View Full Version : Fear of being without my Husband

02-21-2014, 12:04 AM
Have a strange fear of going anywhere without my Husband being there with me. I absolutely hate it because he doesn't always want to go where I need or want to go so I just don't go. My Grandfather, who raised me, is in the Hospital so now more then ever I need him there n all he wants to do is drop me off there. He knows how much my grandfather means to me but I feel like he just doesn't care. I need a friend who knows what I'm going through, to talk to. I'm starting to feel like I cant talk to him anymore. Does anyone else have a similar phobia?

02-21-2014, 12:46 AM
Whenever my boyfriend goes to work or anywhere really, I always worry about him getting into a car accident sometimes it makes me really anxious. I also get nervous about him while he's at work because he works at the mall and there have been a lot of mall shootings... around the holiday season it's a lot worse. But I know what you mean, I get nervous without him a lot and want to be together as a comfort... He doesn't get it sometimes because he doesn't understand anxiety so it can be annoying.
Maybe you should explain to your husband how important his support is to you right now with what you're going through, and having him just be there for moral support would help you. Men can be so dumb sometimes, they just don't get what we feel and are going through and how they sometimes just need to physically BE there. Good luck :) <3

02-21-2014, 12:57 AM
Thank you for your response. I've explained it to him, he claims to understand, until it's time for me to go see my grandpa, then its moans n groans n him telling me he'll just drop me off. :( then the anxiety starts kicking in. Especially because its a hospital. I get Clausterphobic in Hospitals but I have to see my grandpa. I feel like I married the wrong man sometimes. Ok a lot of times, but I just have to stick it out and find a way to do things without him. Not going to be easy, just wish I had a friend that I could count on instead of my husband. Feeling a sense of desperation right now.....

02-21-2014, 04:25 AM
Where are you from honey? Yes, you def need someone there and it's horrible that your hubby is being so irrational! Guhh... Men are different from us females.. Just say flat out you want him there.. And if he moans and groans be angry about it.. Tell him your pissed of, hell I'd even go as far as telling him he is suppose to be your best friend, he is suppose to BE there for you when you need him! Boy, I would not stand for that crap.. Boils my blood just seeing you have to deal with it.. Poor thing.. I'm always here if you want, just shoot me a pm or add me on FB'
Amber Gbenga
Much love xx