View Full Version : Lingering sense of agitation/anxious

02-20-2014, 09:01 PM
Hi all, I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. I'm really flustered with myself right now. I should be having the time of my life on vacation but being so far out from civilization and my comfort zones have really got me on edge . I've been reading linden, deep breathing, etcetera but I continue having an increased sense of panic. Thank God the plane ride out went well, but I've been so agitated and tense and I don't know why. Any advice on how to relax would be much appreciated thank you!

02-20-2014, 09:26 PM
Blessed what about few drinks? You are doing everything what you suppose to do, except having fun. Years ago when I did not know what to do , I got smashed once in a while. Gave myself a few hours of break.
I do not know if it is ok to recommend it.........drinks, ocean, beech. ....

02-20-2014, 09:35 PM
I have myself so worked up that although a glass of wine used to calm me down I'm timid to try now because of any side effects etc. so Aggravating not being able to enjoy "life" , our trip is almost over and each day there has been some type of anxious and scary issue I have dealt with . I'm just annoyed with myself because I have had to rely on Ativan all week! I'm just disappointed in myself right now but it has to get better !!!

02-20-2014, 09:36 PM
What side effects? Hangover? oh ativan, yes it is not good idea to mix the two....ativan is short lived after 5 hours of break you can really take a glass, maybe 4 and start to enjoy the vacation...You are going to be just fine. Think Blessed, I am green , I envy you so much...I had not have vacation in more than 9 years...

02-20-2014, 09:41 PM
Thank you, yes I'm very grateful to be able to take a trip with my family I'm just disappointed that I have allowed it to revolve around anxiety , that I keep dwelling on and shouldn't . I hope you get to go on vacation real soon!!!

02-20-2014, 10:00 PM
Blessed I hope so too. I do not think it will happen this year though.....Please enjoy the vacation for yourself your family, and for me ...a bit :))

02-20-2014, 10:07 PM
Blessed how did you deal with ur anxiety on the plane? I need help I am flying soon

02-21-2014, 09:49 PM
Blessed how did you deal with ur anxiety on the plane? I need help I am flying soon I did take two ativan before takeoff per my docs advice just to take the edge off. I kept myself occupied by reading and listening to music, and of course praying. Coming from someone who had a squalling meltdown on my last flight, I knew I had to get a grip because my kids would be with me. Tomorrow is our flight home and will be longer due to layover. I will take my ativan as directed and occupy the mind. Best wishes Hun, I don't think anyone was as scared to fly as I was, but for me it's just another stepping stone in squashing out this anxiety stronghold . Just relax enjoy your time with your daughter , you will be fine!!!!

02-21-2014, 09:53 PM
I did take two ativan before takeoff per my docs advice just to take the edge off. I kept myself occupied by reading and listening to music, and of course praying. Coming from someone who had a squalling meltdown on my last flight, I knew I had to get a grip because my kids would be with me. Tomorrow is our flight home and will be longer due to layover. I will take my ativan as directed and occupy the mind. Best wishes Hun, I don't think anyone was as scared to fly as I was, but for me it's just another stepping stone in squashing out this anxiety stronghold . Just relax enjoy your time with your daughter , you will be fine!!!!

You keep taking giant steps like this, Blessed, no one will believe that you had any issues

Just floored with how far you have come over the last few months

Its just over for you

02-21-2014, 09:54 PM
Thank you I'm so happy!!!

02-21-2014, 10:33 PM
That's how I felt during Christmas, I was trying to enjoy myself, have fun, I just couldn't shake my growing anxiety creeping back in on me, it really kind of did fck up Christmas for me.

It is frustrating, but it's not really your fault, the anxiety is just there for whatever reason cause your stress level is high right now..and it's harder to deal with when you're away from familiar surroundings especially. I don't know what kind of vacation you're on, but if you're at a beach, go swimming, or jump in the pool... exercise during the day helps you sleep better at night. When you're tired, it's easier to wind down, your mind and body get to a point where it starts to shut down and is too tired to think about anxieties, anxiety takes energy. The bitch can't beat you down all day long, remember that.

02-22-2014, 12:10 AM
Anxiety is one of those things really that you can do very little to do about in any given moment. Sure, some people have developed coping mechanisms, some find benzos helpful, they're good if those are available to you/ work.

When they don't, or your anxiety is super high, or you have tonnes of nervous energy, all you can do really is roll with the punches. Trying to get beyond it too soon, can often make it worse.

Something is happening either physiologically inside of you, and/or inside of your brain, due to over activity in certain areas (the amygdala being one), that is making you feel the way you are, and, it's something you can't really change quickly, as the wheels are in motion. The process is happening, and going around on repeat, and can only be changed little by little.

I guess that's why certain occasions can make it worse. They can add tension, and expectation.

Unfortunately, the brain stuff takes ages to change. All the positive thinking in the world can't change that in a week or two. The physiological stuff, well, sometimes like Apple said, taking some exercise or meditating can help settle a bit.

What you can take comfort in though, is even if in any given moment you can't change your anxiety, and make the condition go away, or see sense, you can begin to start (or keep doing) the things that are gonna help you get on top of it.

You say you're reading Linden, well Linden talks about this principal. The subconscious effect of anxiety, and how to therefore ease it subconsciously:

If you keep going, and going, and pushing through those barriers like you have done, and keep living, and acting as if you were free of anxiety, then that will send a message to your subconscious. If you keep going, and playing down fears, playing down those worries, then that will communicate something to your amygdala.

And that is something you can do at any given moment, even if you can't quite make the condition go, or are getting frustrated. You can take comfort in the fact that you're going about everything the right way.

And by doing that, what linden recommends, over and over, little by little, you see changes.

Until then, it's all about learning to live with frustration, and dealing with that nervous energy that just has to be there right now. But that's not so bad when you realize you're on the right path.

Keep going dear, you are going in the right direction. You are on the right path now. I've known you from the start, and I am very happy with where you're heading. As are others. Trust meeee :)