View Full Version : How to eliminate anxiety

02-20-2014, 07:26 PM
[QUOTE="AJLONDON;162317"]1. You can and WILL find your happiness/stability/peace again! 2. It is okay. 3. It is truly possible that it is all in your head, don't doubt the power of your mind. 4. During your battle you will have good days, and then more bad days. Don't be discouraged! That's okay! 5. Find the lesson your anxiety is trying to teach you. 6. Our bodies are natural pharmacies, and can heal just about everything! 7. There is always hope. 8. You are not the only person who feels this way. 9. DO NOT GOOGLE YOUR HEALTH SYMPTOMS. If it's that bad, take action. 10. Live in the now; in the moment. It is all that really matters. Something will eventually affect us all, enjoy what you have now. 11. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are depressed, you are living in the past. 12. Love yourself, love others, love nature, love the universe. 13. If you think you're going crazy, you're not. Someone who is truly going crazy doesn't realize it. 14. Fear is a choice. 15. Find your path, and take control. 16. Just for today you will not stress, worry, or chew your thoughts. If you find yourself doing that, take a nap. 17. It's a terrible thing in life to wait until you are ready. No one is ever truly "ready". Take action now! Experience! Live! 18. Don't fret when you find yourself losing the battle. You're still you, still alive, just experiencing in a different, and often insightful, way.[

02-21-2014, 07:12 AM

These are concepts and point to true at that, here's my take. Sounds like you're saying straighten up, snap out of it etc. This is great, but you might want to tell us how you "know" this

stuff, and break the concepts you state down a lot. I'm afraid you may be looking for numbers on posts to get to where you want to lay down your website, as others might too. I

encourage all you are saying, and yes I think you're right on mostly. However you can't run into a bar with a bunch of regular drinkers and say "HEY quit drinking, live one day at a time

and it will all be okay". Though true, you're not going to have a good reception party, as they don't want to hear concepts with no understanding, especially if they didn't ask for your

advice. Please explain your concepts as they relate to you, not as a information specialist that has no tried and true working yourself. Just sayin, have some compassion. Peace

02-21-2014, 07:15 AM
It is copied Goomba post , you will see 7 of them

02-21-2014, 08:50 AM
LOL Goomba. I like that, not sure what it means dear woman, but it sounds great! Peace Dahila

I figured I'd give him a chance to explain, to see if he's a real cowboy, or all hat and no cattle? LOL

02-21-2014, 09:48 AM
Guys I respect your thoughts on this but I was trying to help to post that post so many people could see it and work in it I tried that my self in person so I'm aware it does work

02-21-2014, 10:51 AM
Guys I respect your thoughts on this but I was trying to help to post that post so many people could see it and work in it I tried that my self in person so I'm aware it does work
I got it, you do a good job, but try to copy his list the way it was, very nicely done in bullets , easy to read :))
Ajlondon you are funny guy

02-21-2014, 10:54 AM
LOL Goomba. I like that, not sure what it means dear woman, but it sounds great! Peace Dahila

I figured I'd give him a chance to explain, to see if he's a real cowboy, or all hat and no cattle? LOL
It a nick of one of ours members Gene, he made that beautiful post about anxiety and how to fight it, very uplifting... The Allondon copied it and made 7 threads with copying the Goomba list. He is helping us to see it:)) It is so good.......:rolleyes:


sorry for double post..

02-21-2014, 10:58 AM
I think you 2 have some real issues to resolve take a chill pill and relax no wonder your like the way you are criticising people over things is not a good sign for health !!!!!!