View Full Version : depressed

03-18-2008, 11:29 PM
im really depressed right now and scared. i dont know what caused it:( i havent had anziety for about a week. it was great i was back to my old self again. but now its back:( i dont know what to do:( i went to my friends house lastnight. (the night before my anxiety came back) and we drank all night and i stayed over there until around 5:30 AM. i dont know if drinking caused it but now i feel really ashamed of my self and my dad told me to come home around 1, but orcourse i didnt so i feel bad about that also. :cry: . so yea thats my story for tonight.

Thanks for reading:)

03-19-2008, 02:41 PM
Try not to fight the feelings so much. If you're feeling anxious, then so be it. Anxiety is just a feeling, it's OK to feel anxious. Besides, trying to control anxiety it will only make it worse. Eventually, it will pass, like all feelings.

03-19-2008, 05:23 PM
having a hangover always makes me anxious. i kind of expect it now and resolve to spend my hungover days in bed watching family guy - ALL day! ;) my tip is to go for a run when you feel up to it and if you can. sweat it out and drink lots of water and tomorrow you will be back! :)