View Full Version : Greetings from Serbia

02-21-2014, 09:57 AM
Hi everyone! I'm from Serbia, so forgive me if I make grammar mistakes often.
I suffer from anxiety disorder and panic attacks for over 7 years. They basically ruined my life. I was going to a therapy, and taking medications, but nothing works. My attack always come back, so is my anxiety. I don't like crowds, open space, to travel, sometimes I can't even go to the store. I don't have a job, only couple of friends, and that's pretty much it. After a lot of struggle with my fears, I did manage to have a boyfriend, but he left me after two months, because of my fears, so that made me feel much more worst about myself. I often think about ending my life, because there is not much left of it. Oh, and I'm 28.
I can see there is other people struggling with this every day, but it's not much of a comfort to me. I don't have any more will to struggle.
And that's my story.

02-21-2014, 10:48 AM
Hi everyone! I'm from Serbia, so forgive me if I make grammar mistakes often. I suffer from anxiety disorder and panic attacks for over 7 years. They basically ruined my life. I was going to a therapy, and taking medications, but nothing works. My attack always come back, so is my anxiety. I don't like crowds, open space, to travel, sometimes I can't even go to the store. I don't have a job, only couple of friends, and that's pretty much it. After a lot of struggle with my fears, I did manage to have a boyfriend, but he left me after two months, because of my fears, so that made me feel much more worst about myself. I often think about ending my life, because there is not much left of it. Oh, and I'm 28. I can see there is other people struggling with this every day, but it's not much of a comfort to me. I don't have any more will to struggle. And that's my story.

First of all.....your grammar is better than a lot of English speakers. :). And you are not alone.....don't ever give up as the sun will come up. I would think you might want to face your fears to overcome them. It won't be pleasant but it's the only way to heal. Start out small....build your confidence and you might be surprised as you melt away your fears over time. Hang in there.....you are not alone !


02-21-2014, 12:22 PM
Zdravo, kako si?

I speak a little Serbian actually. My ex gf was from Belgrade. I visited a few times too. I love Serbia. Is it Belgrade that you live in?

And like David said, your English is really good! Don't sweat that.

What medications were you taking? Have you had a standard blood test to rule out health problems that can sometimes exacerbate anxieties?

02-21-2014, 01:58 PM
Hi, osvete. Potrebno je da unesete vaše ime becasue ne želim da vas pozivaju da. Im' alostan JA vam idu throug ovog i ja znam kako je izgubio možete osetiti. Postoji dosta ljudi koji priče zvuk upravo kao tvoj ne. Tona ljudi ovde da mogu dati veliki savete o tome kako da prevaziđe

I don't know any Serbian but gave it a go on a translator.

If the above insults you in any way, it wasn't me fault!

02-22-2014, 12:07 PM
Thank you all for such great support!
Yes, I'm from Belgrade, too. And let me answer you to that - Hvala, dobro! :)
I'm sorry, NixonRulz, but I don't understand much of that text. But it's not insulting, so don't worry :)

My name is Anika. For the past 6 months I was taking antidepressants called Flunisan, one pill a day. I also have Lorazepam, I think you know what type of sedative is that, but I only use it when I have to. About that blood test, yes, I have done it several times because I have problem with low iron anemia. And it usually is reason why my anxiety is sometimes worst, but it's not the cause of anxiety.

02-22-2014, 01:24 PM
Sorry to hear your feeling this way!! Try not to give up!! I know it's hard but you have to try! I have suffered with anxiety for about 20 years so I know how you feel! I understand the crowd and the traveling thing. I am the same way at times :-( But I pull through and you will to!! :-) Keep the faith!! We're all in this together!!

02-24-2014, 09:03 PM
Thank you all for such great support!
Yes, I'm from Belgrade, too. And let me answer you to that - Hvala, dobro! :)
I'm sorry, NixonRulz, but I don't understand much of that text. But it's not insulting, so don't worry :)

My name is Anika. For the past 6 months I was taking antidepressants called Flunisan, one pill a day. I also have Lorazepam, I think you know what type of sedative is that, but I only use it when I have to. About that blood test, yes, I have done it several times because I have problem with low iron anemia. And it usually is reason why my anxiety is sometimes worst, but it's not the cause of anxiety.

Flunisan is also called Prozac over here. Do you like it? :)

Lorazepam is a good benzo too.

In Belgrade do you ever visit Coffee Dream? They do the nicest Cinnamon Latte ever!!!!!

Haris Dacic
02-26-2014, 12:32 AM
posalji mi poruku ako me vidis online i mozemo pricat kroz chat ;)

02-26-2014, 12:45 AM
Where are you from haris ;)