View Full Version : Balancing life..

02-21-2014, 04:42 AM
I am finding it difficult to balance my life, and everything in it... I want to do SO much but get over whelmed and not do anything except sit and obsess over how to do it all... Kinda pathetic really hahaha
I suppose it's just a take one thing at a time... Then when it becomes habit add something else... I'm just sooooooo inpatient which is a horrible trait for an anxiety sufferer... We bloody need patients to get through this dick and balls..
And I really want to try balance everything out before I start my full time job in a couple weeks!! Eeekkkk! Super excited and NERVIOUS!' No more hours on end of just siting and pondering for me.. For that I am thankful! Just need to figure out a way to include all this none sense I want to pick up...
Incase you ask what my 'none sense' is:
:6 days a week

:5-6 days a week

-pole dancing
:4 times a week

:1-2 times a week

-FBW(fat burning walk)/ relaxation(clear head) walk
:every morning



-working on anxiety techniques

-me time

- EATING! I never seem to make time for this bad boy... Which is TERRIBLE!!

-meal prep!

-grocery shopping

And ofcource sleep

Yep... This will all be hard with a full time job!

I already have a week plan sheet.. And it's all there except I just don't follow it! Maybe make a new one and follow it? I don't know.. But it's shit.. I want all of this completed and I always feel like crap if I don't yet I sit and ponder as to why I don't get it all done when all I seem to do is sit and think about how to accomplish this and win at life!

So... Any suggestions would be fabulous :D
Otherwise ill just have to bit the bullet and pull my socks up and get this shit done and OWNED! LIKE A BOSS!

Merry normal day, hope it's a beautiful and stress free one. :)


02-21-2014, 04:53 AM
Morning Amber

Most of things you list are enjoyable things and it stresses you out because you are putting entirely too much pressure on yourself to do them all

One thing a day for working out. Pole dance off gym days

Mediation on off yoga days

Actually meditation and yoga can be "me" time

Your schedule actually isn't different from most

Full time job and time to do everything else can be a balancing act

Take each day as it comes and do what you can each day

Putting pressure to complete everything everyday will just add more pressure

More pressure ups your anxiety level so you need to do all those things even more to combat it

The sky won't fall if you cut back a bit

Nor will you fall apart

02-21-2014, 05:02 AM
Aww thanks nix! Solid advice and no hilarity in your post! Is this a first?! :O!? Just kidding mate thank you :)

02-21-2014, 06:19 AM
Hey BengaBamBam!!
Gotta agree with bruh Nix...gotta relax abit too dear! Kick back with a good cigar and some iced tea....yeah!
Have a great day friends!


02-21-2014, 07:51 AM
1. Talk to your boyfriend.

2. Maybe include your boyfriend in that list. I had no idea about any of this.

3. Nobody knows more about balancing multiple tasks at one time and kicking ass. Seems like everything you post is an echo of what I tell you every single day. We need to talk amber. Asap

02-21-2014, 08:06 AM
Hi Amber. All of those things are me things as you say. They're all about trying to look after yourself. Keep it simple. Eat well, enjoy what ever activity you choose from that list each day but recognise that squashing them all in will run you down, not benefit you. The simple reason that none are being done is because you know such an exhaustive list as that has immediately set yourself up for failure. Therefore....no point getting up and starting. There are only so many hours in a day and you Amber do not receive more hours than everyone else lol! Just remember to enjoy your life and think about quality being more beneficial than quantity. X

^^^^ this one is correct^^^^^

02-21-2014, 08:18 AM
Lol....it happens occasionally! LMAO. Now too implement her own advice doh!

Frankie, you can leave here for the day. Your work here is done.

Say hi to Tripod for me