View Full Version : Numbness and tingling, how to get rid of it without medication?

02-21-2014, 05:01 AM
For the past 4 months I've had numbness and tingling in the face. I'm sure it's anxiety related, two family doctors told me and I know myself. I became aware of my problems 3 weeks ago and that way I was able to heal it a little by eliminating what I was doing to cause the anxiety (I think I feel the physical effects less now). But it's still there..and I have an appointment with a psychiatrist in two months but I'm in University right now so it's affecting me and by the time I get there the effects might even be gone..so what can I do for now? The shoulders and neck muscles are tense, maybe if I massage it the facial symptoms will go away? Or?

Edit: And apparently I might have OCD that triggers my Anxiety, but that's not for sure.

02-21-2014, 05:14 AM
Can't get to a psych for two months? That's just stupid.

If your docs have said your fine then focus on that and not what it could be

You will never convince yourself you are fine so let the docs make that decision

You are in school and should be enjoying it and drinking way too much like everyone else

Read through the posts and see how many people try to worry their problems away

Never happens

Accept you are fine

02-21-2014, 05:49 AM
Can't get to a psych for two months? That's just stupid.

If your docs have said your fine then focus on that and not what it could be

You will never convince yourself you are fine so let the docs make that decision

You are in school and should be enjoying it and drinking way too much like everyone else

Read through the posts and see how many people try to worry their problems away

Never happens

Accept you are fine

Thanks for the advice. Although the doctor never said I was fine.

02-21-2014, 06:04 AM
Thanks for the advice. Although the doctor never said I was fine.

Next time you should try a different outfit or hairstyle when you go to their office. LOL

I thought the doctors said it was anxiety per your post so I assumed that meant nothing physically wrong?

02-21-2014, 06:15 AM
Next time you should try a different outfit or hairstyle when you go to their office. LOL

I thought the doctors said it was anxiety per your post so I assumed that meant nothing physically wrong?
Stress and anxiety can cause unimaginable things physically to your body, family doctors, so they couldn't diagnose me meaning it's not official.

I wasn't being sarcastic though, thanks for the advice it seems smart I'll try it out.

Edit: I'd still like to hear other replies though

02-21-2014, 02:53 PM
It sounds like classic anxiety, no? Typical healthcare system, 2 months isn't so bad, I think it took me 4? And even then they were short sessions. Are you US or UK?

The tingliness will be helped massively by breathing changes. 99% of anxious people hyperventilate. It effects blood flow, and oxygenation.
Search the buteyko method/frolov breathing device for a life long fix. Alternatively, ensuring you have regular and consistent diaphragmatic breathing is a MUST. Again, most anxious people are chest breathers. Lie down, put your hand on your chest and your belly... Which moves most as you breathe? The chest should barely move, if it's moving, there's a big part of your problem.

Of course helping anxiety will relax you, and make some of this stuff happen naturally, but if it doesn't, there ya go ^

For tension, massages are great, but unless you can keep dropping the bucks every week for them, it'll just come back. Progressive Muscle Relaxation should prevent and ease this. Google it. Every anxious person should be doing it.

Tight muscles > Restricted breathing > > Altered blood flow > Symptoms.

It's that simple for most people. Try it out, see how you get on.