 AM
How much harm can it cause if I continue the course with the pills? I am afraid it messes something up inside of me...

02-23-2014, 12:40 PM
What if my symptoms are caused solely by anxiety (which I think is very likely)? Is it still a good Idea to continue taking the Omeprazole then?

still need answer to this question, also read that anxiety is a side effect of omeprazole

02-23-2014, 12:59 PM
I read that omeprazole creates anxiety for many people, this just creates more anxiety in me now!! :( :(

02-23-2014, 01:25 PM
man just take a look at this forum, it is freaking me out!!!

02-23-2014, 01:48 PM
I am really freaking out.... what I WANT to believe is that I will take these pills for a week or two, the stomach acid will stabilize, anxiety won't increase, and everything will be fine.

But im just having a really hard time believing it....

02-23-2014, 02:00 PM
Hey there skizo. Here's a few tips for you. Stomach acid can cause managing awful things, the more you tense up and stay stressed the more it will become obvious, even if the medicine is working....your powerful mind can make you believe that it isn't. Go sit in a hot shower for a while, change your environment, better yet. Ask for a small xanax prescription, so you can learn what it's like to feel calm. You are fine. Your nervous system is very overworked. Read the book...Hope and help for your nerves by Dr Claire weekes. It will help you. This isn't worth your sanity.

02-23-2014, 02:03 PM
Omeprazole does not cause anxiety. This is total bunk. What creates anxiety is not doing anything to remedy the constant symptoms of reflux and heartburn. They aren't pleasant and you aren't the first person to ever deal with this. In fact, it's pretty common. People who have anxiety are much more prone to aggravating the symptoms. of course when you are freaking out, your digestive system is going to respond. Furthermore, millions and millions of people deal with digestive problems, with and without anxiety. You haven't been afflicted with some rare, untreatable condition. No one is going to tell you that you're going to be cured in two weeks. That's not reasonable. I've been taking meds to keep mine under control for years. You can keep repeating the question until you get the answer you want, but that doesn't make it the truth. Untreated acid reflux should scare you a lot more than a pill.

02-23-2014, 02:15 PM
Omeprazole does not cause anxiety. This is total bunk. What creates anxiety is not doing anything to remedy the constant symptoms of reflux and heartburn. They aren't pleasant and you aren't the first person to ever deal with this. In fact, it's pretty common. People who have anxiety are much more prone to aggravating the symptoms. of course when you are freaking out, your digestive system is going to respond. Furthermore, millions and millions of people deal with digestive problems, with and without anxiety. You haven't been afflicted with some rare, untreatable condition. No one is going to tell you that you're going to be cured in two weeks. That's not reasonable. I've been taking meds to keep mine under control for years. You can keep repeating the question until you get the answer you want, but that doesn't make it the truth. Untreated acid reflux should scare you a lot more than a pill.

but read that there many people are complaining about it creating anxiety :/


02-23-2014, 02:18 PM
I think you should stay off of Google, and do something else. As you know there are tons of people that already have anxiety, and those are the people on Google rating those medicines. Go do something else or you will become a prisoner to your own body!!

02-23-2014, 02:25 PM
I think you should stay off of Google, and do something else. As you know there are tons of people that already have anxiety, and those are the people on Google rating those medicines. Go do something else or you will become a prisoner to your own body!!

but im burning inside now its my stomach burning constnatly and before it was my chest and so on .... Idk really whats causing it, my mom says its my nerves causing it and that I drank sea buckthorn juice on a empty stomach and my anxiety..... but I think i will be in a vicious cycle right now if anxiety creates these digestive problems and omeprazole creates anxiety so its endless vicious cycle!

Im really health person in genrl i go running 2-3 times a wekk i lift weight i dont smoke i dont drink alcohol... what else can I do!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????

02-23-2014, 02:44 PM
quit trying to find every excuse in the books and under the sun not to feel better because you're searching everything into the ground, and focus on yourself rather than sitting there are looking at those pills and take one so you'll feel better because you haven't yet and yer still in pain and misery....if I said that sesame seeds were good for anxiety than you'd more than likely find some obscure forum that says that they caused heartburn and anxiety....so, quit drinking sea buckthorn juice (whatever the hell that is) and take your meds and chillax!!!.....Skiizzzlllet!!

E-Man...and omeprazole doesnt cause anxiety!! your obesessive behavior causes anxiety!!!.. :)

02-23-2014, 02:50 PM
skizo why you do not listen the smart people here? Why you do not listen your mom?
How the frigging heartburn can have pages and pages of posts. It is heartburn, for ** *8 sake. Ab explained, JLB did it too. and you still whining. I think I posted here with the explanation what it is and what the medication does. I am on similar one and saying that they cause anxiety is pure BS. Stop it because you cause more anxiety for yourself. Read through our stickies on General forum and you will get tons of information.

If you can not read google with a dose of skepticism, do not do it. I bet 95% of people here have this problem. Just drink a glass of milk. Do not eat chips and eat smaller portion. Do you eat????????????
do not get me wrong but if you do not eat you will have too much acid in your stomach.... Obviously you are not obese, I can not through all this pages. If you are from EU Empire, you could have the bacteria in your stomach, I brought it from Europe and went through hell with it. It is curable. Do you know about it?
Many people have it asymptomatic. Maybe it is an idea to check it. Just blood test;))

02-23-2014, 02:51 PM
but what if my indigestion symptoms are all purely caused by anxiety? in that case I should still keep taking the omeprazole?

02-23-2014, 02:52 PM
quit trying to find every excuse in the books and under the sun not to feel better because you're searching everything into the ground, and focus on yourself rather than sitting there are looking at those pills and take one so you'll feel better because you haven't yet and yer still in pain and misery....if I said that sesame seeds were good for anxiety than you'd more than likely find some obscure forum that says that they caused heartburn and anxiety....so, quit drinking sea buckthorn juice (whatever the hell that is) and take your meds and chillax!!!.....Skiizzzlllet!!

E-Man...and omeprazole doesnt cause anxiety!! your obesessive behavior causes anxiety!!!.. :)Bingo! I have no idea what sea buckthorn juice is either. Sounds more dangerous than omeprazole, though.

02-23-2014, 02:56 PM
but what if my indigestion symptoms are all purely caused by anxiety? in that case I should still keep taking the omeprazole?

Yessssssssssssssss and stop this nonsense man, first of all when I constantly listen and feel my body for pain, you bet your life I find it!!!
STop thinking about it, take a pill and enjoy your life :)) you will be fine....just stop it:)

Sea buckthorn contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, and other active ingredients. It might have some activity against stomach and intestinal ulcers, and heartburn symptoms.
Sea buckthorn oil is used in anti aging products, at least in ones I make :))
Berries are beneficial but one has to be careful with it. The juice is just something that can sell to people, with a half of litre of juice in 100 litres of water....and corn syrup...stop drinking it , especially on empty stomach

02-23-2014, 02:57 PM
quit trying to find every excuse in the books and under the sun not to feel better because you're searching everything into the ground, and focus on yourself rather than sitting there are looking at those pills and take one so you'll feel better because you haven't yet and yer still in pain and misery....if I said that sesame seeds were good for anxiety than you'd more than likely find some obscure forum that says that they caused heartburn and anxiety....so, quit drinking sea buckthorn juice (whatever the hell that is) and take your meds and chillax!!!.....Skiizzzlllet!!

E-Man...and omeprazole doesnt cause anxiety!! your obesessive behavior causes anxiety!!!.. :)

and if i have this bacteria then I have to start running between doctors again :/ and its gonna take forever and create more and more problems and anxiety

02-23-2014, 03:09 PM
I guess you'll never know...until you actually take that first pill, will you?....

So, what's it gonna be? 400 more post about how bad you're in pain with added anxiety? OR,,the Omeprazole tablet sitting right there in front of you?


E-Man.... :)

02-23-2014, 03:10 PM
Bingo! I have no idea what sea buckthorn juice is either. Sounds more dangerous than omeprazole, though.

Bingo J!!!....:)

02-23-2014, 05:00 PM
Personally, I don't believe heartburn is a symptom of anxiety, or connected to it, it's what you're eating/drinking that's the culprit. Acidic foods will do it, coffee, pizza, bakery (cookies, donuts), juice, some fruits.. Meh, I just like drinking milk to get rid of mine. I know I should probably have tums or something, but I don't like it, it tastes chalky and makes me burp.

02-24-2014, 02:04 AM
The thing is just that I think my indigestion problem was caused by anxiety (I had a really stressful period this month), and also I did indeed eat a few things that raised my acid levels, but there is no big underlying problem (I think).
So I am just afraid if I keep taking the omeprazole I might mess up the balance inside my stomach ... I have took the pills for 3 days now, I do feel better already so maybe I should now quit taking them and instead just try to adjust my diet more so it will go away on its own? or should I complete the 2 week course of taking the pills?

02-24-2014, 02:05 AM
Complete the two weeks.

02-24-2014, 03:08 AM
Complete the two weeks.

ok but I think the reason is because I ate too acid food for a while, but overall I live healthy lifestyle I am in good shape and go running regularly dont smoke dont drink alcohol...

But I ate chocolate, pies, sea buckthorn juice, etc...

02-24-2014, 03:21 AM
ok but I think the reason is because I ate too acid food for a while, but overall I live healthy lifestyle I am in good shape and go running regularly dont smoke dont drink alcohol...

But I ate chocolate, pies, sea buckthorn juice, etc...

It's ok. Stress and poor diet can make that happen.

The meds can only help, they won't harm anything.

02-24-2014, 09:51 AM
I am definitly feeling like the omeprazole is creating me huge anxiety!! and look here: http://www.patient.co.uk/forums/discuss/omeprazole-side-effects-light-headed-anxiety-attacks-23821
people are complaining about it creating anxiety :/
so IDK :/ if the pill is causing me anxiety or just my own mind...

02-24-2014, 10:03 AM
it's your mind.

02-24-2014, 10:24 AM
it's your mind.

Well whatever it is my anxiety is really high right now :S
The indigestion is a lot better but now I feel extremely anxious...

I will just try to take it easy....

02-24-2014, 11:06 AM
it is hopeless , man you causing anxiety for the readers of this thread, just keep quiet and read the others forums, it is impossible

02-24-2014, 12:44 PM
I also have a bit of head pressure and a very slight nose bleed... :S

02-24-2014, 02:25 PM
I just sometimes get a bit pressure in my head and jaw stiffness, I know that can be anxiety symptom but im thinking my anxiety is caused by the pills?